Need help with a question

Hi guys I'm new here and I was wondering if you could read this for me.
Ok, so recently I've started losing weight, not eating healthy, not going to the gym, just eating less and drinking a lot of water (2-3 litres a day) I'm 18 male 5 ft 10 152 lbs, I walk around about 40-60 minutes everyday, do exercise a few days a week like running up and down the stairs for 15 minues, and I do 200 push ups everyday, I worked that out to be around 500 calories burned on average everyday from exercise, plus the calories my BMI burns which is around 2000 calories. So as I said I've not been eating healthy really, I've been eating about 1 or 2 veggies or fruits a day, like baked beans and a banana and water, and I eat for dinner maybe a steak baguette with cheese one day, and another day I would eat sausage rolls and beans, I am trying to eat around 1500 calories a day and not go over that.. Since I started eating less last November I have lost 1 stone, so my question is, is it ok to be eating what I want as long as I burn more calories than I eat? I don't eat really bad things like McDonalds or anything, once a week I'll have one bad meal like Quesidillas but even then i will only go over my limit by 100 calories and eat 1600. Thanks!


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    If your only goal is to lose weight - then yes. All you need for that is a calorie deficit.

    If your goal is to look good and feel good? Then meet your calories and work on meeting your macros (protein, fat, carbs) every day. Lifting heavy will also help with recomp.

    ETA: You might want to refigure your calories. A 5'10", 18 year old male probably should be eating a lot more.
  • kweede14
    kweede14 Posts: 29 Member
    I wouldn't be too worried about it. I don't eat super healthfully either, but I do exercise and take vitamins to supplement that. So if you're worried about it you could take multivitamins, but I wouldn't stress over it. As long as you burn more calories than you take in, you'll lose weight.
  • Scottmufcrvp1
    Scottmufcrvp1 Posts: 147 Member
    I have a little bit of fat on my belly that I want rid of, obviously I'm not gonna have a body like Enrique Iglesias lol, but if I stick to just eating less calories than what I burn, drinking water and exercise will I lose weight? I want to have abs
  • Scottmufcrvp1
    Scottmufcrvp1 Posts: 147 Member
    If your only goal is to lose weight - then yes. All you need for that is a calorie deficit.

    If your goal is to look good and feel good? Then meet your calories and work on meeting your macros (protein, fat, carbs) every day. Lifting heavy will also help with recomp.

    ETA: You might want to refigure your calories. A 5'10", 18 year old male probably should be eating a lot more.
    What do you mean look good? So if I continue to do what I'm doing I won't lose fat around my stomach?
  • Soapfan777
    The main point to remember is to start small and work your way up. Don't try to go from 0-100 overnight because you will increase your odds for failure. If your doctor hasn't restricted your foods or exercise then balance and moderation are the keys for success. Eat in moderation and drink plenty of water. Your exercise seems to be fine.
  • Scottmufcrvp1
    Scottmufcrvp1 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm not starving myself.. Yesterday I ate 800-900 calories and I wasn't hungry but I knew I had to eat more calories so I ate beans cheese on toast to push my intake u to 1300 calories, plus a cup of tea with a biscuit to push it up to 1400..
  • Scottmufcrvp1
    Scottmufcrvp1 Posts: 147 Member
    Oops I'm actually 5 ft 7 and 152 lbs
  • Scottmufcrvp1
    Scottmufcrvp1 Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry. I'm male 18, 68 kg and 5 ft 8
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    So you go from 5'10" to 5'7" to 5'8". You need to make up your mind. Did you know you can edit your post instead of just add to it?
  • Scottmufcrvp1
    Scottmufcrvp1 Posts: 147 Member
    I wasn't sure before I'm sorry. But now I'm positive I'm 5 ft 8 68 kg
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'm not starving myself.. Yesterday I ate 800-900 calories and I wasn't hungry but I knew I had to eat more calories so I ate beans cheese on toast to push my intake u to 1300 calories, plus a cup of tea with a biscuit to push it up to 1400..

    Hunger is not the only sign that you're not getting enough to eat. Unfortunately, the hormones that control our hunger cues can be suppressed by too many things, including exercise and prolonged undereating. You have to look at the big picture. Mood, energy levels, gym performance, as well as things like healthy nails all have to be taken into account. Eating too few calories makes it hard to get enough of those vital nutrients in, including fats and protein.

    Just to put it in perspective, you and I are the same height and I'm a woman who's not quite twice your age. I lose on 1600 calories a day when I'm not exercising and up to 1900 a day when I am. You should probably be eating more than me, especially if you want to keep the muscle in your abs.