20-Somethings with 10 lbs to Lose!

pink427 Posts: 18 Member
Hello! I am a 27 yo female with 10 pounds to lose. I have been on and off MFP for a couple years and have decided I need to make a real commitment! I love to workout, but I love sweets and wine! I've found it increasingly hard to lose a couple pounds as I get older :(

Would love to meet some friends who are in the same boat. How do you best use MFP and what has/hasn't worked for you? I need some people to keep me ACCOUNTABLE!

Have a great day :)


  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    You're speaking my truth. I'm turning 27 in about a week and I have also SLIGHTLY over 10 pounds I'd like to lose. However, I'd like my focus to be becoming more fit. I need to commit to my own health and we'll being.

    I've been on for a few years, but sometimes I stop actually coming on. Obviously that's not working! So, I'd really say I've been on since mid-January.

    I lose focus sometimes and sometimes I'm hungry or really want those sweets or that cocktail. I'll really be pleased if I lose the 10 pounds by the end of this year and manage to keep them off.

    Feel free to add me. My diary isn't open... I found I lied when I opened it up and it's really a tool for ME!
  • SummerSweets
    SummerSweets Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I'm 25, female, and looking to lose 10-15 pounds. Sweets and wine are literally my main weaknesses. MFP has really helped me understand exactly HOW much wine and chocolate and everything I eat adds up. I love logging during the week because I eat well and exercise and it makes me feel proud to log it. Then I feel too guilty to even log some weekend nights because of the crazy amounts of chocolate and sushi I kind of binge on. All in all, MFP keeps me balanced. I'd love for some accountability for those tempting wine nights too.