New to this site and would like friends

I have been on Weight Watchers for about a year. I also joined mfp at the same time but never did anything with it. I had stopped losing weight on WW and had also stopped posting my food because it's not easy to find the foods (in my opinion). After I dropped WW and their $18.95 charge a month and started with mfp I cannot believe how much easier this site is. Weight Watchers could take a lesson from mjp.

I would like some friends on mfp.

Also wondered if anyone knows how to sync my iphone to the computer. I've been entering food twice...once on phone and once on computer and know it has to be easier than doing that.



  • anyd18
    anyd18 Posts: 35 Member
    Feel free to add me! Im fairly active on the site and open to new friends :)

    As for the phone, I didn't have to sync anything, I just update either and they usually are both updated. There is a link at top of website "Help" and you can type in a topic and usually get good answers, maybe that will help? Sorry I can't help any more!

    Good luck!
  • Sweetie_darling
    Sweetie_darling Posts: 123 Member
    Hi :)

    Feel free to add me, I too am an ex WW (had a lot of success with it but once the closer I got to goal the harder it was to lose with the program).
