Ready for a Change

Hey, Everyone
I am currently a post-secondary student who is studying Behavioural Science. My strengths are English, Science, History and Art...Math will always be the enemy. I am also presently a tutor and a Recreational Leader for a youth program. My interests are music, history, philosophy, and, art.

This is my weight history:
-All throughout my childhood I had always been chubby. My family is known for being tall and built like 'brick **** houses' which is awesome if you are male, but not so cute as a female.
-When I was around 12 or 13 years old, I became very involved with Karate and loss a substantial amount of weight, going from a size 16 to a size 14.
-I maintained this weight until I was 16 years old. I had managed through unhealthy food portion management and exercise to lose approximately 60 pounds.
-At the age of 18 (only a few months before my 19th birthday) I became very ill and was unable to eat for almost a month and a half due to damage to my liver. Unfortunately, when I recovered, I could eat whatever I wanted but still was not permitted to due any physical activity or moderate lifting for 2-3months. I was told after this period that any physical activity I wanted to do I would have to get approved by my doctor.
-Currently 20 years old, I have ballooned due to unhealthy food choices (welcome to college) and inactivity and have gained 80 pounds. I am back to wearing 16 sized jeans and I feel worse about myself physically and mentally than ever. I love running and walking, but absolutely hate weights.

Side Notes:
-When I was ill, I was told that I could live off of ginger ale and power-ade. I now find power-ade disgusting, but drink pop regularly.
-I eat when I am stressed about school, personal life or am just plain upset. I feel like I am at a loss for control over my eating habits and how I use food as a way of coping.
-The only time I have felt confident about my body was during christmas holiday I was in the city and I was approached and asked to do modelling. It turned out to be a more serious commitment than I was ready for and I chose not to pursue it. Even with that type of recognition, the satisfaction of my appearance only lasted for a few weeks.
- My family is not supportive what-so-ever and that is why I have found this site.
-Since I have been in college I will average around 4-6 hours at the gym/week and I have had no difference.

I have set my goal for losing 80 pounds. I presently sit at 260 pounds and I after checking I have discovered that a healthy weight for a female of 6'1 is 180 pounds.


  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I think you'll like it here. There are plenty of knowledgeable and helpful people here that can help guide and motivate you on your journey. Feel free to friend me if you'd like. :smile:
  • JessAnnePepper
    JessAnnePepper Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you very much! I am really hoping that this website and those on it will work as MOs and reinforcements for me. I really want to keep on track and need the support!
  • vaishnavijayasankar
    vaishnavijayasankar Posts: 33 Member
    MFP is truly awesome if u stick with it :)
    i need to loose around 60 lbs so feel free to add :)
    til date i have been sticking to it and have lost weight to :)
  • kareemaestrada
    Hello Jess,

    My name is Kareema and I too have been chubby all my life and have been struggling with my weight for a few years. I just cant seem to stay motivated. Recently i started a vlog on YouTube to see if that would help to keep me accountable. You should check it out!

    I lost 12lbs so far, but gained it back recently because i got distracted, but now i'm back on track!!!!