Lifting question

I just recently started lifting weights again. I find that I feel swollen or bloated now (not muscles right after workout but jeans too snug). Diet hasn't really changed & this is my third week lifting 3x per week. I know that you can hold extra water while healing. So my questions are how long does this swollen/bloated feeling last? A few weeks in? A few days after every workout that makes me sore? Will this be how I feel on a regular basis if my main source of exercise is lifting?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    I found 3-4 weeks for me but everyone is different...

    I am not sore from lifting...the only time I was sore was after taking 11 days off during vacation but it lasted maybe 3 days...
  • 7213Melissa
    7213Melissa Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks! After 3 or 4 weeks you didn't have that feeling anymore at all?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    nope...nothing...but I was doing a lot of bodyweight stuff prior to my start.
  • KoopaSix
    KoopaSix Posts: 252 Member
    Your body is just holding water..I know if I don't drink enough water, then all of a sudden start drinking enough again I will hold about 4-8lbs of water at a time. As far as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), this is something that will go away after a few months. Cherish it while you can because after you become intermediate level you will miss it and strive for it every session. After one year of being consistent in the gym I find that I am never sore.
  • 7213Melissa
    7213Melissa Posts: 57 Member
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It lasted about a month for me the first time. And every time I've changed programs since.

    But generally it's gone away. If I have a really heavy session I'll get 1-2 lbs of water weight and DOMS, but it'll be gone in a couple of days.