Low carb days: Little bit confused

Hey guys!

I created this topic because I'm going to try carb cycling. Low carb days on weekends for me now. I'm thinking about 20 grams, what do you guys think? Opinions are key in this topic, because I've heard a lot of stuff about this. I have doubts If I should continue counting my calories like I am right now. Should I be at maintenance on off days, or should I create a deficit?

I'm cutting right now, need to reach 70kg (only 3.5kg to go), with Intermittent Fasting. I always have a 16 hour fast everyday minimum. I rarely fast for 16 hours. Everyday I'll do an 18-20 hour fast with only a 4-6 hour eating window. I try to keep my carbs as high as my protein, and I don't forget about healthy fats either (40-40-20 plan). I workout 5 days a week (Mon-Fri), lifting and cardio, so I do need my carbs, right? Almost forgot: I do count my calories every single day. I'm at about 2000-2500 cals everyday.

So... on off days, should I create a calorie deficit even when I'm at low carb, or should I eat at maintenance?

Thanks all!


  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi! I like how your topic line....because that's what it feels like, running low on carbs. My macros are carbs 30, fat 25, and protein 45 right now, I lowered a week ago, and I'm all around foggy, probably for another week. That's as low as my body can take it. Instead of restricting yourself to a few grams right out the gate, you should try to lower the percentage of carbs first, especially considering your daily calorie requirements. Keep a daily log and try to find out how it will affect your body and overall wellbeing. If you're trying to cut, you will probably have to reduce your calories. Because you will eat proportionally more protein, drink up your water!
    Good luck!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Drop to -20 or even -30 below your maintenance on "lower" carb days.
  • FlexinHenrique94
    @h7463 - Oh I drink my water alright. I'm one of those guys in the gym that drinks around 3L per workout haha. Good luck to you and all of your objectives. Don't forget to eat well... feeling foggy is not normal.

    @Fitnessocial - Yeah I was thinking about doing just that. Thanks buddy. Good luck to you :)

    Thanks for your answers anyway. Sorry for bringing this up again, I have yet another doubt. What should my fat intake be on low-carb days? I was thinking something about 65% protein, 25% fats and 10% carbs. Is that a good split? What works best for you if you're doing this? Thanks!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    If you are doing IF,
    Your rest days should be at caloric deficit, and low carb
    Workout Days should be at caloric surplus, and low fats
    High protein all days.

    So for me,
    My workout days my carbs are around 400 gr
    Rest days they are at or below 100 gr
    Fat is low on workout days, ~67 gr or less
    Rest days it is >75 gr
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    Thanks for your answers anyway. Sorry for bringing this up again, I have yet another doubt. What should my fat intake be on low-carb days? I was thinking something about 65% protein, 25% fats and 10% carbs. Is that a good split? What works best for you if you're doing this? Thanks!

    Don't do ratios.....
    For me, I use this calc and tweak my numbers as needed.
  • FlexinHenrique94
    Man what a great answer MityMax, thanks! Are you sure about the caloric SURPLUS though? You mean eating above your maintenance calories (in my case above 2500) in workout days? I thought for cutting it would be maintenance. And thanks for the sweet calculator :)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Man what a great answer MityMax, thanks! Are you sure about the caloric SURPLUS though? You mean eating above your maintenance calories (in my case above 2500) in workout days? I thought for cutting it would be maintenance. And thanks for the sweet calculator :)

    If you are going for a cut and following IF, LeanGains protocol
    Workout days should be +10%
    Rest days should be -30%

    As time goes by, you will find that sticking to those goals will get easier....

    I started LeanGains back in August, (6th)
    And now there are days I can't even hit my calorie goals.....on workout days...
    I was 183 lbs when I started.....
    I am now ~172
    Not really what I was wanting.....I feel pretty small......
  • FlexinHenrique94
    Great. Looks like I was mistaken all this time. Even at workout days I was only getting 2000-2500 calories everyday. Maybe that's why I'm not showing results that fast. I workout everyday from monday to friday, so two carb days per week for me it is. Thanks man
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Great. Looks like I was mistaken all this time. Even at workout days I was only getting 2000-2500 calories everyday. Maybe that's why I'm not showing results that fast. I workout everyday from monday to friday, so two carb days per week for me it is. Thanks man

    Remember IF/LG is not a magic pill, it takes time and discipline and dedication, as with any other eating regiment you are own to hit your goals.

    I work out about 5 days, and my 2 rest days I usually still go to the gym and do stairmaster/elliptical/abs

    So I take in a lot of carbs for 5 days a week.
    And the other 2 days I take a lot less in carbs.

    But the big thing will be to give it time....I really started noticing results I wanted around 3 - 4 months.
    And then I watch what I eat as well...