I'm following every rule but gained this week...



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    No one EVER gains weight from eating too little. Please ignore all the talk about metabolic slowdown. it's most likely water retention from muscle repair or underestimating calories.

    if you chronically under eat then you will have metabolic slowdown..not sure if this applies to OP but metabolic slowdown is real...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi there,
    It is very frustrating. The same thing happens to me. Remember that muscle is like 4 times denser than fat. What is likely happening is that your muscle is taking over the fat. Since muscle is denser, it will actually weigh more. Sounds strange but it's true. You are losing the fat, don't worry. You will see it in how your clothes fit. Try and forget about the scale. Just eat right, lots of protein and guage your success by how you feel and how your favorite jeans fit. Not by what the scale says. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. My jeans will fit better, my face looks thinner, I have more energy and feel leaner over all, but the scale either goes up or does not budge! Forget numbers!!!! Eat right and exercise.

    I don't think it's possible to gain any appreciable muscle mass in a week. Water retention is much more likely.

    why do people think you can gain muscle on 1200 calories a day with a combination of cardio and some strength training???? It is hard enough when you are eating 300 a day and lifting heavy ...
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Hi there,
    It is very frustrating. The same thing happens to me. Remember that muscle is like 4 times denser than fat. What is likely happening is that your muscle is taking over the fat. Since muscle is denser, it will actually weigh more. Sounds strange but it's true. You are losing the fat, don't worry. You will see it in how your clothes fit. Try and forget about the scale. Just eat right, lots of protein and guage your success by how you feel and how your favorite jeans fit. Not by what the scale says. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. My jeans will fit better, my face looks thinner, I have more energy and feel leaner over all, but the scale either goes up or does not budge! Forget numbers!!!! Eat right and exercise.

    I don't think it's possible to gain any appreciable muscle mass in a week. Water retention is much more likely.

    why do people think you can gain muscle on 1200 calories a day with a combination of cardio and some strength training???? It is hard enough when you are eating 300 a day and lifting heavy ...

    hey we agree on something! :tongue:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi there,
    It is very frustrating. The same thing happens to me. Remember that muscle is like 4 times denser than fat. What is likely happening is that your muscle is taking over the fat. Since muscle is denser, it will actually weigh more. Sounds strange but it's true. You are losing the fat, don't worry. You will see it in how your clothes fit. Try and forget about the scale. Just eat right, lots of protein and guage your success by how you feel and how your favorite jeans fit. Not by what the scale says. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. My jeans will fit better, my face looks thinner, I have more energy and feel leaner over all, but the scale either goes up or does not budge! Forget numbers!!!! Eat right and exercise.

    I don't think it's possible to gain any appreciable muscle mass in a week. Water retention is much more likely.

    why do people think you can gain muscle on 1200 calories a day with a combination of cardio and some strength training???? It is hard enough when you are eating 300 a day and lifting heavy ...

    hey we agree on something! :tongue:
    well F me…we should play the lottery this week!
  • I quit weighing myself. . .especially after I started lifting weights. I am the same size, but I am gaining weight. My body fat percent is lower than it was a year ago by a whole percent, and that number matters more to me than a number on the scale. Maybe weigh yourself less, and just be healthy!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Hi there,
    It is very frustrating. The same thing happens to me. Remember that muscle is like 4 times denser than fat. What is likely happening is that your muscle is taking over the fat. Since muscle is denser, it will actually weigh more. Sounds strange but it's true. You are losing the fat, don't worry. You will see it in how your clothes fit. Try and forget about the scale. Just eat right, lots of protein and guage your success by how you feel and how your favorite jeans fit. Not by what the scale says. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. My jeans will fit better, my face looks thinner, I have more energy and feel leaner over all, but the scale either goes up or does not budge! Forget numbers!!!! Eat right and exercise.

    I don't think it's possible to gain any appreciable muscle mass in a week. Water retention is much more likely.

    why do people think you can gain muscle on 1200 calories a day with a combination of cardio and some strength training???? It is hard enough when you are eating 300 a day and lifting heavy ...

    It's even harder to believe that somebody is gaining muscle mass averaging only 744 net calories. Must be that new science.
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    You don't say how much weight over how long of a time span? A steady gain? Up a pound this week? Up a pound today from yesterday? Big difference it what it could be. Weight fluctuates due to water retention and it is completely normal. If you are weighing yourself daily, stop - you'll drive yourself nuts. If you are gaining steadily : you are either not logging honestly or have some sort of metabolic/ hormonal thing going on and should see a doctor.

    2 things I want to repeat that others have said:
    - no one gains weight from eating too little
    - muscle does NOT weigh more than fat (!!)

    Good luck!
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    My app says 1200 daily. I am 4"11, 176 pds, hope to lose 2 pds a week. I am a stay at home soccer Mom but exercise now 6 days a week min 35-60 min a day. I weigh food and cal count.

    I'm pretty new to the site but I've gathered a lot of information in a very short amount of time.

    1. Weight loss really is simple, "spend" more calories than you take in.
    2. Don't starve yourself. It's not healthy, I don't care who says it doesn't matter via the forum. A person's body needs a certain amount of calories to function properly. There's a lot of information about what that number is but 1200 is a very low calorie amount.
    3. I ate 1200 calories a day for about two weeks and dropped weight like crazy. I stalled, then gained it back.
    4. Using iifym.com your maintain calories is 2095. I would suggest eating 1650 calories a day. You can write down your workouts if you want but don't eat the calories back.
    5. Try to do 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats. (I never reach 40/30/30 but I feel like this contributes to the SMALL success I've had since switching. Which is less than a week)
    6. Cardio is fine. Workout whichever way makes you happy, but make sure you push yourself constantly!! Immediately after a workout, you should be burning or like jello. (IMO) I say this because it's easy to fall into a workout rut once you get going and forget to push yourself even more.
    7. Buy a scale and WEIGH everything you can. Measure liquids specifically. Even if it's... cheese cubes and it says 7 is a serving, which will weigh 30 g. WEIGH IT ANYWAY!

    *** Take everything I say and everything everyone else says with a grain of salt. Figure out what works for you.

    I have a friend who went from being average / slightly over weight to body competitions. She said for her it's all about diet and she specifically cuts out carbs because they make her bloat. I can eat carbs and my body doesn't care. I was eating 1550 cals for a while and I could not make any progress. I switched to 1600 cals and started paying attention to my macros (protein, carbs, and fats) and it's already showing.

    EVERYBODY'S BODY is different!!
  • Krys052490
    Krys052490 Posts: 72 Member
    Weigh yourself bi weekly.

    More importantly take BEFORE & AFTER pictures. Also, buy a measuring tape like dressmakers use and measure yourself. The scale can be tricky. Pay more attention to how you look and feel.
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    I've lost 22 pds since January. I started with a cleanse for ten days while dieting and exercising as well. I
    've been steadily losing weight until two weeks ago. I log all of my food intake. I'm usually over I protein as far as my daily goal (according to MFP app) but it evens out by the end of the week.
    I am usually good with the carbs and slightly below fat for day (again, according to App). I make sure to exercise 6 days a week and switch it up so that I'm not doing same exercise every day.
    This past weekend, I helped a friend makeover their kitchen and was more sore after 12 hours than I've ever been. I did squats and lifting plus sanding and painting all day, non stop. I literally couldn't walk right for about a day in a half, everything was sore. I took day off to recover and the got back on elliptical so that I didn't miss anymore workouts and actually felt better.
    I'm not sure if all of the soreness is playing a role in scale this week.
    Maybe I'm vain but I feel like I've been doing everything by the book and then some, so I expect better results. I will say that I'm getting a lot of great advice and info since posting my questions. Thank you all very much!
    I have a friend who is also only consuming 1200 cals a day as well. It she is very fit and runs marathons plus runs an average of 7-10 miles a few times a week. I don't understand how she is not keeling over by now if I'm not even close to her level of physical activity. I should mention that she isn't losing weight or gaining either. She has days where she'll eat more but says at the end of week, it all evens out.
    I guess when I started I put in my goal/ideal weight and app figured that a person of my height with goal of 120 pds, is supposed to eat a lot less if I want a 2 pd a week loss. I'm thoroughly confused now. I will take advice and eat "good fats". But I have one more question.....
    For example: If my daily goal (minimum) is 1,200 cals daily.... I eat the 1,200 but also workout and burn 500 cals... Do I eat 1,700 cals or just stick with minimum to achieve better loss? THANK YOU!!!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    when you say "rules" you're referring to nonscientific myths and fads, correct?

    harsh, I know
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I've lost 22 pds since January. I started with a cleanse for ten days while dieting and exercising as well. I
    've been steadily losing weight until two weeks ago. I log all of my food intake. I'm usually over I protein as far as my daily goal (according to MFP app) but it evens out by the end of the week.
    I am usually good with the carbs and slightly below fat for day (again, according to App). I make sure to exercise 6 days a week and switch it up so that I'm not doing same exercise every day.
    This past weekend, I helped a friend makeover their kitchen and was more sore after 12 hours than I've ever been. I did squats and lifting plus sanding and painting all day, non stop. I literally couldn't walk right for about a day in a half, everything was sore. I took day off to recover and the got back on elliptical so that I didn't miss anymore workouts and actually felt better.
    I'm not sure if all of the soreness is playing a role in scale this week.
    Maybe I'm vain but I feel like I've been doing everything by the book and then some, so I expect better results. I will say that I'm getting a lot of great advice and info since posting my questions. Thank you all very much!
    I have a friend who is also only consuming 1200 cals a day as well. It she is very fit and runs marathons plus runs an average of 7-10 miles a few times a week. I don't understand how she is not keeling over by now if I'm not even close to her level of physical activity. I should mention that she isn't losing weight or gaining either. She has days where she'll eat more but says at the end of week, it all evens out.
    I guess when I started I put in my goal/ideal weight and app figured that a person of my height with goal of 120 pds, is supposed to eat a lot less if I want a 2 pd a week loss. I'm thoroughly confused now. I will take advice and eat "good fats". But I have one more question.....
    For example: If my daily goal (minimum) is 1,200 cals daily.... I eat the 1,200 but also workout and burn 500 cals... Do I eat 1,700 cals or just stick with minimum to achieve better loss? THANK YOU!!!

    If MFP offered a 2.5 or 3 pound per week loss goal, would you select that instead of your current 2 pound goal?


    You keep saying that you follow all the "rules" then show that you haven't even looked at the rulebook. You've claimed that you get all of your calories ... then admit to an average net intake of under 750 per day. You claim that you get all of your protein which is highly unlikely with such a low percentage of your net calories consumed ... "usually over I protein as far as my daily goal (according to MFP app) but it evens out by the end of the week. " is illogical ... if you're "usually over" things don't magically even out.

    This is based on simple math but your insistence on two pounds per week skews things.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    muscle weighs more than fat.....are your measurements changing for the good? Then it's an okay thing.....

    Hi there,
    It is very frustrating. The same thing happens to me. Remember that muscle is like 4 times denser than fat. What is likely happening is that your muscle is taking over the fat. Since muscle is denser, it will actually weigh more. Sounds strange but it's true. You are losing the fat, don't worry. You will see it in how your clothes fit. Try and forget about the scale. Just eat right, lots of protein and guage your success by how you feel and how your favorite jeans fit. Not by what the scale says. I have to remind myself of this all of the time. My jeans will fit better, my face looks thinner, I have more energy and feel leaner over all, but the scale either goes up or does not budge! Forget numbers!!!! Eat right and exercise.
    Totally agree!!!


    OP is netting around 800 calories and doing zero strength training.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Please read this:

    Long story short: your deficit is too aggressive, you can't gain muscle on a deficit*, eat more, lift weights, eat more protein, don't ban treats, you don't have to eat 100% clean.

    *Some newbie gains are possible, but negligible.

    Good Luck! :drinker:

    ETA: I'd really like to see a scientific journal (not a blog) that says one type of fat EATS another type of fat. I literally laughed out loud at that one. :laugh:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    when you say "rules" you're referring to nonscientific myths and fads, correct?

    harsh, I know

    I believe they are bro science rules...
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    No need to be so nasty people. Some of us are trying to help here.
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    Sorry reread your original post.

    1 pound lost last week and 1 pound gained this week??? Really, that is no reason to freak out. Frustrating, yes? But really in the great scheme of things this is nothing. Though formula for weightloss makes sense mathematically, weightloss is not linear . Meaning just because number wise you are leating at a 7000 calorie deficit every week does not mean you actually wil lose 2 pounds. You may lose 1 pound one week, none the next and 4 pounds the week after that. You have to be patient. The up one pound this week is most likely from water weight.

    Just keep going. You can over complicate things by over analyzing everything or you can keep doing what has been working for the last 22 pounds and just keep going. My guess is you will keep losing. Yes you've been working hard and you want results. You will see results, just not over night. If you are going to get frustrated when it doesn't happen as quick as you want this soon into it, it's going to be really hard for you to make the log haul.

    Since you asked: I would recommend eating most of your exercise caloires back. Not because you are eating too little, or you will go into starvation mode or your hair will start to fall out. But because you can and stil lose weight.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    ^probably all the advice you need there, OP.
    No need to be so nasty people. Some of us are trying to help here.

    Spreading broscience is not helping :/
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Sorry reread your original post.

    1 pound lost last week and 1 pound gained this week??? Really, that is no reason to freak out. Frustrating, yes? But really in the great scheme of things this is nothing. Though formula for weightloss makes sense mathematically, weightloss is not linear . Meaning just because number wise you are leating at a 7000 calorie deficit every week does not mean you actually wil lose 2 pounds. You may lose 1 pound one week, none the next and 4 pounds the week after that. You have to be patient. The up one pound this week is most likely from water weight.

    Just keep going. You can over complicate things by over analyzing everything or you can keep doing what has been working for the last 22 pounds and just keep going. My guess is you will keep losing. Yes you've been working hard and you want results. You will see results, just not over night. If you are going to get frustrated when it doesn't happen as quick as you want this soon into it, it's going to be really hard for you to make the log haul.

    Since you asked: I would recommend eating most of your exercise caloires back.Not because you are eating too little, or you will go into starvation mode or your hair will start to fall out. But because you can and stil lose weight.

    Good luck with your journey.

    Netting under 750 calories per day isn't too little by your estimation?
  • tagresa
    tagresa Posts: 18 Member
    THANK YOU FOR ALL POSITIVE ADVICE! I guess I needed to learn a few things and also how many opinions are out there huh?! Geez. I think I understand a little more. For ex: I eat 1200 cals one day but exercise for 500 cals, that is why my net was low. It makes sense. I assumed that if you eat a healthy amount and stay within minimum cals, then "realistic" weight loss is achieved. I'm not looking for a quick fix. I know the end result in that. I am changing my life for the better. This is a lifetime commitment for me not at all a just get skinny goal. I had all of these questions being that I see people getting advice. I've never posted before on any site. I'm glad I did because a lot of people have wonderful advice and knowledge that put things into perspective for me. I know I sounded like I'm whiny. I'm sure some can relate on how consuming it can get when every action throughout every day is being logged and accounted for. With that in mind, a few pounds becomes a red flag that something may be off. When I said following every rule.... I meant that I am eating right, exercising, drinking more water than a kiddie pool, no grease, oils, butter, candy, etc. when I log my meals daily, I see my cal count. I get to 1200 everyday but workout six days a week (different amounts each time) which results in different cal amount goals as well. I don't exercise to eat more, I like having the deficit but apparently it's not good I'm learning. I still have a lot to learn clearly but am committed to learning and unzipping this "fat suit" I've been wearing , to reveal the person Inside and live a healthy life. Thanks again for all info. :-) Best Wishes to all.