Girls Looking to lose 50-100?



  • I'm looking to lose about 40 lbs. I'd be glad to show some support. Feel free to add me anyone that's in need a weight loss buddy.
  • Ashleybrooke8783
    Ashleybrooke8783 Posts: 13 Member
    I would like to lose another 80! 5'4" over here
  • threedogswc
    threedogswc Posts: 37 Member
    Hi girls. I'm trying to lose about 40 pounds by the end of July. And an additional 20 by christmas. That's a big one I know but I just got started and I have no idea what I'm doing.
  • stephanie1700
    stephanie1700 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm Stephanie I have a lot to lose feel free to add me.

    Sw 312
    Cw 304
    Gw 160

    I'm 5'9
  • GingerSnake
    GingerSnake Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm Ana! I'm very active with recording everything on MFP and I'm working on losing 90lbs this year. I'm 20, 5'8'' and currently 213lbs, down 12lbs. Still a long way!
  • maddy136
    maddy136 Posts: 3
    I would like to lose over 100lbs. I have a longggg way to go and am just getting started but would enjoy any friends to share the journey with. : )
  • BananableLector
    BananableLector Posts: 26 Member
    Always looking for friends to help motivate one another. Finally decided enough is enough. Doing the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse and I must say on day two I'm already feeling better. One more day to go then it's back to healthy habits for me.
  • Hoping 100th time is the charm. I'm at a turning point and would love to have support this time. :smile: :smile:
  • nettymaz
    nettymaz Posts: 1
    I'm at 254 and looking to loose 100. I was drawn to your post because we seemed fairly similar. I wondered what u have been. Doing to get where you are and how long it has taken you? Doing 4 -5 days a week at gymn and was doing weight watchers and did not loose 1 pound in 3 weeks. Friend recommended this app so thought would give it a shot.
  • Swimnessa
    Swimnessa Posts: 44
    I am at 219 right now and my plan is to be a 128 by the end of 2 years. I am only 5 feet tall and have a pretty severe thyroid disorder, so this will be a challenge. I just need to make a change and be healthy for me and my kids.
  • ME!! I NEED THIS CRAP GONE!! and could use some friends... lol
  • Hiya! I'm looking to lose around 100lb and I'm new to the community forums. Feel free to add me, regardless of your age, gender or goals!
  • doover3
    doover3 Posts: 25
    Hi Girls,

    Looking to lose 50lbs this year, shooting for 100lbs overall. Feel free to add me, Im a daily logger with an open diary.
  • Singlejules
    Singlejules Posts: 55 Member
    Hi. I have 70lb more to go. Feel free to add me. I am good at supporting and would like someone who can motivate me too. I log daily and have an open diary. I live in London UK. :)
  • Singlejules
    Singlejules Posts: 55 Member
    Hi. I tried ww and lost 4lb in first week nothing the next 2wks. Gained the next week. So came on here. Im saving the monthly fee, getting more support than I ever did at the club and have lost 14lb so far. Feel free to add me if you want. We can help motivate eachother. Have a great day :)
  • Hi! I have about 70 pounds to go! Feel free to add me :)
  • CoordinatedKate
    CoordinatedKate Posts: 14 Member
    Just started here yesterday and looking to lose about 60-70 pounds! I've already added OP but anyone else is welcome to follow me too!
  • lyricsmamma6469
    lyricsmamma6469 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone! Anyone who wants to add me feel free. I currently have about 100 lbs left I would like to lose. So far I've went from 297 to 238 since August 2013. I began wearing a 24 and bought myself a size 20 for the first time in many years the other day. It's never easy when you start out. Just keep reminding yourself that the weight didn't go on overnight, so it's not going to go away overnight. Anyone who is really dedicated to losing weight knows this is going to be a lifestyle change. I went from eating fast food at least 3 times a week, drinking pop daily and snacking on junk multiple times to only drinking water, snacks are now vegetables or fruit (and sugar free pudding as a sweet nightly treat). I never eat fast food unless I'm ordering a salad, and now I go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week, ride my bicycle, mix jogging in with walking, and go hiking in the local parks when it's nice. I'm always looking for motivated friends who have similar goals to my own. :)
  • Alsm77
    Alsm77 Posts: 21 Member
    feel free to add me, always looking for more friends, anyone feel fee!!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I find it somewhat ironic and a little eerie that so many of us have the same or similar goals, similar situations and backgrounds that brought us to where we are, similar and different goals, etc. It almost seems like many of us are alternative universe types of each other... Sorry for the nerd reference. Sorta. ;)

    I'm Carly. At my heaviest, I was between 335-350. I have tried every fad diet, every eating plan, exercise plan, etc. known to mankind, it seems. However, I'm finally in a good mindset about making sustainable changes in my life and just getting healthier in general. My overall goal is somewhere around 175, but that is kind of a flexible goal. I want to feel good in my skin - healthier and able to do what I want. If that is less than 175, cool. If it is 175, I guessed well. If it is more than that, well, we shall see.

    I have struggled along this journey. I'm 37 now, and I was a teeny-tiny kiddo until I hit about age 5. After that, I was always heavier than my peers. Over time, I've blamed my Polish heritage (for the frame/density), genetics (all of my older family members are quite heavy), my metabolism, fate, and heavens knows what else. Finally, I've decided to own all the decisions or lack thereof that brought me to where I am today - and to make new, healthier habits - to change my entire mindset.

    For any wanting to get healthier and needing to share motivation, feel free to add me! :)