Any1 lost body/belly fat from lifting weights ?!

I don't want to do cardio as for one I hate it and two the fat just seems to come off everywhere other than my belly and I have the flattest bum ever and im scared it will get worse! Also worried about stretchmark's as im really prone to them.

Will lifting weights help me lose fat? I need to know if being on a deficit helps when doing this or not.

Im losing my mind my body looks disgusting to me and I need to fix it. Can someone help me please :(


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    lifting weights probably helps people more in a deficit than just cardio.. and of course eating correctly for your activity level.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Lifting weights is awesome..
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't want to do cardio as for one I hate it and two the fat just seems to come off everywhere other than my belly and I have the flattest bum ever and im scared it will get worse! Also worried about stretchmark's as im really prone to them.

    Will lifting weights help me lose fat? I need to know if being on a deficit helps when doing this or not.

    Im losing my mind my body looks disgusting to me and I need to fix it. Can someone help me please :(

    start lifting...

    deficet for fat loss, weight lifting for maintaining should see what it did for my bum...I will put a pic in my profile if you wish to see it.

    I doubt your body looks disgusting
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't want to do cardio as for one I hate it and two the fat just seems to come off everywhere other than my belly and I have the flattest bum ever and im scared it will get worse! Also worried about stretchmark's as im really prone to them.

    Will lifting weights help me lose fat? I need to know if being on a deficit helps when doing this or not.

    Im losing my mind my body looks disgusting to me and I need to fix it. Can someone help me please :(

    start lifting...

    deficet for fat loss, weight lifting for maintaining should see what it did for my bum...I will put a pic in my profile if you wish to see it.

    I doubt your body looks disgusting

    Thanks. How much did you deficit and how heavy did you lift and could you explain to me how often etc. Basically everything that helped you achieve that. Did the fat loss happen slowly though? Thanks
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I lifted weights my entire weight loss. 3-4 times a week. Definitely worth it. Go with a program, don't Frankenstein your own. Strong lifts, All pro, new rules of lifting for women are some options. I used TDEE -20% to calculate my calorie goal then adjusted from there based on current activity and how the scales were progressing.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't want to do cardio as for one I hate it and two the fat just seems to come off everywhere other than my belly and I have the flattest bum ever and im scared it will get worse! Also worried about stretchmark's as im really prone to them.

    Will lifting weights help me lose fat? I need to know if being on a deficit helps when doing this or not.

    Im losing my mind my body looks disgusting to me and I need to fix it. Can someone help me please :(

    start lifting...

    deficet for fat loss, weight lifting for maintaining should see what it did for my bum...I will put a pic in my profile if you wish to see it.

    I doubt your body looks disgusting

    Thanks. How much did you deficit and how heavy did you lift and could you explain to me how often etc. Basically everything that helped you achieve that. Did the fat loss happen slowly though? Thanks

    I did TDEE-15-20% so I am eating about 1600-1700 calories a day (I used my own data for TDEE not a site)

    My current lifts are as follows (keeping in mind I've been lifting for 6months)

    Squat @180
    OHP @ 85
    Bench @ 115
    Rows @ 115
    DL @ 200

    I started with 60lbs on most lifts except OHP which was the bar...and DL @ 90lbs.

    I have lost 5.5inches overall (lost 18.5 in total from bodyweight+lifting), I have lost almost 25lbs, and went down 9% BF so far.

    I use the Stronglift 5x5 program which is 3x a week and I have since Jan 1 2014 started doing HIIT on my days off.

    I have even while doing this ate at maintenance over Christmas, gained a bit but lost it within 3 weeks, went on a week long all inclusive vacation where I gained 4lbs (that was 3 weeks ago and it's gone)...weight lifting is great.

    Doesn't take much time (90mins max) and I can do it at home too...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I lifted weights my entire weight loss. 3-4 times a week. Definitely worth it. Go with a program, don't Frankenstein your own. Strong lifts, All pro, new rules of lifting for women are some options. I used TDEE -20% to calculate my calorie goal then adjusted from there based on current activity and how the scales were progressing.

    Thankyou...and how long did each of your weight lifting sessions take? I have been looking at all pro actually I am just not sure how many calories to take in as atm I cant obviously lift very heavy. I worked out my TDEE it said 1548 calories for exercising 3 times a week and 20% off that is 1239 so lifting heavy and eating at that will help improve muscles but also fat loss?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I lifted weights my entire weight loss. 3-4 times a week. Definitely worth it. Go with a program, don't Frankenstein your own. Strong lifts, All pro, new rules of lifting for women are some options. I used TDEE -20% to calculate my calorie goal then adjusted from there based on current activity and how the scales were progressing.

    Thankyou...and how long did each of your weight lifting sessions take? I have been looking at all pro actually I am just not sure how many calories to take in as atm I cant obviously lift very heavy. I worked out my TDEE it said 1548 calories for exercising 3 times a week and 20% off that is 1239 so lifting heavy and eating at that will help improve muscles but also fat loss?

    what are your stats
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I've lost fat from being at a calorie deficit, and I've maintained muscle from lifting weights. The result it that yes, my there isn't very much fat on my belly, and I have some ab definition.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I lifted weights my entire weight loss. 3-4 times a week. Definitely worth it. Go with a program, don't Frankenstein your own. Strong lifts, All pro, new rules of lifting for women are some options. I used TDEE -20% to calculate my calorie goal then adjusted from there based on current activity and how the scales were progressing.

    Thankyou...and how long did each of your weight lifting sessions take? I have been looking at all pro actually I am just not sure how many calories to take in as atm I cant obviously lift very heavy. I worked out my TDEE it said 1548 calories for exercising 3 times a week and 20% off that is 1239 so lifting heavy and eating at that will help improve muscles but also fat loss?

    what are your stats

    24, female, 100lbs , 5ft
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I lifted weights my entire weight loss. 3-4 times a week. Definitely worth it. Go with a program, don't Frankenstein your own. Strong lifts, All pro, new rules of lifting for women are some options. I used TDEE -20% to calculate my calorie goal then adjusted from there based on current activity and how the scales were progressing.

    Thankyou...and how long did each of your weight lifting sessions take? I have been looking at all pro actually I am just not sure how many calories to take in as atm I cant obviously lift very heavy. I worked out my TDEE it said 1548 calories for exercising 3 times a week and 20% off that is 1239 so lifting heavy and eating at that will help improve muscles but also fat loss?

    what are your stats

    24, female, 100lbs , 5ft

    When I plug your numbers in to scooby I get a TDEE of 1942...10% of that is don't have a lot of weight to lose just basically want the fat off your belly a small deficet is better...

    I am not a fan of any website for TDEE as I find them high but that being said I think you could get away with 1550-1650 a day if you lift heavy 3x a week and you would see 1/4lb fat loss every week...notice I said fat...not weight...

    It doesn't sound like a lot but if you are maintaining muscle it's a will see inches go, your body change and your clothing size go down.
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    I lifted weights my entire weight loss. 3-4 times a week. Definitely worth it. Go with a program, don't Frankenstein your own. Strong lifts, All pro, new rules of lifting for women are some options. I used TDEE -20% to calculate my calorie goal then adjusted from there based on current activity and how the scales were progressing.

    Thankyou...and how long did each of your weight lifting sessions take? I have been looking at all pro actually I am just not sure how many calories to take in as atm I cant obviously lift very heavy. I worked out my TDEE it said 1548 calories for exercising 3 times a week and 20% off that is 1239 so lifting heavy and eating at that will help improve muscles but also fat loss?

    what are your stats

    24, female, 100lbs , 5ft

    When I plug your numbers in to scooby I get a TDEE of 1942...10% of that is don't have a lot of weight to lose just basically want the fat off your belly a small deficet is better...

    I am not a fan of any website for TDEE as I find them high but that being said I think you could get away with 1550-1650 a day if you lift heavy 3x a week and you would see 1/4lb fat loss every week...notice I said fat...not weight...

    It doesn't sound like a lot but if you are maintaining muscle it's a will see inches go, your body change and your clothing size go down.

    I used this site to get the calories and used Mifflin st jeor formula. So for lifting heavy how heavy do I lift to begin with? Ive found an all pro workout that is simple and I want to use that but I was going to incorporate some extra ones that target the glutes as that's my main problem area when it comes to something I really want to gain some muscle in the most. Or should I just stick to the all pro workout and then see how I progress. Im scared I wont be burning enough calories to begin with and ending up storing the calories i eat because im new to doing this or doesn't it work like that?
  • cheekygem240
    cheekygem240 Posts: 25 Member
    Also 5x5 means 5 reps 5 sets? Or am I wrong.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Squats, lunges and deadlifts. Great for builiding muscle in your booty. Combine with eating enough, and getting plenty of protein. That's how my stomach got flatter.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Lifting does wonder for the bum and abs.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I know nothing of "All pro" but this is really good for beginners. It tells you everything, what weights to start with, how to progress and how many sets and reps.
  • cpeter76
    cpeter76 Posts: 15
    Also Livfit Trainer by Jaimie Eason is an awesome beginners program complete with meal plans and recipes. She also eases you into.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I just started lifting and I think it's helped shape my body (based on how clothes are fitting better). I'm doing Stronglifts 5x5 (which does stand for 5 sets of 5 reps). I think it's a great beginner program. If you have a smartphone you can download the app. It'll tell you how much to lift - it's recommended to start with just the barbell and add 5lbs every time you go until you reach the point where you fail. It should help you with your questions about how much to lift.