Nursing and losing lbs (or not)

I am nursing my 3 month old son and am about 60lbs overweight. I'd like to lose some of this weight! I know I should do it slowly and will. I know it took 9 months to put on (or more, ha!) and I know that I need to keep my protein and cals up so I can keep my supply up, but why then when I am trying really hard and eating in my calories, eating good proteins, lots of veggies, and about the right amount of macros am I not losing 1 single pound? In fact I have had weeks where I gained! I'm trying to drink 100 oz of water but usually get in about 75. I had my son at 217 and am about 210 now. I am fluctuating between 208-210 and have been for about 3 weeks.

I'm set to eat 1500 cal plus I add 500 for nursing. Should I go a little less? I am trying to fit exercise in but have not done it consistently as we just moved and I'm a bit overwhelmed with working part time, moving, 3 kids, nursing round the clock and homeschooling. I know the excuses have to stop so that's on plan for this week.

Any suggestions would be great!


  • mmbrooklyn
    mmbrooklyn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi There! I am new to these boards, and I wanted to reply so that I could also watch responses on this. Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you, but I can tell you that I am having the EXACT same experience, except my son is 6 months old! It's so frustrating to have not lost a single pound since 2 weeks post-partum, and even had weeks where I gained a pound or three.

    I keep hoping it will "fall off" like some people claim it does after they finish nursing, but I'm scared that this weight is going to be more stubborn than that.
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    I would be concerned you aren't eating enough, actually. And drink more water! Best, easiest thing you can do for your supply - and you need more because you are nursing. Try to drink 8-16 oz every nursing session (I ep'd because of latch issues and aimed for a bottle of water every time I pumped).

    What is your BMR? What is your TDEE? I'm wondering if you are way too low, even with the extra 500 calories, to the point that your body is hanging on to fat to keep your supply up.

    That said, it's not uncommon for nursing mothers to have a gain or hold weight between 3 and 4 months until supply is really stabilized.
  • McMellll
    McMellll Posts: 15
    My daughter just turned 9 mo this week and I have just started dropping weight. Since we have established and are on a pretty good schedule, I have started working out/tracking again. I aim for 1/2 of my body weight in water a day (ie 100 oz for 200 lbs) and my calorie goal is 1200 with an extra 400 for nursing (so 1600). I started slowly with 0.5 lbs a week as my weight loss goal, and have gradually increased as she has gotten older. I've just started back up at the gym in the last month as well, and I try to go at least 3x a week. I feel like that plus just changing the type of foods I eat has made the biggest difference. About 7 lbs of baby #2 weight to go and then I've got to work off from baby #1!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Not sure what your height is, but I figure your BMR is 1700 or a bit more. I'd consider that kind of a lower limit. Then add the 500 for nursing on top of that.