Only weight gain



  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks SARgirl! I recently moved to MyFitnessPal from Sparkpeople, that is where I was tracking previously

    Now I am just mad at myself thinking I've wasted months and how much further ahead I should be :(

    No, no, no...don't think that way! The past has passed, you can't change it. Just listen to the advice here. And for god sake, don't just eat 1200/cals a day! That's just asking for hangry (combo hungry+angry) and a binge. Someone else said give it 4-6 weeks of accurate tracking, good and bad. When I had a brief stall, I used the data from my tracking to see what might be up. Sure enough I found that I'd let my avg cal intake go up, even though I was still in the "green" every day. Accurate tracking and data really can be your friend. Embrace the mathzzz!
  • LFernan85
    LFernan85 Posts: 19 Member
    Be sure to increase your water consumption too :-) Good luck!
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Oh, also, about the "nutritionist" telling you to stop eating 4-5 hours before bed. Unless there is a medical or perhaps psychological reason for this (triggers you to binge or something), this is bunk. There has been no true scientific evidence to show that the timing of what you eat plays any role in weight gain or lack of weight loss. It simply does not matter. Spend your calories wisely and plan for a snack at night if that's what you like.
  • shanniem1
    shanniem1 Posts: 35
    Thank you so much! I am going to be 100% dedicated to tracking and being honest about my tracking the next while and see how it goes! I usually drink 2-3 litres of water today, should drink more (bad with tracking that)!

    Thanks for the info about the 4-5 hours. I actually couldn't even believe it when she told me. Now when I get home from the gym I am STARVING! So last night I had a bowl of oatmeal with almond butter after and felt satisfied! I really hope things turn around :)