Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds?


I'm 22 and weigh 165 pounds and my goal weight is 145 (where I was during my freshman year of college). I've been dieting (watching calorie intake and cutting out processed foods) and exercising for about 2 and a half weeks and my body feels great. It feels good to "earn" calories, but I don't take that as a freebie to eat bad foods.

Anyway, I've been workingout to Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. I workout twice a day doing the 2 mile in the morning after breakfast and the 1 mile in the evening after dinner. The two miles and beyond (I switch up with DVDs I'm doing. I sometimes do the 3 mile, but only do 2 miles of it because it introduces new moves and such. Hopefully I can work my way up to doing the full 3 mile walk).

Has anyone seen results from these DVDs?


  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    I am wondering the same thing...
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You'll see results from your diet. Weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise. If you've never done any physical activity then those DVD's are great to get moving but they really don't burn any more calories than just plain going for a walk (and they lie about the distance covered BTW). I wouldn't expect huge results from doing a couple miles with Leslie. The moves are walking back and forth, kicking your foot, side stepping, and modified fire hydrants ( lifting your leg like a dog peeing) with the occasional arm lift or clap thrown in.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Losing weight is mainly diet. But for me to maintain a smaller size, I have to move more.....that's where Leslie comes in. I finally found an exercise that I can do for the rest of my life....no dread factor!!!!

    These DVDs are so adaptable too..... bring the level up....or bring the level down. You really do get out of them, what you put into them.

    Leslie is great .....come join the group. Lots of walkers here

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You'll see results from your diet. Weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise. If you've never done any physical activity then those DVD's are great to get moving but they really don't burn any more calories than just plain going for a walk (and they lie about the distance covered BTW). I wouldn't expect huge results from doing a couple miles with Leslie. The moves are walking back and forth, kicking your foot, side stepping, and modified fire hydrants ( lifting your leg like a dog peeing) with the occasional arm lift or clap thrown in.

    You're right ....no huge results from most exercise ....it's diet to lose weight.

    But .....I don't think is matters whether it's a mile or .75 miles.....this is low impact aerobics. It's not better than walking ...........but it is aerobics that I will do in January (I live in the midwest) ...it's aerobics that I will do when it's raining, it's aerobics I can do when it's dark outside. It's "excuse proof."

    They are called walking workouts because they are low impact and have no choreography. These are workouts are for those who have bad knees or simply don't want to learn dance steps. I personally have 2 left feet, other DVDs make me feel like a dunce.

    The workouts can be dumbed down for a beginner or can be stepped up for an intermediate ....and I agree none of them are truely advanced.

    You DO get out of it what you put in. To make a walking video more difficult ......
    1. Move your arms all the time (light handweights help me remember to do this).
    2. If you want more weight ...... a weighted vest is a safer bet than heavy dumbbells or ankle weights.
    3. Higher knees, higher kicks, use the DVDs that have more high impact moves. You have to read reviews and look for "mixed" impact level (collagevideo.com lists this info.)...there are plenty of DVDs w/ "boosted" walking.....the "Just Walk" series (for example)
    4. If your DVD does not have jogging sections...... make your own jogging sections.....DVDs with a timer are great for this.
    5. Use a mini trampoline.....this will make the entire routine.....jogging, hopping, etc.... but still low impact.

    If you think Leslie talks too much (yes, she's very chatty) ......there are also DVDs that have a music only option. If you like the "idea" of walking videos (but not Leslie) ....there are lots of other instructors doing these kinds of DVDs.
  • I use to do those videos a few years ago. I paired those DVDs up with actually walking outside in my neighborhood too and light weights and I managed to lose 15 lbs. Once those became too easy for me, I switched to the biggest loser DVDs. those are so much fun and you burn more calories. so I would suggest after you can complete those DVDs and you just dont feel like you are getting a MAX workout, you should switch. But those are a great introduction series
  • oh and then I had another baby and gained it all back plus some.... lol. So I am going ALL IN and am on day 5 insanity. woooo
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If you are enjoying the exercise then keep doing what you are doing. Finding something you enjoy means an increased probability that you will stick to it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    But .....I don't think is matters whether it's a mile or .75 miles.....this is low impact aerobics. It's not better than walking ...........but it is aerobics that I will do in January (I live in the midwest) ...it's aerobics that I will do when it's raining, it's aerobics I can do when it's dark outside. It's "excuse proof."

    Problem is Leslie will tell you that you just completed X number of miles so people log it as X number of miles and get an inflated calorie burn because marching in place doesn't burn as much as actually propelling yourself along a sidewalk and you aren't actually going the distance she says you are.

    I have a few of her DVD's and use them on occasion with a lot of modifications but using my HRM the burn is minimal compared to what MFP gives for walking unless you choose a snails pace speed.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    But .....I don't think is matters whether it's a mile or .75 miles.....this is low impact aerobics. It's not better than walking ...........but it is aerobics that I will do in January (I live in the midwest) ...it's aerobics that I will do when it's raining, it's aerobics I can do when it's dark outside. It's "excuse proof."

    Problem is Leslie will tell you that you just completed X number of miles so people log it as X number of miles and get an inflated calorie burn because marching in place doesn't burn as much as actually propelling yourself along a sidewalk and you aren't actually going the distance she says you are.

    I have a few of her DVD's and use them on occasion with a lot of modifications but using my HRM the burn is minimal compared to what MFP gives for walking unless you choose a snails pace speed.

    OK - I agree. I think most people would think to use low impact aerobics ...not walking. The reason I believe this .... there is a warm up & a cool down ....slower pace. There are "boosts" (AKA jogging) in many videos, there are other "boosters"....hand weights, resistance band .....I don't assume the whole thing is a 4 MPH pace.

    But, some people will use whatever gives them the most calories ..... a 12 minute Leslie mile? ......Oh - I just walked a mile at 5 MPH !!.....yeah right, try that on a treadmill (no uneven pavement to contend with...still not happening).

    But, there are many times when I burn more calories using Leslie (HRM) than I can "propelling myself along a sidewalk" ....on the sidewalk I am swinging my arms, I am trying to walk fast (uneven pavement....klutz) , using music with a good pace... but till not the same numbers. Hills ...that's another matter....give me some hills.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,485 Member
    The "Walk at Home Video" series that Leslie Sansone does are the best I have run across for people with injured or tender knees who need to work on their fitness, who are new to fitness or who HATE morning workouts! I am a clod and I get my feet all tangled up trying to do those "aerobic" videos and I have a very weak knee from an old water skiing accident so I cannot risk a fall. I am also not a morning person so I cannot workout before 5 PM when I get home from work, which is in the dark for most of the fall and winter. When I found the "Walk at Home" series I started walking and I have not stopped since! Dark, cold, rain, sleet, snow hail, tired knees or a late night class-NOTHING keeps me from my walking workout. I started with 1 mile and worked my way up to the 5 mile walks, which are still my favorite when I have the time. Imagine my surprise when 4 months after beginning the series and walking every day, I had increased my fitness to the point that I could hike up a mountain and leave my husband behind huffing and puffing behind me! The summer before, i could not make it up the mountain at all. If you are working on increasing your fitness, I can vouch for "walking with Leslie." I lost weight by sticking to my calorie goals but I got fit from walking with Leslie. I cannot imagine anyone logging it as walking, however as it is clearly low impact (most of the time) aerobics. If you are enjoying it, just "walk walk walk walk!!!"
  • spersephone
    spersephone Posts: 147 Member
    I've got a treadmill, and I tried to follow her program on it, but it was too hard - some of the movements are just too difficult to do on a moving treadmill without falling off it. But it was good. I actually started doing the C25K in the loungeroom at home, so it's a similar idea.
  • KCHernandez1981
    KCHernandez1981 Posts: 21 Member
    If you want to see results and fast, i suggest jillian micheals 30 day shred. You will notice a dufference in 5 days.
  • doriharvey
    doriharvey Posts: 89 Member
    I am a Leslie fan. I went from huffing and puffing through her basic 2 mile walk (logged it as low impact aerobic) to do up to the 4 - 5 mile walk prior to getting into running. It is not the same, but it is wonderful cross training as she has you moving every muscle. I took a class and worked with a personal trainer to help me develop the skills i have now with running. All of the cross training and muscle strengthening moves are efficiently combined in Leslie video's. I am using her pilates one right now in the morning (45 minutes) , sometimes for a quick workout boost I do a 15 minute interval "walk", I have done the big burn... I've streamed several though youtube. I esp like that I can do any video right then without having to watch it several times. At this point in my fitness / health journey I intensify the workouts by boosting even when the video I am working out with doesn't say to.

    I wear a body media device and can tell you that the little morning walk gives me a nice calorie boost to my metabolism and keeps me burning higher calories throughout the day than on days when I do not.
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    I am definitely a Leslie fan! With a not so great back; hers are the workout to have! She's flexible and easy to do! And yes, great results are possible!
  • psychofairy25
    psychofairy25 Posts: 128 Member
    Ive gotten really good results with Leslie and cutting out soda. i have the 5 mile tone it up. i started 2 mile and worked up to five miles and higher bands. lost 30lbs and lost 6.5 inches around waist alone :) highly recommend have fun :happy:
  • I just started this tape again today. The reason I did is because I had great results in the past, I know for a fact it works. I went from a size 16 to a size 10 in 3 months.
  • I have been using Leslie's DVDs for years off and on. I just picked up the 30 day challenge DVD and it is great. It is an hour workout walk and strength training. I wear my HRM and burn close to 300 calories. Of course it is not like an hour bicycle ride, but it is a way to use different muscles.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    My personal results doing Leslie Sansone's Ultimate Walk DVD was that I burned 200 calories per fifteen minute mile when I did it with 3 lb. hand weights. I have no idea about other's and their effort, but she burns off the fat with some inspiration to go along! I am no longer losing weight and am now trying to gain strength, but Leslie got me through my last bit of weight. I am definitely a member of her fan club!
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member
    I don't know these DVD - maybe it's mainly in the US. I am a big fan of any walking exercise - i tried jogging years ago and never really got the habit. Power walking suits me down to the ground. can be done anytime and just 15 mins makes a diff so does not need a great deal of time. If you are enjoying it - then that's all that counts!