I need HUGE HELP! Lost 46 kgs.

Hello people, how are you all?
I have been working out for a year now. I weighted 110 kgs in OCT 2012, and I have been overweight almost all my life. I lost 46 kgs from February 2013 till now only by running. I started to run 4 minutes a day, with a walk of 22 minutes. Gradually increasing it, and now I run 30 mins 5/6 times per week. My transformation was enormous, everyone is so proud of me now.

This is what I looked back then
-- I weighted 100 kgs back then, imagine how I looked at 110.

And this is what I look like now.

People around me have been telling me how great I look, many of my family and friends have been telling me to stop losing more weight now. And I too believe that I should stop losing weight. I look quite skinny in my pictures. But still, I am not satisfied, mainly because of the pictures I now am going to show you people.

This is what I look like NOW when I loose my belly totally out.

Now I don't understand, how the hell do I get those abs when this is how my belly looks.

These are the pictures illustrating how soft my belly is.
I was ducking in these pictures.

I am toooooooooo confused what is going on with me. It's soft like anything! I read some articles saying it might be loose skin but I am not sure. I have been working out for 2 hours and 15 minutes 6 days a week now. With half an hour of running, 1 hour and 10 minutes of weights and other time in push ups + crunches. Please help me, as I would do anything to be totally flat.



  • Reply someonee! Pleaasee!
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Can the pics be posted?
  • I posted the pictures. Please click the imgur links.
  • garoyall
    garoyall Posts: 8
    Maybe talk to a doctor. Maybe they can recommend a way to remove the loose skin. Surgery maybe?
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Or just wait. Your skin is elastic and will snap back in a couple of years time.

    I'd also get your keyboard checked because it looks like some of the keys are sticking.
  • thelowcarbrecipes
    thelowcarbrecipes Posts: 89 Member
    Building muscle will fill out the skin a bit more.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Its loose skin.

    You have 2 options:

    1. Surgery to remove it


    2. Wait until it goes back to normal (which depending on your skin may be never).
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    Firstly, well done on you excellent weight loss. You have done a tremendous job there are you are definetly at the maintain stage. when I lost a lot of weigh quickly a number of years ago I looked skinny but also felt I had a fat stomach still so have an understanding (although not quite the same) of what you are going through.

    My suggestion would definetly be to add some weights into your workouts, the bulking will help with how you feel about your overall apperance (as you have said yourself about being a little skinny) and will assist with the reshaping of your skin.

    You could also see a Dr but I dont believe that they will provide too much of an insite, a personal traininer might have a better idea, unless you wanted to go down a surgical route, but I'd err towards natural methods first, you are still young and as Mr Miller says, your skin is elastic, it just looses the elasticity as you get older....
  • Congratulations on your weightloss!

    It is excess skin, you are young, so your skin is still elastic & given time will reduce some.
    Best advice i can give, if you have reached your goal weight or when you do, maintain that weight for at least 12 months & then see how much excess skin you have then.

    Too many people rush into surgery too soon after losing the weight. Give your skin time to settle, you never know, you may not need surgery if you are patient.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    firstly congratulations, on all (except the last set) of pics you look fantastic, the trouble is you have lost a huge amount of weight in a relatively short time, your skin hasn't kept up with your weight loss, it may shrink back on it's own but this will take time and patience, you could see a doctor who could better advise you on the chances of this, or you could opt for surgery
    i understand it's frustrating for you.
    and if it makes you feel any better i'm in the same situation but my belly is 10 times worse, and with age and my skin my only option is to put up with it as i honestly don't want the surgery
    good luck x
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    Well done, I did the same, started 2nd of Feb 2013, ,lost 44 kg and people don't recodnise me on the street:) I am fit and looking good but...but I think I should lose another 10kg. I do have some issues with hanging skin too. I think my brain simply takes it's time to understand my new body.
  • Thanks a lot for replies everyone. They were really helpful. But are you guys sure it's loose skin? It might be fat?
  • raven_ous
    raven_ous Posts: 223
    I am no doctor but I would say from the images I looked at it would most definitely be (majority) loose skin.

    Building muscle will help to a certain extent, and the body also will heal and adapt to a certain degree but there are many factors at play here and I think you need professional opinions on the best course of actions to take.

    Sadly when or if we let our bodies get too large and then make the effort to drop the weight loose skin can be an unwanted side effect...especially if you do it too quickly (not saying this is the case with you specifically OP)

    It is not the worst I have seen and I am sure you will find a way to remedy it to a certain degree.

    Aesthetically I know it must be painful after all the effort you have put in but remember your health, fitness and overall well being will have improved dramatically because you are now within a healthy weight range.

    Well done on your weight loss.
  • EvanElric
    EvanElric Posts: 34
    It's loose skin dude,http://imgur.com/uliSog9 in this one you can see the faint white lines where the skin has been over stretched. It can stretch back with time or you can have it removed. Or fill the empty space with muscle if you can. You look great by the way, awesome job
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    I think it's a combination.

    Pinch the skin on your hand, that's how thick skin is.

    To me it looks like there *will* be loose skin, but there's also fat under there.

    Either way, great job!! You did a heck of a job on the weight loss and look pretty darn good!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    A friend of mine lost over 140 lbs and has quite a lot of loose skin on her stomach, arms and legs. She hates it, especially the stretch marks and when it flaps around when she's exercising. But, she hated being fat even more. Pragmatically, she says "There's no way I could have been that fat without doing some kind of damage to my body, so if all I get is a bit of loose skin, I'll take it over heart disease or diabetes any day".
    This probably doesn't help the OP much, but thought I would share it as I really admire my friend for her positive and practical outlook.
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    A friend of mine lost over 140 lbs and has quite a lot of loose skin on her stomach, arms and legs. She hates it, especially the stretch marks and when it flaps around when she's exercising. But, she hated being fat even more. Pragmatically, she says "There's no way I could have been that fat without doing some kind of damage to my body, so if all I get is a bit of loose skin, I'll take it over heart disease or diabetes any day".
    This probably doesn't help the OP much, but thought I would share it as I really admire my friend for her positive and practical outlook.

    Tell your friend, from me, she's awesome! I hope when I get low enough to really know what I have that I'll be able to be that reasonable.