It's about time I do this

lalaboom02 Posts: 2
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. I'm not really new, I've been here for about a month and kind of wandering in the shadows, reading everyone else's posts and never really becoming a part of the community. Well, I'm coming out!

I'm 18 years old and have been overweight my whole life. Every year i had a new silly teenag resolution to lose weight, but I always felt insecure. I yoyo dieted many times before. When I was 16, I went from a size 13 to a 6 in a month, and then gained all the weight back even faster. In grammar school I was always picked on for my weight, and high school brought none of that. Today I have wonderful friends and a wonderful boyfriend I've been with for over 2 years (since my major loss-gain). But my insecurities have eaten away at me long enough. I knew if I wanted to feel good, I needed not to go on a diet, but change my lifestyle. When I didn't want to go the beach simply because I was embarassed of my body, I KNEW it was time. Then I found MFP, and I've never been happier.

It's hard. Really hard. And this is supposed to be easy because according to my grandma, "I'm young. The pound will roll right off." But I come from a traditional hispanic family, and one thing hispanic families love to do is cook...and eat of course. Every day is somewhat of a struggle, especially around dinner time, which is always at home.

I decided what I really need is the support of wonderful people who know what I'm going through. I have a petite frame, and at 5'4", my weight is simply too much for my structure. In the end, I want to feel comfortable in my body. That's why I'm here.:happy:


  • Hello. I'm not really new, I've been here for about a month and kind of wandering in the shadows, reading everyone else's posts and never really becoming a part of the community. Well, I'm coming out!

    I'm 18 years old and have been overweight my whole life. Every year i had a new silly teenag resolution to lose weight, but I always felt insecure. I yoyo dieted many times before. When I was 16, I went from a size 13 to a 6 in a month, and then gained all the weight back even faster. In grammar school I was always picked on for my weight, and high school brought none of that. Today I have wonderful friends and a wonderful boyfriend I've been with for over 2 years (since my major loss-gain). But my insecurities have eaten away at me long enough. I knew if I wanted to feel good, I needed not to go on a diet, but change my lifestyle. When I didn't want to go the beach simply because I was embarassed of my body, I KNEW it was time. Then I found MFP, and I've never been happier.

    It's hard. Really hard. And this is supposed to be easy because according to my grandma, "I'm young. The pound will roll right off." But I come from a traditional hispanic family, and one thing hispanic families love to do is cook...and eat of course. Every day is somewhat of a struggle, especially around dinner time, which is always at home.

    I decided what I really need is the support of wonderful people who know what I'm going through. I have a petite frame, and at 5'4", my weight is simply too much for my structure. In the end, I want to feel comfortable in my body. That's why I'm here.:happy:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    I totally understand! I'm a college student, and I'm used to choosing my own dinner (aka eating off a fresh fruit and veggie salad bar) which made my diet changes a lot easier! However, when I am home, I have to eat with my parents. Unfortunately I will be home all of the summer and all of the fall semester. I got stuck for about a month, but I finally broke through that plateau this week. Hang in there and always remember that even if you aren't losing weight at least you're not gaining weight. Also, if you have to eat things that are high in calories, just try to watch your portions. If you have the options of a high calorie main course and lower calorie side dishes like veggies, load up on them and have a smaller portion of the main dish. It is HARD to control when you are living with other people and they plan the meals, but YOU CAN DO THIS! You can so do this!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    lalaboom-- yayyyyyyyyyy-- you're here!!!!!!!

    You just described my life-- but I didn't tackle it until 25 years later-- bravo, young lady, for doing this-- the pounds will come off quickly because of your age. Tackling the eating habits will be the harder part, especially when it's a social thing-- but you can do it-- you made the first step!!

    You're so wise to get this under control now, and I'm so impressed-- way to go!
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