Help! I've done the worst thing

I have done the worst possible thing. I had roommate issues (they were over hygienic, judgemental people and I did not meet their standards) who sprang it on me that they all wanted to move out, but since I could not afford it, I had to move out instead. A friend and their roommates were kind enough to let me stay with them, but I have a night eating problem and one night I woke up and polished off so much food they noticed. Additionally they have other stuff that seems to be finishing fast (which I really don't know about) so they are suspecting me and now I know they are not as friendly with me as before. (obviously). Neither is my friend. I feel awfully terrible... I'm not a bad person and although I don't have a place to live, I am avoiding going to their house because I don't want to be a freeloader. (I go to their place twice a week, only when I want to stay close to campus, so they told me I don't have to pay rent). I know they think it's me. What do I do


  • MarucaSoledad
    MarucaSoledad Posts: 11 Member
    Replace what you ate and say you are sorry it happened. Don't make excuses and say "but I'v been..." or "it's just that...". Just face the music and take ownership. Also, on the days you stay with them, since you are not paying rent, you should get some groceries. Not only for yourself, but to share also.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Have you apologised the morning after the night eating, told them what happened and offered to immediately replace what you ate? If not, and they had to notice by themselves and even then you did not offer to replace the food, of course they no longer like you. Next time you are over there, come with a bag of groceries, including their favourite things, and apologise. And start bringing your own food from now on, plus the occasional treat for them, to thank them for their hospitality.
  • InFitRealm
    InFitRealm Posts: 36 Member
    Talk with them. Explain what you've done, apologise and repurchase what you took.
    It would be better if you did that immediately, but it's better to do it later than never.
    They will grant you more respect if you confess.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I have done the worst possible thing. I had roommate issues (they were over hygienic, judgemental people and I did not meet their standards) who sprang it on me that they all wanted to move out, but since I could not afford it, I had to move out instead. A friend and their roommates were kind enough to let me stay with them, but I have a night eating problem and one night I woke up and polished off so much food they noticed. Additionally they have other stuff that seems to be finishing fast (which I really don't know about) so they are suspecting me and now I know they are not as friendly with me as before. (obviously). Neither is my friend. I feel awfully terrible... I'm not a bad person and although I don't have a place to live, I am avoiding going to their house because I don't want to be a freeloader. (I go to their place twice a week, only when I want to stay close to campus, so they told me I don't have to pay rent). I know they think it's me. What do I do

    Are you a student? Go to the college, talk to your advisor, and tell him/her you are without a place to live. That's the most important thing in this whole story. Contact your family for help if you need to do that. Immediately look into other housing.

    And something else is wrong or these people wouldn't be mad at you. Pay rent, don't live for free with people ever, or you will have less rights. Don't make excuses for yourself. It's painful, but resolve to change. Be very respectful and never touch anything that belongs to others and then they won't blame you even if you didn't do it.