Active Duty - Reserves - Retired - Vets!

Where do you fit in?

I'm a US Marine Corps veteren, in from 2003 until 2013. Did 4 deployments, 2 cruises on the USS Nimitz ('05, and '07) Iraq in '09, and Japan in '11. I was an F-18 avionics tech.

If you're out, do you miss it?
What do you do now?

Now I'm an aircraft engineer and welder for the Navy.


  • The_1_Who_Knocks
    The_1_Who_Knocks Posts: 343 Member
    I was an Army Medic from 91-97. My career was not nearly as exciting as yours. I spent most of my time at Fort Drum, NY. Anybody who knows where that is knows that I don't miss it.

    I work for the Army now as a Military Analyst, have been for 4 years.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    USAF Security Service from 1972 to 1976. NJANG Security Alert Response Force from 1983 to 1990. NSA, S.E. Asia, Honduras.
  • ABsolute85
    ABsolute85 Posts: 156
    Retired AF Major...spent a lot of time in a lot of places...
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Still in the old 'ol US Navy for 7 years now. Been to quiet a few places including Iraq, Germany, Bahrain, and among others.
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    Army...still work for them, have been for past 15 years. Army PT, it's a love/hate thing. I miss it, but don't miss the 0500 wake ups. Don't miss shaving. Miss the ease of always knowing what I was going to wear.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Former AD Army (2007-2011), current USAR. Intel. Two deployments for OIF.

    Would only miss the retirement if I got out. =)
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    Former AD Army (2007-2011), current USAR. Intel. Two deployments for OIF.

    Would only miss the retirement if I got out. =)

    If you are Intel, then you've been in my hood. Ft. Huachuca.
  • BillyJan1992
    BillyJan1992 Posts: 171 Member
    I would just like to say that my brother in-law was active duty in the navy for many years now he is U.S. Army Reserves in Utah he deployed to Iraq 2007-2008 he missed my 16th birthday and his child's 4th birthday. he came back safe and alive and he is our hero I would like to salute and thank all of our men and women in uniform and say THANK YOU all of us back home love and support you all and come home soon
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    Navy Vet-

    Boatsnmate for 2 years on the Truman, then crossrated over to Corpsman in 2006. Served four years at Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital. Got out and did some Reserve time at NOSC Shreveport before EOASing to go to school. I miss the hell out of the Navy and I wish I didn't get out. Luckily, I can go back into the Reserves once I shed some weight. Hard work, but it's worth it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Active duty Air Force, 15.5 years. Currently a cubicle dweller.
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    Retired Air Force (1983-2004), Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems. Germany 9 year, England 4 years, Japan 4 years, Korea 1 year, California 2. Been out 7 and still miss it.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Former AD Army (2007-2011), current USAR. Intel. Two deployments for OIF.

    Would only miss the retirement if I got out. =)

    Form AD Army (1997-2001), then was USAR for 3 years. Currently work for military/DOD in DC. Intel as well.

    To the poster who mentioned Huachuca, def spent AIT there, and was recently sent back for some system testing for procurement (my company hopes so, anyway). If we get the contract, I may be out there again. Major IF, though. :)
  • ElectricDame
    Navy Vet-

    Boatsnmate for 2 years on the Truman, then crossrated over to Corpsman in 2006. Served four years at Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital. Got out and did some Reserve time at NOSC Shreveport before EOASing to go to school. I miss the hell out of the Navy and I wish I didn't get out. Luckily, I can go back into the Reserves once I shed some weight. Hard work, but it's worth it.

    My Hubby just struck BM
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    Retired AF Enlisted (1997-2007) - I was in Law Enforcement for 13 1/2 years then got into LAN and Wireless Networks

    Been all around the globe - 35 countries and 5 continents

    I now work for the Dept of Veterans Affairs.
  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    Former AD Army (2007-2011), current USAR. Intel. Two deployments for OIF.

    Would only miss the retirement if I got out. =)

    Form AD Army (1997-2001), then was USAR for 3 years. Currently work for military/DOD in DC. Intel as well.

    To the poster who mentioned Huachuca, def spent AIT there, and was recently sent back for some system testing for procurement (my company hopes so, anyway). If we get the contract, I may be out there again. Major IF, though. :)

    Good luck with the contract bid. DC to Hoooachuca is a bit of a culture shock

    : )
  • acforsch
    acforsch Posts: 1 Member
    Retired US Navy. Active duty 30 years from 1982-2012. Surface conventional Electronics Technician then Command Master Chief from 2001-2012. Cruised in Reagan, Stennis, Kennedy, and others. Miss the Chief's Mess shipmates and overseas liberty ports.
  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    Retired U.S. Navy (1970 -1997) , Senior Chief Aviation Electronics Technician. Vietnam veteran. Deployed many places, have seen many things.

    Thanks to all who have or are serving!!!

    Still working in a cube. :)
  • grumpyldo
    grumpyldo Posts: 21
    Retired Navy 1988-2012 14 years as an Operations Specialist (OS) before being commissioned (LDO). Many places and many times!!
    Funny now work at Air Force Base!!
    _NAUTILUS_ Posts: 239 Member
    Air Force F-15 weapons tech (active duty)
    A-10 weapons tech (reserves)
    now government operations specialist (civillian) on a little island in South Florida
  • American_Made
    Active Duty Marine Corps Artillery 2002-2006. Stationed out in Kaneohe Bay HI. I miss it everyday that I am alive....