Fed up!

Hey everyone,

I'm totally peed off today. I feel like giving up in a way. I'm on my period, which isn't helping, and I have given up chocolate for lent (not for religious reasons, just as a challenge) but all I want to do is snaffle down a bucket full of chocolate digestives. Apart from the time of the month, part of the reason is comfort eating I think, because losing weight isn't all it's cracked up to be. Don't get me wrong. The healthy eating and exercise is doing me a world of good, but I'm pear shaped so whilst I'm loving my stomach being flatter and more toned, and my butt is getting more toned, my boobs are deflating so I was bottom heavy anyway but seem even more so now and it's really getting me down.

I can't help but notice more now that they are uneven (I know everyone is apparently, but I feel it's so noticeable) and because I've had two kids as well, they are just getting empty rather than just getting smaller. I've got new bras but they don't flatter me and I feel like I can't fill them out properly and it's awful, I'm forever adjusting them and myself. I'm getting married this year and whilst I thought I'd be looking forward to rocking my bikini on my honeymoon, all I can think of now is how wonky and deflated my breasts will look. I always loved my breasts, they were probably my favourite feature! And now they look so sad and I don't know whether to give this all up and just put the weight back on - but on the other side I don't want to lose my lovely flat stomach!

Sorry to moan, I thought that losing this half a stone would make me so happy and it has in a way, but also not in other ways. If only I could get my boobs back but keep my stomach flat!

I don't know what to do.


  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    chin up butter cup. I can't say I know about your lady problems but I can at least try and brighten your day. smile cuz I care. you can get through what ever it is that is bothering you.
  • sophieamhaley
    chin up butter cup. I can't say I know about your lady problems but I can at least try and brighten your day. smile cuz I care. you can get through what ever it is that is bothering you.

    :smile: thanks
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    check out water bras, or padding, or go to a shop that will fit you for a proper bra. IMO boob deflation is the least of your worries. You're healthy and beautiful, flat boobs can be over come :)
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    I agree with what lilRicki said -->
    IMO boob deflation is the least of your worries. You're healthy and beautiful, flat boobs can be over come :)

    You're working on improving your health - great!
  • cjazz72
    cjazz72 Posts: 80 Member
    I wouldn't fret over it as much. I mean there is a reason your finace is marrying you besides your breasts =P. If it were me I would be doing exercises to build up your pectoral muscles (the muscles behind the breasts). Maybe take some estrogen pills to help boost them up. I found this article not sure if it will help but it will give ya ideas. http://voices.yahoo.com/six-natural-ways-enlarge-improve-breasts-516285.html?cat=69
  • BridgetWolfbear
    BridgetWolfbear Posts: 21 Member
    I know a lot of people don't like the bitter taste but dark chocolate is good for you. It's just a matter of how much of it that you eat. hope that your day gets better! ^_^ And there are work outs that can help build up those muscles.
  • ironrat79
    ironrat79 Posts: 273 Member
    I know a lot of people don't like the bitter taste but dark chocolate is good for you. It's just a matter of how much of it that you eat. hope that your day gets better! ^_^ And there are work outs that can help build up those muscles.

    They are actually working on a nutrient laced chocolate pill, wonder if it would help with cravings?

  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    1. I feel ya on the boob problem. After I stopped nursing my daughter my boobs went from awesome and amazing to instantly deflated. I swear they're even SMALLER than they were to begin with pre-pregnancy. I too am pear shaped, so I always feel like if I had bigger boobs it would balance my hips out better. On my wedding day I wore a super padded bra, and it helped some to fill out the bust of my dress.

    2. I have found that banning/giving up foods backfires on me. Always. If I try to resist chocolate during TOM, I'm guaranteed to binge on half a bag or a whole bag. If I allow myself to savor one or two good pieces, I can control myself better. Same with peanut butter (which I rank higher than chocolate personally lol). Try to make room for the treats you love in moderation. :)
  • acarmelo1
    acarmelo1 Posts: 76 Member
    You can always get a boob job, but you cant cure diabetes or any other sickness that comes with overweight. So stay Healthy
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Chin up, you are doing well so far, I don't think i'd give up chocolate myself, I have a single square of 72% dark several times a week. it's not only good for my mental health it's also goof for you in general - moderation is the key
  • sophieamhaley
    @mamahannick thank you, I was hoping someone with similar experience in the boob area would reply. The thing is, I can't decide what's worse, weighing that extra half a stone more and having the girls back to stop me feeling like crap every time I get changed or undressed, or keeping the flat tum. I'm grateful for what I have got, believe me, I just thought it would feel different when I got to my goal :frown:
  • Adahbaby
    Adahbaby Posts: 14
    I have that problem too, and it's always a downer & part of the reason I haven't been very motivated in the past to lose weight. I'm trying to do things the right way this time. I comcentrating more on gaining muscle than losing weight and while I am getting smaller and more toned my boobs are keeping their shape. I've only "lost" 2lbs but that is because I am gaining muscle. I've lost 2inches in my waist and thighs. I think my focus being on toning rather than weight has turned my deflated boob issues around. I don't want to just be thin. I want to be strong and toned. While I am shrinking my boobs aren't paying the price. This approach has helped me tremendously. I also concentrate on my upper body and try to lift weights everyday.
  • sophieamhaley
    I have that problem too, and it's always a downer & part of the reason I haven't been very motivated in the past to lose weight. I'm trying to do things the right way this time. I comcentrating more on gaining muscle than losing weight and while I am getting smaller and more toned my boobs are keeping their shape. I've only "lost" 2lbs but that is because I am gaining muscle. I've lost 2inches in my waist and thighs. I think my focus being on toning rather than weight has turned my deflated boob issues around. I don't want to just be thin. I want to be strong and toned. While I am shrinking my boobs aren't paying the price. This approach has helped me tremendously. I also concentrate on my upper body and try to lift weights everyday.

    Please teach me how!
    So how have you set your calorie goal? And what exercise do you do? Just strength like weight lifting or cardio too?
    I've gotten a little obsessed with watching the numbers go down. Oh this sounds like what I want, to be fit and strong, I want to stop watching the scales and tone my body!

    Btw I've just binged about ten biscuits down at 81 cals each and I feel disgusting :-( hate getting into these funks
  • SilverLuster
    Definatly check out a store that will properly size you. Its ackward the first time, sure, but in the end you actually fit the bra. Most females 'think' they know, even after decades of wearing them, but there is a few things to learn from those fitting sessions. Especially after losing weight.

    Also, personally, I know if I say 'no' to particular things, then it makes me 'want' them all the more. Let yourself have a little bit of what you crave, but master the art of portion control. Example, salad dressings say 2 tb per serving, when you just need 1 tb for taste. Easy way to cut corners but still enjoy the flavors of life.

    Or you could look at chocolate flavored things. Protien shakes aren't the best chocolate replacement, but it tastes good and helps your protien count. What one commenter said earlier, try dark chocolate, it has less sugar. Or even chocolate covered nuts. You get healthy fat, you feel full longer, and you attack your craving :)

    Another person said to work on your pecks. Its a good idea, because it adds to bust size and your cleavage! Trust me, it works. Don't worry about it turning you 'manly' because it takes ALOT of effort for a girl to turn into a 'muscle man'. Check these out and hope these tips help modivate you to have a better day :)http://www.wikihow.com/Work-out-the-Pecs

    PS: PMS is never fun, pull yourself out of the dumps and treat yourself somehow to lift your mood. (I was *****y yesterday, myself, but after a work out I feel wonderful today.)
  • I too feel the same way around my period. You're a human being! Sometimes you do have to cave to cravings, for mental health! I allow myself to have something when I am pms'ing...for me it's cheezies! And remember, a crappy work out is better than no workout. Go outside for a walk. Get moving, that helps clear the pms for sure.

    And boobies? Well...you can always pad them. You are overthinking and overanalyzing because you have pms right now. You look fab-u-lous!!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Eat the chocolate. You gave it up for the wrong reason anyway.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Some women lose fat from their bosom, some women lose less of it. You can't choose where you lose fat, it just happens. I'm cursed in that my boobs are the last to grow, first to go, and as others have said, if losing weight caused your boobs to deflate (normal!) you can get augmentation if you find it continues to be an issue with your self-image.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @mamahannick thank you, I was hoping someone with similar experience in the boob area would reply. The thing is, I can't decide what's worse, weighing that extra half a stone more and having the girls back to stop me feeling like crap every time I get changed or undressed, or keeping the flat tum. I'm grateful for what I have got, believe me, I just thought it would feel different when I got to my goal :frown:

    Hahaha, been there, doing that lol. Last spot for me to lose fat is butt & thighs. I went from a 34D to a 34B+ and since I'm 50 - the girls ain't sittin' where they used to. Cutlets are the answer, and I don't mean chicken :wink:

    Focus on your trim tummy and your newly sculpted bum... You can always fake it in the boob dept, but a healthy body and a firm tum & butt are where it's at!
    Trust me, if you gain it back, yes, some will go to the girls, but you can bet your fat *kitten* (pardon my French) that the main spot that increases will be the spot hardest to lose.

    PS I hope you realize the 'fat *kitten*' comment is only meant metaphorically lol.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    You wrote all about me :/ I'm bottom heavy (gotta love a good booty!). I've never been well endowed, girls wise. But after breastfeeding two kids, my girls have gotten loose. Add to that the weight loss? They are the first things gone. I love how my body is changing and my stomach is getting flatter, but my poor boobs are gone :( And mine are doing the exact same thing, just kind of deflating. Wish I knew the magic answer. For now, I'm content that I'm getting healthy and the rest of my body is getting so much better. Then maybe if I reach my goal weight I'll treat myself to some enhancement?

    Would love to know too if concentrating on lifting/weights instead of cardio would make any difference....
  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    I feel your pain on the deflated breasts. I can't believe how much I have lost from my own with my weight loss. i also thought they were one of my best features but not so much anymore. I understand your frustration with the bras and swim tops. I also feel like I don't fill out my bra's properly. Doesn't matter what i do they never look quit right. I think some of the problem stems from the loose skin on my breasts. It kinda puckers in the cleavage area and I dislike that. I have had a proper fitting done and was told there is nothing I can do about the puckering, it's just the skin. ;( I can seriously grab the skin on my breasts and pull them up..that's how deflated they have become. On a positive note though, yesterday my husband commented on my breasts. He noticed by my side profile that they seem more 'lifted'. I looked a little closer and i have to agree. I have been lifting heavy weights for around 14wks now so perhaps all that chest work is helping the situation. ;) So pick up some weights..it may help a bit with the lift. I can only imagine how much more deflated they will look as i continue to loose weight.