I'm having trouble getting started/motivated

I just got off a weight loss challenge and everything has gone downhill.

My sister JUST invited me to go to Weight Watchers with her. So maybe God is listening.


  • Hibpshman1
    For me the best way to make sure I get to my workout is to block off time for it at the same time every day. I work out six days a week and the hardest part of any routine is just getting my shoes on and beginning to move in the direction of my workout, whether it be at the gym or outside.
    I've made it a point to just stop what I'm doing at a certain time of day and plan for a workout...whether it be walking for an hour on days where I just feel terrible, or my regularly planned routine of running and lifting.
    Good luck...each day is a new start!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Hibpshman1 is right, the first step is the hardest part. I LOVE cycling but I often complain to myself about having to go biking but I make myself anyway. The first 5-10 minutes are full of me complaining about how long the hill is lasting or wondering why I like biking so much when it makes me so uncomfortable but then my body gets warmed up and then it's like my brain turns off and I can enjoy the ride (even though I am uncomfortable during most of it). I have never gotten back from a ride with the same negative attitude I left with and wishing I hadn't gone.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Yep, getting started is the worst part. I'm lucky to have a group at work that works out during lunch and sometimes after work. There is a trainer that comes in and I have no excuse why I can't go. I'm already here. Also, I love the results so far on inches. I fell off the wagon this past week. Family issues and I'm an emotional eater. So I'm back on track today logging my eating and working out after work. Even if you slip a little just pick yourself off (no beating yourself up!) and get back on track. Remember this is a life change and not just a diet. Good luck!
  • SheRa1964
    Thanks for all the support guys. I've worked so hard this fall eating right and exercising. I've just gain a couple pounds back and I can tell SO MUCH. I want to keep going. I am going to do my elliptical for at least 15 mins tonight. I have the tools I just need to get off my butt and use them.
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    These boards keep me movitated:smile: I went to WW three times and didn't lose twenty pounds. I did lose hundreds of dollars! I think just making up your mind to do it this time, using this site, and realiszing that when you go off you just have to get back to eating and tracking you'll do fine. Give free one more chance. Anyway you do it much success!:bigsmile: