I'm following every rule but gained this week...



  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Some people say eat more eat more eat more… that 1200 calories is to little… then others push the eating at a deficit. It makes a lot more sense if you want to lose weight to eat a deficit than eat all these calories.

    She is eating at a deficit ... a NET DEFICIT OF OVER 1000 OFF HER MAINTENANCE LEVEL ... her average intake is only 40% of her maintenance level. There is a difference in eating at a healthy deficit for rational weight loss and plugging in numbers until one gets the lowest possible from the app.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    You may be thinking too much.
    Just eat clean and real food. Make sure to have protein at every meal and with every snack. Simple as that. Use your hands as measurements...the palm for size of protein, closed fist for vegetables and carbs like quinoa. Obsessing is counterproductive and will lead to frustration. You should not feel worn out after working it. Rather, euphoric and energized. I went through this...I use to have to come home from working out and take a nap. That's not the way it's suppose to be.
    Just a side note, protein bars may not be the best thing...full of sugar. Have a protein shake (get one that's low calorie, low in sugar and carbs but high in protein. Take it about 20 minutes after working out. Helps repair muscles.
    Are you taking any supplements like fish oil? Magnesium?
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    LOTS of questions here. I'm going to try to condense things into a concise and simple post.

    Even at your height, I wouldn't recommend eating under 1200 for a variety of reasons. Your basal metabolic rate (the calories you would need to maintain your weight if you were comatose) is likely at least 1500 calories. It's generally recommended that you not eat less than your BMR except if you have a lot of weight to lose and are under close medical supervision.

    You're getting the 1200 number everywhere you go because you're saying "lose 2 pounds/week" and 1200 is the minimum recommended intake. A 2lb/week loss requires a deficit of 1000 calories/day, which with what I estimate as your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE, probably about 2000 calories) would require a net calorie intake of 1000 calories/day. NOT sustainable and NOT healthy.
    I feel like if I'm not completely wiped out or not starving, then I'm not doing enough.

    I'm not an exercise expert, but I generally disagree with this. You shouldn't exercise to the point of weakness. It's unsafe.

    As a final note, fluctuations of a pound or two are VERY normal even in people who are maintaining weight.

    ETA: There is no magic formula for what you should eat to lose weight. I'm in the "if it fits your macros" camp, more or less, although I don't have my macros adjusted perfectly for the intake I like. You can look at my diary to see what I mean. I don't eat "clean," whatever that means, and I don't cut out anything I really want. I make it work for me. The only recommendation that I would make is to up protein and probably up fat and definitely lower carbohydrates from the recommended MFP macro settings. Carbohydrates tend to be less sating; you may notice feeling less full on days that you have more carbohydrates if you shift your diet to favor protein and fats. I eat protein bars. Yup, the protein bars I eat have more carbohydrates and possibly more sugar than protein. I like them. They make me happy. So I eat them. Still lose weight.
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for advice :smile:
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    No supplements and no fat loss diet packaged foods. Organic and healthy foods only.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Another thing to think about...like you aren't confused enough...
    Muscle burns fat even at rest. So, maybe change things up and start lifting heavier weight. Stop worrying about burning the calories on a treadmill, etc...lift weights. The idea that you will bulk up lifting heavy weight is very untrue.
    The protein really comes into play here. your body needs it to build muscle so the muscle can burn the fat. The fat burning takes place for hours after you stop working out. Stop the endless treadmill stuff and try weights.
    Cardio is good but you will see faster results working with weights.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    I don't do diet stuff either but I do take fish oil, vitamin D and magnesium.
    What are you having for dinner?
    Im not bring nosey, just curious. Knowing what other people eat helps.
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    I prefer the elliptical over everything. I went from resistance (Jillian Michaels led workouts) 3 being highest to now 11. Should I also add weights in or is the resistance on elliptical doing the job?
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Add weights, the elliptical is not enough.
    Free weights are the best. You need to target your muscles.

    Also, don't forget your MUFA's. Good fat as in nuts, avocados, etc...I learned recently that the good fats actually eat the bad fats. Who knew?
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Weight varies. Drink a pint of water and the scale will say you gained a pound. Salt or exercise makes you retain water -- same result.
    Did you do the cleanse before your starting weight? That would artificially lower it.
    Basically anytime you weight yourself, whatever's in your digestive track will be included. But it takes time to actually integrate the calories into your body.
    In my case, there is often a delay between how I eat and exercise and when I see results. Usually I see the results of however I ate a week later. If I eat well for week 1-3 and week 5, and poorly on week 4, I'll lose on weeks 2-4 and 6, but gain on 5. I haven't seen any research or medical reports about this delay, so I'd be interested in hearing what others have experienced.
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    I mostly have salad with grilled chicken (50-100 cal dressing), turkey burger (slim sandwich 100 cal bread) or any kind of fish. I cut out pastas, butter, oils and only have lean meats and make sure to have veggies every night. I typically have a Luna Bar or Special K bar for BF, English muffin or Egg Beaters. Lunch is usually same as what I would choose for dinner but smaller. I drink Chrystal Light and Water. Some times Diet Soda. For snacks it's usually a fiber one bar, protein bar, trail mixr or fruit. I never go hungry and don't feel starved either. Weird right? I keep my meals at an average of 200-400 cals each.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Hi there,
    It is very frustrating. The same thing happens to me. Remember that muscle is like 4 times denser than fat. What is likely happening is that your muscle is taking over the fat. Since muscle is denser, it will actually weigh more. Sounds strange but it's true. You are losing the fat, don't worry. You will see it in how your clothes fit. Try and forget about the scale. Just eat right, lots of protein and guage your success by how you feel and how your favorite jeans fit. Not by what the scale says. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. My jeans will fit better, my face looks thinner, I have more energy and feel leaner over all, but the scale either goes up or does not budge! Forget numbers!!!! Eat right and exercise.

    I don't think it's possible to gain any appreciable muscle mass in a week. Water retention is much more likely.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    It sounds like you are doing all of the right things...
    Make sure you are getting enough of the right fats. That's one thing I have learned that is really important. A fat with every meal. ie: if you have a salad, use olive oil as part of the dressing. Or have a handful of almonds. Fat with every meal.
    MUFA's are: olives, olive oil, avocados, nuts, nut butters. I think there are a few more.
    I do think that adding weights will help you.
    Try it and see. You may actually gain on the scale but shrink on the body. That's what we want, right?
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    What about bloating though?
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Lots of water. Green tea too.
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    I hope I don't seem whiny. I just get reminded daily when I'm logging everything I do.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    There's no problem until it's a pattern - like, 2 or 3 weeks in a row. I weight 3 pounds more when I go to sleep than when I wake up in the morning.

    Also, when you write online, use line breaks. Your initial post is near-impossible to read. :-)
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Not at all. Just take one day at a time. Hang in there. Continue to eat well, exercise and drink lots of water. You will figure it out. everyone is different. Try not to obsess though. It will drive you crazy. Have fun too. Set little goals and challenges for yourself...For me, my husband is away so I am not going to have any wine til he gets back. I enjoy my wine so it's a challenge for me. Or, if you lose 2 lbs, get new workout pants,,,I just ordered some from Athleta. 'You get the idea.
    My biggie right now is going away for vacation where I will be in a bathing suit every day. Talk about motivation...!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    What makes you think that eating fat means that you aren't eating "clean?" Generally, eating clean refers to the avoidance of processed foods.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member

    I'd check this website too as well to make sure you know what your BMR is! Its important to make sure you are getting enough calories! Don't be so focused on the weight maybe either after just two weeks... There is too many factors that could be the cause of this. Be focused on the physical changes! Don't give up! Remember, this is all a lifestyle change, not a quick fix!