Working out after long days work

Ok so I have been doing this awesome workout routine at my gym 4 days a week for the last month at around 6-8pm,but started a new job, love it, but I go in from 7am-4pm and most of the time when I get home I am exhausted, even though I am behind a desk most of the day, So when I get home i normally fall asleep for a nap and wake up at like 7-8 then cook and eat chill and then off to bed again cause I have to work early, How can I energize myself to continue my workout routines after work, something to eat or drink that will help?


  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    You've just gotta man up and do it.

    Once you get warmed up and get your first couple of work sets in you should wake up and feel more energized.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Have you tried not going home pre workout and just heading straight to the gym? I know if I go home after work it's a done deal and I won't leave my house to go back out.
  • hadirk
    hadirk Posts: 48 Member
    I work 8 - 5, instead of heading home after work I go to the gym, another thing that helps is cooking 2 or 3 big meals on the weekends for weekday dinners & lunches. This should save you some time. if you ditch the nap after work you can sleep early which will give you more energy
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Many days those are the kind of workouts I look forward to. I work retail and walk about 7 miles per day just at work. I get pumped knowing I can push myself harder. You just have to treat it as part of your job. It's all mental.

    ETA: eat something high in protein before you work out or you can drink a cup of coffee/ hot cocoa. Sugar/ caffeine sometimes helps to get me going. Resist the urge to nap after work. It'll make it harder to get energetic about your workout.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    How can I energize myself to continue my workout routines after work, something to eat or drink that will help?

    There are both physiological things that you can do, and psychological.

    As far as physiological is concerned, watch your fuelling. I find that if I haven't adequately hydrated or eaten in the afternoon when the time comes to train I have no energy. For me that's dried fruit, fruit, granola bar an hour or so before I'm due to train, but if I'm underfuelled I have an abysmal session.

    As far as physiological is concerned, you can put in place rewards, or penalties, for training or missing a session. One that I do is change straight from my suit into my running kit, rather than anything else. I then feel obligated to run. Put in place patterns that lead to your session, rather than leading to slobbing out in front of the box.

    Equally, there are times when a session isn't the right idea. Learn the difference between "probably shouldn't train" and "don't feel like training", and fight through the latter mind state.
  • Lina_Loo_15
    What about exercising in the morning before work? That's the only way I have time to fit it in. It feels great getting it out of the way!
  • zephyrq
    zephyrq Posts: 22 Member
    I find the key is to not stop moving until I've got my to-do's to-done, and that includes my workouts. Once the list is done then I can crash on the couch and nod off to the sounds of the evening news anchors.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    You've just gotta man up and do it.

    ^This x1000

    I got up this morning @ 4:30AM and after almost an hour drive I won't get home from work until almost 5:30PM. First thing I do when I get home is change clothes and head down to my workout room. THEN I eat and relax for the evening.

    How is your diet and sleep? Unless you have an incredibly strenuous job you shouldn't be dragging that much.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Why not do it in the morning - does your gym open early enough? Or go straight after work before you go home.

    edit - also I find if I do something before work I have more energy throughout the day ;)
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I'm the same as Vegasfit; if I go home first, that's it. I am done for the night, because I will be lazy and move at a snail's pace when prepping, eating, get dressed, get out of bed etc. SO to avoid that obstacle, I just bring my gym bag with me and stop in at the gym right after work, so that way my work is out of the way and I have the rest of the night to myself.

    I also get up at 5:50am to be at work by 7am then work until 5:30; and the idea of getting in a 60 minute work out seems daunting, but it's a "suck it up and do it" mentality that pushes me through it.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Why not do it in the morning - does your gym open early enough?

    That's an equally useful strategy if you can do it. Personally I already get up at 0515 to get to work by 0830 so it's never going to work for me.
  • syedsaad
    syedsaad Posts: 156 Member
    I go to GYM before going home..... because once i sit down .... i dont feel like getting up (Lazy Me).
  • ausheli
    ausheli Posts: 43 Member
    I work 4am to 6pm on dayshift and 4pm to 6am on nightshift, i get up and go to the gym at 2, even though i have a physically taxing job, u just gotta do it
  • jaymikhail69
    jaymikhail69 Posts: 40 Member
    Alot of times I came straight home because I either forgot my gym clothes or my headphones, and now that I got working headphones again( I can't workout without my headphones) I'll probably go straight there starting Thursday