Feeling overwhelmed

HI everyone,

I have a decent amount to lose, and have adjusted my diet and general activities to be more in a "fat burning" mode. However yesterday I went to the gym and they measured my weight, my measurements and pinched me with their fat pinching tweezers.

My ratio is fine on my waist, it just goes a little downhill on my hips, bum and thighs. This is nothing i didn't know, just by looking at myself. I was freaked out to learn that 40lb of my total body is fat tissue, which is what i want to lose anyway, but now i keep looking at my body, and imagining that weight and imagining it as fat and to be honest i feel overwhelmed by it all.

Also he advised i don't run until i lose a good 10lbs so i don't push any pressure on my knees, that made me feel worse, i didn't realize my weight gain would or could affect my joints - i didn't see myself as far gone as that. He set me some exercises to do, telling me they were easy ones to start with - they weren't.

I feel angry at myself that I have allowed this to happen to my body and now I am paying for the damage i caused. I also can't get my head around fixing the situation, i feel like I couldn't possibly achieve everything they say.

I am being a total pessimist I know. I just feel a bit... ****, and panicked, and disgusted.

Has anyone gone through this phase before? This is the first time I have been presented with bare facts, not just standing in the mirror feeling a little fat.



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Relax. You've got this. Your ticker says you've already lost 12 lbs. You're doing fine - just keep going.

    Exercises aren't supposed to be easy. If they were hard and you still did them, then you're doing great. Just keep going and they'll get easier. And then you'll find new harder ones to do. :laugh:
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    It may seem overwhelming but just take it one day at a time and you will get there. I started with 70 pounds to lose and 44% percent body fat:(!!! I felt he same way as you when I started but knew that doing nothing wasn't the solution. A little over 5 months in and I have lost 41 pounds and feel great. I am taking it slow and set my goal to lose one pound a week. Sometimes I see a higher loss sometimes less but it averages out. As you go you will get stronger and will be able to do so much more and that is motivating. The way I see it is the time will pass wether you are trying to lose weight or not so I have decided I want to lose weight. Good luck!! You can do this!!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    It sounds like you heard two things yesterday. 1) that you have a higher percentage of fat than you thought and you're feeling very discouraged by that, and 2) that you are limited in what you can do and you have been told to do exercises that you feel are too difficult or not preferable.

    My advice is be kind to yourself, you didn't get there overnight and it may take time to lose the fat. Also, if you want to run and your knees are fine, and especially if a medical professional gives you the ok, then I say run!!!

    You are going to lose the weight by eating less. You will exercise more if you like the exercise you choose to do.
  • wannaBrunnner81
    wannaBrunnner81 Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you for sharing and opening up, im sure that wasnt easy. I had a little bit of a similar story. Last winter I tore my ACL playing basketball, and during the after math i had multiple dr's visits and through all that i learned that my cholesterol was borderline and I had some blood preasure issues. Once i had my surgery i realized that the extra weight i was packing around wasnt going to help with my recovery. I started dieting in earnest in late May and since then i have lost 50 pounds, my joints are in great shape, and my blood preasure and cholesterol is in great shape.

    You can do this, it is going to take some time. There will be set backs, there will be days where you want to give and say to heck wiht it all, but you know you want a change. Hang in there, perseverence will pay off in the long run. This is about a better life, not just loosing some extra pounds.

    Good luck to you, hope I helped.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    You've already lost 12 lbs. so you know you can do this. It is a little hard to deal with the stark realities of all those measurements, but they all would have been worse 12 lbs. ago and they will all be better a month from now, IF you continue to do the things you need to do. Remember, "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step". Good luck!
  • Ataraxia81
    Ataraxia81 Posts: 63 Member
    The biggest thing to realize is that it has become an issue and you are already taking steps to remedy your situation. Sometimes we have to hit that point of "disgust" to help us realize how far we let ourselves go. It's going to take some time and a lot of hard work, but it will be worth it in the end.
  • wildroselola
    Don't be so hard on yourself! :) You've lost 12lbs already and that's a really good start! Just keep looking at how far you have come and don't think of how far you have to go.
    Rome wasn't built in a day! And healthy weight loss doesn't happen over night.
    Try and stay positive :)
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    You are going to be fine.. breath .... It's just a number and guess what it was there yesterday ,you just didn't know it :blushing: .. today I found out I have 46 % body fat and I have lost 77 lbs ( ignore my ticker hahaha I just got a new scale and she lies ) I started off having 120 lbs to lose and I have 45-50 lbs to get to my goal weight . I was laughing today telling my son " If I'm 46 % body fat now I must have been 100% body fat 77 lbs ago right?" hahaha ...take it easy numbers are hard to handle ,I think we internalize them and that is not the purpose of knowing them . It's just a tool . I hope you can find an exercise you feel comfortable with . You know what I had a girlfriend who was thin and thought she was in good shape and she was doing some yoga with me and she couldn't do it well at all she was very weak and we both were very surprised because here I am I have about 60 pounds on her and she can't keep up with me so If you find an exercise hard it's only because you aren't used to it .You will be surprised how quickly your body adapts ! Good luck and in a few days you will adjust to this news and forge ahead .
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    you will be fine :) take it one day at a time.
  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone, you are all very encouraging. Plus my fiance is away at the moment so I take news and internalize into a big horrible mess.

    Thank you for helping talk me off the ledge.

    K x
  • jamesisaac108
    I think its normal for many to feel that way. It is a bit of a shock. Just focus on eating healthier rather than loosing weight. And the slower you lose the weight the less likely you are to gain it back. Do you enjoy running at all?