Favorite tricks and habits for healthy eating

I'm am pretty new here and loving it so far. I'd love to hear about the little tricks or methods you use to make things easier. Here are mine so far:

Log calories before I eat them (have seen lots of people saying that helps them)

Dice bell peppers and freeze them. Then pull out a small portion and add to omelettes, salads, etc. They thaw really fast.

Keep a 16oz glass of water with 4 rubber bands around it next to my kitchen sink. Every time I fill up the cup, I move a rubber band to the top. 4 glasses = my water goal for the day.

Drink one of those glasses of water each morning BEFORE I have my coffee.

I just got one of those olive oil sprayers. I use it instead of cooking spray to saute or roast veggies.

Pack my lunch for work in one of those Easy Lunch Boxes. Good for portion control and dishwasher safe.

Keep an extra apple or banana in my car while I'm out running errands, in case I get hungry and am tempted to stop for a treat.

Can't wait to hear yours! :-)


  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Great tips!

    I prepare meals for the week on weekend and portion it into containers, chop up veggies/fruits for snacking with hummus/fat free ranch//cool whip :)

    Make room for 250-300 cal treats everyday and a cheat meal on weekends.

    I do have organic frozen fruits/berries/veggies always in stock. I also stock upon frozen chicken breasts, turkey breasts etc.
  • shortieshortie37
    When I buy veggies and fruits I do not store them in the drawer I keep them on shelf where I can see them. Also I chop then up and store for easy grab and go. I also prepare a big bowl a salad that I can grab bowls out of during the week when im too busy.
    I keep healthy snacks at my desk at work so Im not tempted to go to the store or vending machine.
    I also stock up on healthy groceries so im not worried about running out and reaching for something unhealthy when I get hungry.
    Also something that really helps is I buy the frozen low cal meals, like smart ones or healthy choice brand and keep a stock of them in my freezer at all times. That way I cannot say I don't have time to eat something healthy. Plus I have kids so when they want pizza for dinner I just pop in my frozen meal and I am good to go!
  • Harrisonsauntie2005
    Harrisonsauntie2005 Posts: 215 Member
    I drink a glass of water with every meal and recently I have started adding another meal to my day to help combat hunger in the afternoons
  • itsfatum
    itsfatum Posts: 113 Member
    Learn to love the taste of the food I choose because of health reasons.

    If you get acclimated to it, any food is freaking delicious. Literally. Specially when you know why you are eating it and how it fits your diet. There is no room left for worry, which allows you to just relax and really enjoy what you eat.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I try to have one big meal a day, plus several smaller ones.

    If I want a treat, I will make room for it. I know I'll binge other wise.

    I used to buy candy all the time, but now I only have it very rarely. I opt for cocoa powder and stevia in yogurt instead.

    I also like to wait until I get really hungry. Sometimes I will delay one of my smaller meals (divided into specific times) to get it into the next time frame. I have an easier time coping with a rumbling tummy than I have with not binging.
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    Lots of great suggestions here!

    My favorite trick is when I'm "snacky" (not really hungry, but wanting to graze) is to drink a large glass of water. Then I busy myself for 15 minutes. If I still want a snack, I eat something. 90% of the time, the water does the trick!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I find that an oz of almonds travels better with me than a banana, so I make sure I always have a container of them. :)

    Also, before I am about to eat something that I shouldn't be eating at that moment, I stop and visualize how much I'd need to do to burn it off, or how I want to look in a couple months and I find that gives me enough resolve to not wolf down a cupcake that doesn't fit my M-F macros.
  • Meushichan
    Meushichan Posts: 82 Member
    I bought a Rubbermaid 1 qt. water bottle to keep track of my water easier. It has indents on the sides so you can carry it around as easy as you could a 16 oz water bottle. So you only have to fill it twice :) (If you are going by the 8x8 rule.) Also, non-BPA/ re-usable, so it saves you money by not having to buy water. AND, since it has a huge screw on lid, you can pop in lemon peel or a few slices of cucumber for a tasty treat.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I use a camelbak water bottle (33oz/1000ml) and keep it with me literally everywhere. I know when I have drank 2 full bottles I can have something else (like soda or tea) for the day. I usually drink 4 a day.

    I keep lots of frozen veggies/meats. Pre cook the mets so all I have to do is throw then in a box with some veggies to bring to work. I also do the same with left overs because I get bored easily, separate everyhting into single serving portions and freeze them.

    Bag salad has been my savior when it comes to preparing a quick salad, mix some baby spinach for a twist!