People who've had gall bladder attacks?



  • x7xemilyx7x
    x7xemilyx7x Posts: 22 Member
    When I lost weight a good few years ago I kept getting the most horrendous pain every now and again. It was a dull ache below my ribs and went round to my back. I was sick until I was throwing up bile! Anyway after misdiagnosis (acid reflux of all things!) I went to accident and emergency, stayed in hospital for 5 days and was suffering from an inflammed gallbladder!!

    2 months later I had the thing removed!
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Wow so many with similar stories, and occasionally different problems but similar symptoms, thanks everyone who has shared! It gives me something to think about for sure, and if it turns out to not be the gall bladder I'm glad some people have shared with similar stories with different issues that I can always look into. Hoping I hear back this week about the blood work, then I'm not sure how long until I get the results from the ultrasound, hopefully sometime the next week. It's not even that long of a wait but I still feel like the results can't come soon enough!

    That's the only thing I haven't specifically noticed, the pain isn't on my right side I don't think, (I'll try to pay more attention if it happens again though) but generally is the centre of my stomach, just below the rib cage.

    ~Warning TMI - but my bowel movements are usually off for a day or two (hasn't happened every time but has happened a few times) after these stomach aches occur- the next day I'm often constipated, then the following day will have diarrhea (usually burns). So I don't know if this could have anything to do with it either...
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    So, I'm going to go to a walk-in clinic tomorrow to get some medical advice but I've noticed since I've been eating better and losing weight I've been having some stomach pains. Generally late at night, really bad stomach aches where I've felt really nauseous and just can't sleep and lay in pain for about an hour, sometimes longer. I thought at first it was because I've been eating better, and the first time this happened I'd had Chinese food that day at the mall, and it tends to be very fatty/greasy. So I thought okay, my body just doesn't agree with this now.

    This sounds like EXACTLY what I felt before my cholecystectomy. Abdominal pain at night, sometimes excruciating, with horrible nausea. It was really strange because I would be just fine again by day and then the cycle would repeat each night. I was only 12-13 at the time so the doctors never even considered that my gall bladder was the issue...a month's worth of painful nights later it was full of stones and bursting. Not fun. But I felt MUCH better immediately after the surgery, so if that's what's going on for you I hope you're able to get it taken care of soon! Wishing you the best.
  • 053069
    053069 Posts: 52 Member
    I was on daily pills as i was not sure if i want my gallbladder out or not. In the meantime I was using regularly a tea extremely diuretic that i have used to loose weight (bought from Superstore). After almost a year of taking that tea about 3 times a week I forgot to take the pills. This is how I have discovered I might have been cured. There was a post prior about a "cleansing bladder procedure". I would follow that one. The tea I got from Superstore was "slimming tea" - found on organic aisle. I did not have any issues at all in the last two years. I am using the tea maybe once a week but not all the time.
    Gallbladder pain usually happens around 2-3am. Water and vinegar, warm pack where it hurts (or fill your tub with hot water), stay away of heavy/fatty foods. GOOD LUCK !!!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I was reading and couldn't see but maybe I missed it..... Is the pain more right below your ribs or more lower abdomen around belly button level or lower?
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Hi there! I've had gb attacks as well. As far as my experience, mine were right after my first child, then randomly after that. I do not have stones, so I decided to try and keep it. Look up some info for yourself first. I do not remember everything because it's been a few years, but the Dr. didn't tell me. I found out myself, from a medical journal, that you have a greater chance of colon cancer if your gallbladder is removed. I decided to take some really good digestive enzymes that had bile in them. Sounds crazy, but after a few months of taking those, I came off all my acid reflux meds and have very infrequent, very mild, gallbladder attacks. It's always when I've been eating fast food, too.:(
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I had my gallbladder out and my story sounds just like yours. That's how my attacks started, with fatty and greasy foods. They misdiagnosed mine though. My attacks got worse and worse, once I thought I was having a heart attack and actually left the hospital after waiting five hours and still not being seen and complaining of chest pains. One doctor told me I was just attention seeking, nobody bothered to do an ultrasound. It wasn't until I had an attack that lasted three days and I couldn't even hold water down that they did anything and I still think that was because I saw a different doctor in the practice that morning. Even after the ultrasound tech saw the stones and noticed my physical symptoms (pale, weak, fever, vomiting, pain scale 100 out of 10) they sent me home. The doctor saw the results and sent me back and had a surgeon waiting for me. As it turned out I had a stone protruding through the wall of my gallbladder and it had actually become a life threatening situation.

    But I felt like I had an alien growing in my upper right abdominal area with spikes tearing my insides apart. Extreme nausea and vomiting, cold sweats, I couldn't get comfortable in any position and I had a rapid heart beat but that was probably from the anxiety and pain. My attacks would usually last anywhere from 30 min to several hours until a few weeks before my emergency surgery.

    Aside from a small list of foods I need to avoid now, all is great. My surgeon told me that large weight fluctuations can cause gallstones. Good luck on your ultrasound and thanks for getting help quickly.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I've had gallstones for many years...I had the worst attacks about 5 years ago..where they would last three days or more. I saw a surgeon and he recommended I lose weight before I have the surgery due to possible complications..I was losing weight fast..doing wonderfully..and he said I wasn't losing it fast enough..after several times of hearing him harp on me even though I was doing everything I knew I could do..I gave up on losing weight at that time...gained every bit back. I am now losing weight again. On my own terms. Yes I still have attacks...but they are not anywhere near as bad now..its a very rare thing for me. Whenever I do eat very greasy fast food and especially Chinese food..I will have at least a minor attack causing diarrhea for a couple hours and some stomach pain...after that I'm fine. I do know how to manage it now so I don't have the major attacks..and I'm working on losing the weight without a doctor's supervision now...without their medical-know-it-all attitudes that I'm not doing enough when I am.

    Yes the pain is in your upper mid-section..and it always felt like my stomach turned to a rock...the pain would radiate around to my back including my whole upper back. I would spend hours, if not days, in the bathroom sick to my stomach fearing that it would explode.

    The doctors gave me a list of things I shouldn't eat that would trigger the attacks being fatty foods, lettuce, seeds, nuts, fruits with seeds. Honestly the lettuce sometimes gets me..but not as bad as Chinese food will. You will rarely see Chinese food logged in my diary because I won't go near it usually. Noodles!!!! I won't even look at spaghetti anymore. My kids wanna cry cause I won't fix it..I love it..but it was bad about bringing on my attacks. You have to figure out what triggers it for you and manage it while losing weight if you are as big as I was/am.

    Once I get down another 50 lbs. I will get myself in for surgery assuming the thing doesn't try to blow up on me or something. LOL

    Good luck with your journey and whatever it is that is ailing you! :flowerforyou:
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    I was reading and couldn't see but maybe I missed it..... Is the pain more right below your ribs or more lower abdomen around belly button level or lower?

    It's right below my ribs, right in the centre of my stomach, so upper abdomen.

    One of the times I had one of these "stomach aches" I had a lot of upper back pain but I don't know if it was from it or not, I remember wondering why my back hurt thinking maybe because it was my TOM even though I never experience back pain with that...and I'm pretty sure during the TOM it's usually lower back pain people experience. I don't *think* i've had back pain the other times though, but just as I haven't noticed if the stomach aches are more central or to the right or not, at the time I'm just curled up in pain.

    Wow I can't believe some of your stories, having to wait that long and doctors dismissing the pain? It reminds me of when my little brother was having gall bladder attacks to the point of throwing up and the doctor tried to say he must've pulled a stomach muscle... :noway:

    I'm going to have to look into some of this information shared. I wonder why there's an increase in colon cancer, that's scary... I'll definitely be doing more research especially if it ends up being my gall bladder, I'll be sure to find out as much as I can before I make any decisions!

    and @weightedfoots, wow, well congrats on all you've lost so far, that would annoy me if the doctor was pushing me to lose weight faster... isn't it enough you're already working on losing and slower is healthier anyways (in most cases).

    I actually caved and had a bit of Chinese food this afternoon. :embarassed: so if I have any horrible stomach aches I've done it to myself this time knowing it could happen. I didn't have as much as I normally would but I guess at least if it does happen again it will be a good indication that this is most likely the cause and I can try to pay attention to the symptoms...but to be honest if I do get it again I think I'll be REALLY regretting that Chinese food. Otherwise I've been doing good trying to limit fat intake and haven't had any issues since Thursday...

  • Wow I can't believe some of your stories, having to wait that long and doctors dismissing the pain? It reminds me of when my little brother was having gall bladder attacks to the point of throwing up and the doctor tried to say he must've pulled a stomach muscle... :noway:

    In my case, and I think in many other cases there can be trouble communicating the symptoms in a way that tells a doctor where to look for the problem. When I had attacks, it felt a lot more like a searing hot pain in my spine, not in my abdomen or side. I felt like I was just melting from the inside. As soon as I found a doctor who didn't think I was drug seeking for "back pain" and she sent me over for an ultrasound, the rest of my symptoms began to make sense as well.

    Our bodies are ridiculous.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Misdiagnosed gall stones for 15 years. Sent to psychiatrists since age of 15 for faking stomach aches to avoid school. Anti depressants. Constant pain. Went vegetarian at 18. That kind of helped. Pain came and went. Attacks came and went.

    Finally had a terrible attack at work where they sent me home. 12 hours of level 10 screaming pain coming and going. I wanted to kill myself to end it. If this was all in my head, I was a talented hypochondriac. Next day, went to the doctor. Told her I needed real help. Surprise! She finally recognized the symptoms and ordered an ultrasound.

    Woke up from surgery NOT in pain for the first time in 10 years. I'd been in constant pain for so long, I didn't remember what not being in pain was like.

    Now, I can't really eat a lot of fatty foods without getting the runs 15 minutes later. But I'm sooooo much happier! My 20s would have been so different if is been able to have it done sooner.
  • kanstulpants
    kanstulpants Posts: 20 Member
    I was reading and couldn't see but maybe I missed it..... Is the pain more right below your ribs or more lower abdomen around belly button level or lower?

    It's right below my ribs, right in the centre of my stomach, so upper abdomen.

    One of the times I had one of these "stomach aches" I had a lot of upper back pain but I don't know if it was from it or not, I remember wondering why my back hurt thinking maybe because it was my TOM even though I never experience back pain with that...and I'm pretty sure during the TOM it's usually lower back pain people experience. I don't *think* i've had back pain the other times though, but just as I haven't noticed if the stomach aches are more central or to the right or not, at the time I'm just curled up in pain.

    Wow I can't believe some of your stories, having to wait that long and doctors dismissing the pain? It reminds me of when my little brother was having gall bladder attacks to the point of throwing up and the doctor tried to say he must've pulled a stomach muscle... :noway:

    My main symptom was upper back pain, and sometimes feeling like I had a tight band around my chest. I never got it checked out because it felt like muscle pain and I thought it was from bad posture or something, though it kept slowly getting worse. It went on for a year and a half before I had my gallbladder out. I never had any of the abdominal pain or nausea until the final attack where I ended up in the ER. And even then, I didn't really have severe abdominal pain. I went to the ER because of a burning feeling in my chest and left side.

    I can't believe there are hospitals that would make someone wait five hours when having chest pains. When I walked in and said I had a burning feeling in my chest, they took me back in this special room and I had an EKG within 5 minutes. After it was normal, they sent me out to the waiting room.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I can't believe there are hospitals that would make someone wait five hours when having chest pains. When I walked in and said I had a burning feeling in my chest, they took me back in this special room and I had an EKG within 5 minutes. After it was normal, they sent me out to the waiting room.

    I know! I thought my emergency room experience sucked, until I read these! I also had a EKG almost immediately, to rule out heart problems. Once they ruled that out however, it was a looooonnnngggg and painful wait.
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    Did you have an ultrasound yet? That's what I do for a living and that will tell you definitively.
  • I've had issues with my gallbladder for about 2 or 3 years when I was at my heaviest and was eating like crap! I've had many attacks and have been to the ER many times and they told me I needed to take it out before it gets worse but I'm afraid of surgery so I said no. till one day I had enough. I stopped eating like crap and have noticed that I don't get anymore attacks anymore. Usually all it takes is for you to change your life around and it worked for me thank goodness!
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    No ultrasound yet, have it booked for Friday morning!

    Yeah I'm not big on the idea of surgery if that ends up being my issue, so I definitely get that, but sometimes it's worth it, and sometimes as has been said it could just be changing your diet. I'm already worried about the possibility of surgery but I'm reminding myself I don't actually know yet haha, could be something else or even a simpler solution.
  • kanstulpants
    kanstulpants Posts: 20 Member
    Surgery was definitely worth it in my case. My gallbladder was enlarged and had spots of gangrene on it when they took it out. And I almost didn't even go to the hospital because I started feeling better.
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Well, I got my ultrasound results! I do indeed have gall stones, talked with the doctor and next step is a consultation with a surgeon. As much as that sucks I was really glad to get some kind of news. So anyone having similar symptoms to what I originally posted, definitely get checked out to be safe!
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    It's very common for people who lose a lot of weight quickly to have gall bladder problems. One of the major "side effects" of NutriSystem is gall bladder problems. Some have one or two attacks, and then are fine - others end up needing to have their gall bladder removed. I would definitely see a doctor about this, because the last thing you want is an emergency procedure to remove your gall bladder.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Gall bladder issues in people who are losing weight is extremely common. So much so, folks who undergo weight lose surgery are often given medication to help prevent gall stone development during the initial 6 months of fast loss.

    I developed pancreatitis, caused by gall stones. A week in the hospital then surgery took care of it, but pancreatitis can be very serious in some cases. Do not put off having your gall stones taken care of, it that's what it is. It's much better to electively have it taken out than to need surgery emergently in the middle of the night.