People who weight train - I need some advice please

With the help of one of my MFP friends, I think I've realised where I am going wrong on this journey. I have become obsessed with the scales, I weigh myself every morning, if I go over my calories I am disappointed and angry at myself, if I have an off day I feel guilty and disgusted - no matter how much I try to pretend I'm not bother, I am.

I have become obsessed with staying under a certain weight, but I think I need to STOP this!

What I think I actually want to do, is put some weight back on and then tone up. So my question is, from those in the know with relation to this - how do I start?

I want to stop watching the scales and watch my shape instead, I've heard that weight training is a good way for women to change their body shape, but I have no idea where to start or how to get into it.

I'd gotten very disheartened as I am pear shaped and losing weight has resulted in me becoming even more so, I have lost the majority of volume from my breasts and I am not happy about it - no matter what anyone says about anybody else, you know what you want and what you like and I want my boobs back! So I'm thinking, with regard to the rest of my body, why not stop trying to make it smaller, and make it stronger, stop being governed by the scales and concentrate on my shape and how I feel and how my clothes fit etc.

SO, do I put some weight back on and then start training? How does it work? I hope I'm not barking up the wrong tree about all this because I have a good feeling about it.

When Jennifer Lawrence played Katniss Everdene, she said she trained her *kitten* off as she wanted Katniss to look fit and strong and capable, not waif-like a skinny - I want that!

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Thank you


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    SO, do I put some weight back on and then start training?

    If you think you need to gain weight, then yes, put weight back on.

    Everyone should strength train, so yes, start now. There are several posts each day asking about starting. I'd follow NROL or Stronglifts.
  • sophieamhaley
    To be honest I wasn't fat before joining MFP, just quite unfit and very untoned. I've focused on trying to be skinny rather than fit.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    To be honest I wasn't fat before joining MFP, just quite unfit and very untoned. I've focused on trying to be skinny rather than fit.

    Weight lifting will make such a difference for you. I went through the same thing & focused on just being skinny & I totally lost any shape that I had to my body. I started lifting weights & gaining muscle & curves again. Body has some nice weight lifting programs for beginners.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I am also a pear shape and found that building up my upper body made me look more proportionate.

    A great quote from an article I read earlier today (and posted here in MFP) about how older adults with more muscle mass seem to live longer is "...rather than worrying about weight or body mass index, we should be trying to maximize and maintain muscle mass."

    Start eating more and start lifting heavy. Give it some time. The results will be amazing! :bigsmile:
  • fordmusic
    fordmusic Posts: 20 Member
    I agree with nyla2120! But I don't think you need to gain weight before you start weight training. Do check out they have great workouts to follow and they make it super simple for beginners into weight training. Being strong and fit is better than being skinny any day!! Good Luck!
  • sophieamhaley
    To be honest I wasn't fat before joining MFP, just quite unfit and very untoned. I've focused on trying to be skinny rather than fit.

    Weight lifting will make such a difference for you. I went through the same thing & focused on just being skinny & I totally lost any shape that I had to my body. I started lifting weights & gaining muscle & curves again. Body has some nice weight lifting programs for beginners.

    That really gives me hope. The reason I asked about putting a little weight back on was maybe to fill out my deflated breasts a bit before I begin to lift. Can it work like that?!
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    The scale is just a number. First is to accept that. Does it really matter what you weigh if you fit into X size clothes? Of course not.

    Use the tape measure, judge the changes based on that. was suggested, its the site I use to track my stats.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    To be honest I wasn't fat before joining MFP, just quite unfit and very untoned. I've focused on trying to be skinny rather than fit.

    Weight lifting will make such a difference for you. I went through the same thing & focused on just being skinny & I totally lost any shape that I had to my body. I started lifting weights & gaining muscle & curves again. Body has some nice weight lifting programs for beginners.

    That really gives me hope. The reason I asked about putting a little weight back on was maybe to fill out my deflated breasts a bit before I begin to lift. Can it work like that?!

    When you lower your bodyfat & build muscle, sadly the boobs lose volume as well. You can't really gain or lose fat in certain areas either. Sorry I don't have a better answer,
  • sophieamhaley
    So, short of robbing a bank and getting a boob job, it's choosing between fit body + deflated breasts or extra weight with the boobs I know and love. :explode:
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    I believe we are done here..............wait.............what???........

  • rldavis120
    rldavis120 Posts: 14 Member
    Thru weight loss you couldn't determine where you would lose the weight, so with gaining you can;r determine where you will gain it. So putting on weight will not gurantee that it will go to your boobs. Get started with weight training as advised above and see what happens. You won't be disappointed.