Cardio vs Weight Training

Hi all!

Question for you guys:

I'm aiming to lose 15-20lbs in 8 weeks. Would it be more effective to focus on cardio and cut down on my weights, or should I still incorporate my weight training? I don't wanna be flabby so of course if I do cardio I'll still be doing some toning exercises/body weight stuff. But I'm wondering if my concentration should be mainly cardio and nix the weight lifting. Your opinions are greatly appreciated!

Sidenote - Please don't give me the "lose weight slowly" or "it's a lifestyle not a diet" speech. I know this. :) This is just a goal I'm trying to reach. Thanks!


  • ToraChan2310
    Do both.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    weight loss is from a calorie deficet..exercise is for health.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Your weight loss is going to be largely attributable to your diet, not your exercise. A good balanced fitness regimen is gong to incorporate elements of both cardio vascular fitness and resistance training.

    Cardio is good for the heart and cardiovascular system and great for endurance and stamina. Weight training/strength training/resistance training is great for your muscular and skeletal system and will improve your strength and help you maintain lean mass while dieting.

    "Toning" is simply shedding fat to reveal the muscle underneath...for good tone you need resistance training of some sort while dieting is optimal.
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    Do both! Weights wont make you bulky or anything like that. It will help tone the body and get rid of fat fast. Cardio is good for endurance, heart, and to burn calories. Honestly no one can put a number one the body. What you want to loose. Your body is going to lose when it wants too, and what it wants too. You have to train hard but working out is only part of it. Its what you eat so if you want to loose fast. That is the most important. Make sure your diet is very clean. High in protein! Also green tea helps speed up the metabolism.