Do you Exercise to make up for Diet Slips?

Anyone else out there who uses workouts to balance out calorie intake? And just what does it mean when your calorie allowance is 1200 but exercise for the day is 500. I've understood this to mean 1700 is the new break even to stay within goal, and that taking in less than 1200 net of exercise can backfire by slowing your metabolism.

While this may seem obvious, just admitting too that I tend to plan my workouts to allow me to indulge in larger portions than the 1200 allows.

Thoughts on keeping this in better balance?


  • sk4399
    sk4399 Posts: 96
    I am interested in the answers as well.
  • ChanelCharlie
    i do the exact same thing!!! For example, my calorie goal is 1200 so yesterday

    I worked out and burnt around 500 calories so that I can eat 1700 calories...i ate lasagna and

    and seems to be working..i've consistently lost each week..but during the week I try to stay under my calorie goal at least 4 times per week.
  • sweetie89207
    OF COURSE I DO!!!! if i know its gonna be a high cal day i make up for it in exercise early- or if i go over on accident i get in that last minute biking session to even it out...i havent gone over on my cals for 1 day since i started 7 weeks ago...and thats cuz i try hard to fix any mess up days...and sometimes i just want to eat MORE!!!! hahaha but as long as that number says positive- im OOOOOOK!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm more the opposite. I use my calorie intake to balance out my workout. I am not one who eats back all of my exercise calories. With the exception of a brief break (only from exercise, not from eating well) because of my school schedule, I stay right around 1800 calories a day in consumption, which usually results in about a 500 calorie deficit. This approach ends up resulting in something of a calorie cushion. Rather than having an indulgence push me over my allotted calories, it just tips me a little closer to breaking even.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't think of myself as having diet "slips". This is a lifestyle thing, not a way to lose weight quickly. I'm eating healthier now for a variety of reasons, but I still enjoy cookies, ice cream, etc. While I don't plan on ever eating fast food again I do plan on eating sweets, maybe even some other junk food like chips or something, and I work them into my diet. Maybe it will slow my weight loss a little, but I'm living my life right now the way I will once I've lost the weight, so I make it work for me.

    I generally do my gym workouts in the morning and if later in the day I want to indulge in something I'll try to plan the rest of my meals to see if I'll have the calories. If I have them, I'll eat whatever it is I want. If I don't have them, I won't eat it, or will eat a smaller portion.

    Edited to say I don't specifically work out, or exercise more, so that I can eat whatever foods I want.
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    That is how I understand it.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    When I know I am going to have a big(ger) food day - like a formal meal with family, then I will add an extra half hour at the gym. As for slip ups - of course, understanding that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet, I do still have days (or weekends) where I fall off the healthy lifestyle (like this weekend ... my annual holiday party killed me ....) so I busted my butt at the gym today to get back on track (to get my head clear, and make my body feel better after the indulgence..)
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    I've heard also that it is best to keep your body confused and use 1200 (if that's your goal) as an AVERAGE, but have some days more and some less.

    :laugh: Hey, the "more" days will be more fun :blushing:

    :wink: This is harder to track though - I like the daily totals we can monitor through this site - easy breezy with the phone app! :wink:
  • bskb
    bskb Posts: 8
    You've got it all right!
    I stay above 1200 but below my "earned" calories. I don't necessarily exercise more to be able to eat more, but I do find I have to have a Hershey kiss for an evening snack to make my daily goal!
    I have been losing every week also :)
    Success to you!
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    I generally don't eat back my exercise calories unless I am hungry or want to. Meaning, if I met my allotted 1650 calories and I work out and burn 300, I don't decide to eat a little extra just because I can. This is easier for me since I workout at night. Therefore, not knowing what could possible mess up my plan to work out at the end of the day, I tend to always stay at my calorie goal. On rare occasions when I am starving after a workout, I eat regardless of where my calories where beforehand.

    One way to look at it is that working out is working are building muscle regardless of how many calories you already ate. So, if that inspires you to workout, and it works for you in terms of your weight loss goals, I'd say go with it.

    But, I would caution on treating exercise like a "treat" or "punishment". Much like food, when you reward or punish yourself with either one, you'll end up with a skewed attitude towards it. For example, don't punish yourself on the workout just because you had a cookie and went over. And don't reward a workout with an indulgence. In my opinion, it starts a slippery slope and, for me at least, that's why I became overweight to begin with.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    So true. Lots of ways to get overly obsessive about the wrong things. Like your style!