Smart scales?

What can you guys tell me about the smart scales? The Fitbit Aria, Withings, etc. Are they accurate for the body fat and BMI?


  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    What can you guys tell me about the smart scales? The Fitbit Aria, Withings, etc. Are they accurate for the body fat and BMI?

    I just ordered the Withings off of Amazon but people who commented on it seem to think the BMI is accurate (since it is a relatively simple calculation it should be) but the body fat is more of a swag. When I get it in a week I will let you know.

    I'm more interested in just having an accurate scale but my wife wanted to get something digital. We'll see if we bother using any of the wifi features. Probably not.
  • MDChesler
    MDChesler Posts: 48 Member
    I have the Withings total body analyzer. I love it! as for the body fat% I dont know how accurate it is. Mine has been changing as I lose weight but it is different within a percentage point or two daily. I think it is more of an estimate
  • MDChesler
    MDChesler Posts: 48 Member
    absolutely use the WiFi features. Withings connects to MFP and automatically syncs your weight and BMI.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I have the fit bit aria - love it!! However we had to work out some ticks at first lol
    I found out after much frustration that it has to be stored flat or it will have to re-configure every time which gives you false readings. I now store it flat and it has been within 2 ounces of my other scale. I weighed myself with both for a month or two to make sure before completely switching :/ We also tested it using weights for accuracy and to see how sensitive our stance would be. Regardless of how you shift your weight (if you tend to put more weight on one side of your body) it did not make a difference...still gave the correct weight. My other scale sometimes was touchy with that sort of thing.

    My husband and I both use it and it uploads our weight when we do - to the correct account. No issues there

    Edit to add - i do not pay attention to scale body fat % as I do not believe they are accurate at all to begin with
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    I use the Withings... I love it! It seems pretty accurate. I like that it is synced to my computer and MFP. Gives you a good history of your progress.
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    I have the Aria scale and the fitbit. I step on my scale first thing every morning and then it just syncs with all of my programs... MFP and fitbit automatically have the data and there's no way that I can fudge it! I also have mine synced with Trendweight ( because it gives me great stats. Basically it finds what your trend is over time, so if you fluctuate back and forth a bit it doesn't feel like you've gained two pounds, rather you're still the lower weight with 2 lbs of bloating or a belly full of food.

    The scale seems to be accurate and matches within a pound or so of other scales I've used. The only awkward thing is the reporting on MFP. If I go up a pound and then regulate back to the lower weight the next day, it says that I've lost a pound. So basically, even though I've dropped about 40 lbs in total, the daily reporting makes it look like I've dropped like 100 pounds. people have congratulated me on losses that aren't really losses, rather normal up/down fluctuations. I know I can change that setting, but I haven't.

    All in all, I'm really glad I have my Aria because it keeps me honest, I can see patterns with my choices and it really works with my laziness as far as reporting weight change. I've also had it about a year and haven't had to change the batteries!

    Best of luck!
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    I have a FitBit Aria and it seems as accurate as any other scale as far as weight. BMI is just calculated using your weight and height so that will be as accurate as what the scale says and what you give as your height. For body fat, I take the number with a grain of salt. From what I've read the body fat percentage given by an device which use electrical impedance (like any body fat scale) has a higher margin of error than some other measurement methods. In fact, I can step on and off the scale and get two slightly different readings. Daily it swings a couple percent either way (I assume based off water, food, etc that are in the body). I do feel like it's solid enough to use as a means to see if you're body fat is trending up or down over a long period of time though which is useful.
  • SarahMarieYates
    SarahMarieYates Posts: 27 Member
    I have the Fitbit Aria and I love it so far! Had a little trouble setting is up with my home WiFi but once I took the batteries out it reset and worked.

    I love that it syncs with my Fitbit dashboard (I have the Fitbit Flex), MyFitnessPal and also my employee Virgin Health Miles account without me having to go to a million sites to update them.

    I'm thinking the body fat is spot on as well.

    Good luck with your scale shopping.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hey! I've got one of those scales, and IMO the term 'smart' is up for debate.... I'm only using it for weight, everything else has been frustrating for me. The body fat jumps up and down like crazy, because the scale is sensitive to everything from a glass of water or a meal that I had before, to taking a shower, to 'that time of a month', to finding a level spot on the floor to set it on... I'm pinching again with a skin fold caliper. I'm planning to get a fitness assessment at a college nearby that has a BOD POD. This seems to be the most accurate way to determine body fat. BMI calculation has it's limits for me, because I'm a size 4 at 135 lbs. I have a lot of lean muscle mass, due to weight lifting.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone!

    I am leaning more towards the Aria since I have Fitbit one but thought I would ask about as others as well just for comparison.

    I am debating on asking for a new scale or a gym membership for an anniversary present. LOL.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone!

    I am leaning more towards the Aria since I have Fitbit one but thought I would ask about as others as well just for comparison.

    I am debating on asking for a new scale or a gym membership for an anniversary present. LOL.

    Take the gym membership! You might meet more new friends that keep you motivated! Besides, they probably have a scale there anyway...
    Happy anniversary!
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone!

    I am leaning more towards the Aria since I have Fitbit one but thought I would ask about as others as well just for comparison.

    I am debating on asking for a new scale or a gym membership for an anniversary present. LOL.

    Take the gym membership! You might meet more new friends that keep you motivated! Besides, they probably have a scale there anyway...
    Happy anniversary!

    Thanks and that's what one of my friends told me.