Girls Looking to lose 50-100?



  • mochwe
    mochwe Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'7" and looking to lose about ~75lbs. I'd like to get to about 20%body fat so I don't really have a weight goal but I definitely have at least 60lbs to lose
  • me......... i need to lose probably 70+ pounds!!!
  • kms2896
    kms2896 Posts: 4
    Hey! Just started yesterday and my goal is to lose 100 lbs.
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    Started my journey at 260 lbs as of today I am at 220 lbs with about 60 or so to go. After joining this site I realized it's not just me who has these struggles and slips and I'd love to get to know some people who need a confidence boost and are uplifting as well. It seems like we are all in the same boat and I just wanted to say WE CAN DO THIS! :D
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Hello everyone! Anyone who wants to add me feel free. I currently have about 100 lbs left I would like to lose. So far I've went from 297 to 238 since August 2013. I began wearing a 24 and bought myself a size 20 for the first time in many years the other day. It's never easy when you start out. Just keep reminding yourself that the weight didn't go on overnight, so it's not going to go away overnight. Anyone who is really dedicated to losing weight knows this is going to be a lifestyle change. I went from eating fast food at least 3 times a week, drinking pop daily and snacking on junk multiple times to only drinking water, snacks are now vegetables or fruit (and sugar free pudding as a sweet nightly treat). I never eat fast food unless I'm ordering a salad, and now I go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week, ride my bicycle, mix jogging in with walking, and go hiking in the local parks when it's nice. I'm always looking for motivated friends who have similar goals to my own. :)

    Our stories sound VERY similar... I stated at 298. But I am only at 258 currently. I started in 24s also :) and I've been working out 3-4 days a week or more and walking the other days.
    I had similar starting habits except I ate fast food every day... Sometimes 3 times a day. Blah! I was working 2 jobs and it was busy easier to bit the drive thru and pick something up because I was exhausted. Now that I am a stay at home wife (for the most part). I have more time to focus on working out and cooking nutritious meals.
  • Looking to lose 119 pounds!
  • ERICA0185
    ERICA0185 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello my name is Erica and I still have 72lbs to lose! Feel free to send me a friend request!