Join MFP 4-Week Challenge Group w/ $28 bet - starts Sat!

I found this My Fitness Pal Group and thought I'd pass the info along. It's a great idea! Here's the info from the group owner pasted in below:

4 week challenge for those wanting to lose at least 4% of their body weight!

Starts: Sat March 22
Ends: Fri April 19

Betting your $28: We will all join the challenge at
It's only $28 ($1 per day) to join. If you lose 4% of your body weight you split the pot of money! (so if everybody loses 4%, then everybody wins back their $28! - and if less people lose 4% then you win back your $28 and more!).

Expectations of the challenge:
(1) Optional weekly weigh-ins to track progress; this will be on our spreadsheet in our group
(2) Daily Thread for all to comment on daily activities, water intake, and general thoughts
(3) Questions in the thread to share ideas/get people participating/remaining active in the group
(4) Stay active, watch what you eat, increase water intake, and have fun with the end goal of losing 4% of your body weight by Good Friday!

Begins: THIS SATURDAY! March 22nd
Ends: Good Friday, April 19th

Only 2 official weigh-ins: one at the beginning and one at the end

WHAT TO DO: We will be using dietbet to track and monitor initial and end of challenge weigh-ins.

(1) Go here:

(2) Join the challenge and pay $28. (I do not get any of the money, dietbet handles it all, so no worries that someone is banking your bucks!

(3) Do the initial weigh-in at our dietbet page on Saturday March 22nd
*They have you take a full body pic of you on the scale and then one of a code word you write on a paper and place next to your scale when you weigh yourself and you snap a pic of that. Then you do the same thing on the last day of the challenge. --> see no cheating!! blushing

(4) Check our weekly threads daily and contribute to the questions/topics of the day

(5) Optional: Weigh yourself each Friday and msg to me or post in our group if you want to track your progress

(6) Weigh-in at the end on the dietbet page and see your progress!

*I will have a helpful chart I will post before this coming Friday for you to print out and track your progress. Also a thermometer you can shade in each week so you can track your results without being on the's so much better to see progress when it's on the fridge/in your face!* We will have our own spreadsheet for tracking results, a weekly weigh-in to track progress, and a thread so we can motivate each other with mini challenges!

Group page:

(Also, if you go to "Groups" you'll see it listed under "New Groups")

Kristy is the Group Owner and is super friendly, so send her any questions you have. I pretty much read what it was about and then clicked on the dietbet link and paid my $28 - you can use credit/debit card or paypal. I used paypal. Now I'm all signed up and ready for Saturday to get here so I can weigh-in!

Nothing like $$$ to get you motivated!

Also, don't forget to click the "join group" button on the group's My Fitness Pal page.

Hope to see ya there!

