hey everyone for the those who have completed insanity or are doing it I'd like you to shed some light on a couple of things. Well am on day 17 today and I thought by reading all the comments all round that I would be able to do insanity by now without stopping so much and also there are some moves that I have found very difficult so I do something else instead. Am I doing something wrong? Or am I not giving 100%? I really thought by now Id be doing insanity without stopping. This is my 3rd attempt at finishing I usually get to week 3 and get discouranged but I really want to finish and prove to myself that I can do it because I know I can. I really need people's honest opinions. Did you get to week and sailed through the workouts non stop? Thanks


  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    Firstly, good on you for sticking through it!

    Don't get discouraged! It's never the same experience or results for anyone, don't feel like you have to keep up all the time with Sean or the people in the videos. Like he says, form over speed and know your limits. I'm currently in the first month of my second round of Insanity, and I STILL take breaks when I'm feeling too breathless, but you will notice your stamina increasing. My muscles can take more now than through my first round for sure.

    It's great that you do your own modifications! Continue to do that, and you are the only one who is able to really say whether you are giving it your all. Just because you have to take breaks, doesn't mean you're not giving it your all. It's tough, but worth it!
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    Do what you can with the body you have! As long as you are sweating and exhausted at the end of the workout you are doing it right. If you need a 5 second breather here and there take it. If you watch the video closely you will notice all the "pros" taking quick breaks as well. In month 2 there will probably be more exercises you may not be able to do, but just keep moving and keep kicking butt! You're 1/3 of the way there!

    If you are finding Insanity easy, that's when you are doing it wrong. Anyone who says it got easier as the time went on wasn't doing it right. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you need some extra motivation.
  • evedavis29
    evedavis29 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much I'll def keep pushing myself. I have noticed am doing more than I did during the 1st week. Yeah seeing the pros in the vid close to givin up makes me feel that much better lol and makes me think they are in the same boat (only fitter) but still in pain. Month 2 right around the corner will see what it has to offer :)
  • tulljackie
    tulljackie Posts: 9 Member
    It sounds crazy but I try not to watch the people in the video because they make me feel like I'm not going hard enough. When I face a different way I go at my own pace and speed that I know I can handle. It really helps me. I still take quick breathers where I grab a sip of water and catch my breath if I feel I am going too hard so don't feel bad about that. Keep pressing play!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I have done 2 complete rounds of Insanity and I cannot compete a workout without stopping. Shawn T CANNOT COMPLETE A WORKOUT WITHOUT STOPPING (There is a video on youtube with him trying). So don't get discourages. Keep at it, rest when you need and keep pushing!
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Do what you can. You'll find that on some days you can do more than other days! Not even the people on the tape go all the way through.
  • arienpeppers
    arienpeppers Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, congrats on making it this far in Insanity! It's a tough workout and requires a lot of mental and physical dedication to complete. I wasn't able to make it completely through the workout until the end of month one and that's perfectly normal. Some workouts were easier than others for me. If you watch the people in the video even they can't complete the entire workout without stopping, so don't worry about it. You're fitness level is building every time you do the video and I promise you'll feel and see a difference by the end of the two months.
    Keep going!
  • aellis1010
    Keep it up and don't give up. My husband and I are on the first round of Insanity and we are on day 3 of week 3 and we are exhausted by the time we finish but surely can't get through a whole work out without stopping. We modify what we can and stop when we have to and take a breather. Don't get discouraged. It is worth it - we have already seen great results so far with inches lost .:smile:
  • evedavis29
    evedavis29 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for your advice I feel more motivated now to finish :)