Lost and desperate

Hello, my name is Jasmine and I'm in desperate need of some help/coaching. I'm 19 years old and I come at 5'8 in height, my current weight is 156.6, my body fat percentage is at 36.0, and I have a muscles mass of 31.4. I watch very closely what foods I eat (I keep my calorie intake at about 800-1,200) and I workout 7days a week. My workout consists of treadmill at an incline of 11.0 with a speed of 3.0. I'm currently in the process of trying to lose weight and I would like some help getting my weight and body fat percentage down, but I don't know the right diet and exercise for someone like me. If anyone with the same personal experience as me, a fitness trainer, or if your someone that has superior diet and exercise experience...PLEASE HELP ME. I feel like I've tried everything and I'm getting no where.


  • sashafischang
    sashafischang Posts: 38 Member
    It sounds like you might be eating too few calories. I eat 1200 calories a day, but I am 4'10.5" tall. You may also want to try changing up your workouts. You could try other cardio machines like the elliptical, bike, or stair master. Also, cardio intervals burn more calories. I recently got a heart rate monitor, and found that when I do intervals on the treadmill (for example, running one minute at a 6.0 mph then one minute at 5mph) I burn more than when I just run at a steady pace. I also found that lifting weights helped me to lose fat and weight faster than cardio only. If you make your diary open, you can also get suggestions from other members on your diet. Good luck!
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    I'm by no means an expert, but I'm pretty certain you're not eating enough. 800-1200 calories plus daily workouts? No way you are eating enough.

    Your BMR is probably between 1500 and 1700, and your TDEE is probably over 2500. You should be eating at least your BMR daily, and more if you are working out. You should also be focused on strength training rather than repetitive steady-state cardio. Mix up your workouts and eat more - especially protein and quality fat.
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    The above assumes, btw, that you are in fact correctly counting and logging your food and activity to create an adequate deficit.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    You said you've tried everything but I only see basically one lifestyle.

    Sounds like you are not eating enough and you've plateaued. Change up your diet and workout!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hello, my name is Jasmine and I'm in desperate need of some help/coaching. I'm 19 years old and I come at 5'8 in height, my current weight is 156.6, my body fat percentage is at 36.0, and I have a muscles mass of 31.4. I watch very closely what foods I eat (I keep my calorie intake at about 800-1,200) and I workout 7days a week. My workout consists of treadmill at an incline of 11.0 with a speed of 3.0. I'm currently in the process of trying to lose weight and I would like some help getting my weight and body fat percentage down, but I don't know the right diet and exercise for someone like me. If anyone with the same personal experience as me, a fitness trainer, or if your someone that has superior diet and exercise experience...PLEASE HELP ME. I feel like I've tried everything and I'm getting no where.

    First of all, you are not overweight for your height. Any weight you want to lose needs to be lost very slowly at about .5 pounds a week.

    Where do you get that you're 38% body fat? You are not overweight, so how can you have that high of body fat?

    What is your weight doing right now? Are you maintaining, losing, gaining?

    Eating such low calories is dangerous and is going to do you no good. Given your height, you could easily eat more than 1600 calories a day and still lose. I'm surprised you are not dragging by now, or are you? Please PLEASE eat more.
  • LeashaLeash
    LeashaLeash Posts: 28 Member
    It sounds like too few calories and a plateau to me. Have you considered adding resistance training to your workouts? Building some muscles mass could really help you out here I think. If I was you, I'd start to slowly increase your food and add in some weight training. Adding some muscle mass will up the amount of calories you burn in a day. I'm a personal trainer, so if you wanted some tips on where to start with weights feel free to message me.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
  • fatal07
    fatal07 Posts: 2
    Quickly here are what I recommend you do since I have my girlfriend doing this routine and has seen great results.
    specifically to you.
    Your ideal weight: 125-157.
    Macros for goal weight of 130 pounds (burning fat!)
    104g protein
    174g carbs
    31g fats
    1394 calories

    Macros for Maintenance at weight of 130 pounds
    130g protein
    217g carbs
    39g fats
    1737 Calories

    Macros for bulking for a goal weight of 10 more pounds, so 140 pounds (building muscle) (aka lean bulk)
    140g protein
    280g carbs
    52g fats
    2240 calories

    Monday leg day
    Do 4 sets of 12 reps for the following workouts below, then once the last set is done do one more set with a lighter weight until failure.
    - lunges
    -Romanian dead-lift
    - calve raises (just do 51 reps with a weight you can handle and that is all; so basically one set with 51 reps)

    -Run for 20 minutes, giving it your all.

    Chest and Back day (you want to have muscle in these areas, don't worry its like impossible to "accidentally" become bulky looking or whatever the girl lifting weights myths are.) (trust me, you want muscle in these areas to look your best! i promise.
    Do 4 sets of 12 reps for the following workouts below, then once the last set is done do one more set with a lighter weight until failure.
    -Wide pull
    -dumbbell row
    -dumbbell incline press
    -dumbbell bench press
    -push ups (do just 3 sets until failure; meaning, you'll do your first set until you cant no more, then another set until you cant anymore, then the last set until you cant do any more.)
    - crunches (just do one set of 51 reps)

    -run for 20 minutes, give us your all!! :)

    Friday: arm day
    Do 4 sets of 12 reps for the following workouts below, then once the last set is done do one more set with a lighter weight until failure.
    - dumbbell rear dealt raise
    -dumbbell side raise
    - triceps cable press downs
    - lying dumbbell; triceps extensions
    - dumbbell pro curls
    - dumbbell hammer curls

    - Run a 5k at your park or at the treadmill. Finish this every Saturday. doesn't matter how long it takes you but you will finish and every week you will become faster! :)

    if on Wednesday or Friday you still have energy to burn and feeling good, then finish your workout with HIIT.
    basically this means pick your preffered way to do cardio, either running, rowing, or bicycling.
    --->this workout will last 5 minutes total
    - for the first 30 seconds of every minute you will just walk, row slowly, or cycle slowly
    - for the lsat 30 seconds of every minute you will give it your all; so sprint, row fast, cycle quickly!
    //hope that made sense

    **do this for about 10 weeks and you will see great results
    **also cheat days: you can cheat on the weekends. Meaning whatever macros your following at the top, just add 600 calories to the weekends of food to eat :) dont stress to much about % of macros on the weekends, it truly doesnt matter as much as the amount of calories you eat. For example, on your burning fat macros you will eat up to 1994 calories.
    ** cheat days will help your hormones stay in balance, particularly the hormone Leptin which is the hormone responsible for fat loss, so take these cheat days seriously and Eat up!!! :P
    **it truly doesnt matter what you eat to fit your macros, just make it fit the macros I set up for you. (just realize that if you eat processed foods you may not have the micronutrients, but a multivitamin covers you there. But if you eat veggies and fruit then everything will be fine :)

    Good luck!
  • Trukngrl
    Trukngrl Posts: 106 Member
    b-to the-ump!!

    nice generic plan Fatal - obviously could be modified accordingly