
I am new to the website, but not new to the losing weight game. I have been type insulin dependant 2 diabetic for almost 20 years and have struggled with keeping it under control since day 1. I have always been active, playing hockey, sports, bowling, riding my bike, going fishing, etc but it was always doing it 80-100 pounds overweight. I also have been sick most of my life with food allergies, environmental allegeries, asthma, etc. You name it I've probably had it. I lost 50 pounds 8 years ago and came off of all my medications. The diet was a strict low cal, low fat, low carb plan that provided you the premade food. I had never lost any weight before, and it really changed my life, which meant I ended up meeting my wife. I stopped going to the gym, starting taking her out to dinner, movies, doing couple stuff all the time, and because I was happy with the 50 pound weight loss I got lazy and eventually gained all the weight back. At 33 I was involved in a car accident that gave me 3 herniated disks in my back that ended my activity for a long time. At 34 I had major episodes of stroke like symptoms. The doctors are stumped, but think I may have a rare type of diabetic neuropathy that only affects one side of your body. The symptoms eventually went away untiil they came back the year after and have not gone away since. I have had to quit work because of the unending pain and the disability it caused. So here I am currently at age 36 and was already trying to lose weight but not going anywhere when I finally got my wake up call. I have no idea why it took this long to "Get the Wake Up Call". The past 20 years I basically just ignored the diabetes because I really couldn't feel anything except that I was thirsty and tired all the time. I just got used to it. Last week I was told my the vessels in my eyes are starting to really weaken, and bleed into the eye. This is the reason the vision in my left eye has started to blur, which is kinda like macular degeneration. I have had nightmares before before of losing my vision, and how I couldn't live if I were to blind. But then I would make the thought go away and I went back to the regular scheduled program of over eating. I was told I now have to have laser surgery and a needle poked into my eye (How I will be able to this next month I have no idea, lol...ok not laughing, more like scared to death) to try and save the vision I have left. Moral of the story is don't be stupid like me and just let diabetes go on without doing anything about it. I have no excuses, I just plain didn't want to put in the work to lose weight and wanted to eat anything I wanted. So I started this website last sunday and found this to be an amazing tool that has kept me aware of just exactly what I was eating. I was told to do a food journal before, but I hate keeping a book and pen around. My goal is to have lost 100 pounds by next December 5th, which will have been the one year anniversary that I started using this website.
Please feel free to friend me, any support is appreciated. I also will happy to lend my support as well.


  • redwingluvr
    redwingluvr Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome! This is the right place to be! Good luck on your journey!!!!
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    added! good luck to you, Sam! Will be here for support!
  • SammySideburns
    Awesome, a hockey fan. Vancouver Canucks fan here lol
  • SammySideburns
    added! good luck to you, Sam! Will be here for support!

    Thank you for you well wishes.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464

    I too am diabetic, had health issues and had to create a NEW life for myself. It's not easy, but having a wake-up call now when you ahve a chance to still do something about it is a blessing. I lost 100 pounds more than once. I am currently maintaining the last time I lost it for over 4 years now. I am off all medication, and my doctors say I am in a remission of sorts. It's easy to just not do it. So each day we have to remind ourselves that if we don't take care of ourselves, no one else will and in the end, no one can. Good luck with your journey. It's always going to be a part of your daily regimine, just like taking meds... Check in and make sure your doing what you should be. Then Enjoy the life that you still have because your taking care of yourself!
  • Jackiemal
    Jackiemal Posts: 63 Member

    I have diabetes too. I completely understand how we can just put it out of our minds, until the effects start showing. My father is diabetic (just one of many health issues) and he cannot feel his feet. Definately fun to ride with him when he drives! I am very worried about my future eyesight. I have a friend who has to have those shots you do. She sayes they are not fun, but you have to protect what sight you have left.

    Good luck with your efforts!
  • pattysw17
    Hi Sammy~ Welcome! Best Wishes to you and your health!
  • rabtib
    rabtib Posts: 10
    Good job ! You can do it!!!