Small changes that make a big difference!

Currently, I work in a 3 story building and we don't have a bathroom in our office. Each floor has 2 bathrooms that we need to share with the rest of the offices on that floor. Two weeks ago I started taking the stairs down to the first floor and using the bathroom there and then taking the stairs back up to the top floor where I work. I've noticed a significant change within those 2 weeks! Making it up the stairs is a lot easier, my breathing has steadied, and I feel really good.

What are some small changes that you've made or know of that can make a difference?


  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    good job. I used to part right in front of the entrance to my office building, now I park furthest from just to get in a few extra steps in. =) little things add up.

    keep up the good work!!!
  • amybickmore
    amybickmore Posts: 8 Member
    One of the things I do is my laundry inefficiently. By that I mean, I sort it for each person and instead of putting it all in a basket together, I carry individuals loads (4 for me) to their rooms to put away. I also tend to pace while I fold each item. It adds a bit more movement to my day.
  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member
    I have opted out of having a printer placed into my office. I also do not print multiple things at once. I will print one thing, walk to the printer then do it again. I normally have a little time to waste anyway and it keeps me up and moving at my desk job. I deal with truck drivers all day so I have also quit telling them to send them to my office, instead I walk across my large office building to go talk to them if I need them.
  • Water, water, water. I have gone from some days of no water to 8-12 cups of water. I feel better and my skin looks better.
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    When I have to go see someone in another department at worked, I make a point of taking the longest route to their desk. I don't dawdle so I'm not wasting a ton of company time or anything but it adds more steps to my day!
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    My increased water intake sends me to the bathroom once an hour or so. It is so close to my desk and the only one we have so I have started doing 5 squats and 10 wall push ups while I'm in there. Takes an extra 30 seconds or something, but my thighs are already burning (just started yesterday).
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    I've done the same thing with the stairs, except I work on the first floor and go up to third floor every bathroom break. It does seem to be helping with my endurance and leg strength. I also make it a point to at least get up and stretch/walk around every hour or so. It makes my desk job tolerable and keeps me feeling better. And I traded in my diet coke for water...although I still drink my diet coke from time to time.
  • Fifty1957
    Fifty1957 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting today (again) I will drink more water at work. We use to have a pop machine and water was in it. I enjoyed the cold water.
    Now I need to make the effort of having cold water in a pitcher. I don't drink pop - first thing I gave up a while ago, including diet pop.
  • I like this thread because small changes are the key to a successful weigh loss achievement. I used to drink 3 of the 24oz bottles of Diet Pepsi a day and very little or no water. Now, I drink at least 64oz of water a day and only one bottle of Diet Pepsi every 2 weeks.
  • TaraSigur
    TaraSigur Posts: 5 Member
    On my lunch break instead of sitting in the break room or just leaving in my car and driving around. I actually leave and go to the nearest trail and run/walk.. If I dont feel like running that day I at least will walk the trail. Then on my way back stop and get a small salad instead of fast food ugh lol.. oh and I drink water all day, nothing else. No juice, no soda, no tea. WATER!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    When the weather is nice, I do well with my activity...I like bike rides, nature trail hikes, and lots of long walks outdoors. We live in a pretty busy area so my husband and I regularly walk to the supermarket, to dinner, to a few nearby stores, etc.

    But when the weather gets crazy-hot or cold and snowy/icy, I used to seriously suck! I'd basically just eat less and sit indoors where it's comfortable until the weather was nice again.

    This winter my husband and I started going to the mall to walk. Yes, like the old people speed walking in their bright white tennies (my dad's one of them)! haha We would go during the evening though, after work, and do a couple of miles. We just did this once or twice a week, when the weather was frigid or there was snow on the ground. But I feel like it has made a huge difference. Last weekend we went on a 4 mile hike with a friend of mine and I didn't have the feeling I usually do during spring, of "OMG I was so lazy all winter, I'm gonna die". I am sure dropping 70 lb since the previous winter helped too but I still think that the additional winter exercise really helped.
  • EllenTebbits
    EllenTebbits Posts: 37 Member
    These are all really great tips. I especially like the idea of doing a couple of squats and wall presses in the bathroom.
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    Every hour or two I take 5 laps around the parking lot (equals out to be .25 of a mile). If I do it 3-4 times a day that's a mile just at work not including any extra walking I do throughout the day (walking to the wide format printers, cutting laminate, putting together signage, etc). Speaking of which, time to walk!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    I stopped 'sampling' while cooking.

    The worst was when I'd be making a sandwich for my husband's lunch, I'd always cut a slice of cheese for him, one for me... 3 cookies for him, one for me.

    I wasn't even hungry, it was just out of habit. So many unnecessary calories.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Soda, just cutting that out and doing nothing else, has let me lose at least 3-4 pounds over two months. My body doesn't seem to have that pudgy anymore and I don't crave all kinds of sugar anymore either.

    Evening walks

    Tidying up the house everyday. It doesn't seem like a lot and maybe only takes 20-40 mins but you feel better and it is usually a mini workout.
  • lisyxlr8
    lisyxlr8 Posts: 3
    My job is pretty much sedentary and I do the same by parking my car the furthest. I find that even though the walk is short it helps to keep me moving around. I need to kick start my diet. I am scheduled to do a surgery in June but I need to lose some weight but the doctor said no strenuous exercise. (No Insanity for me) Any ideas?
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I take different buses home in the evenings, my walks vary depending on what line I catch and where I get off and have to walk home from there. Some walks are 10 minutes some are 20 minutes. Like my morning workouts that get me ready for the office these walks get me ready for home:smile:
  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    Great thread! I've gotten some good ideas from you all. I used to use meeting breaks to catch up on other work. Now I use those 10-15 minutes to take a quick walk. Improves my mood as well as my physical health.
  • vedalewis
    vedalewis Posts: 37
    I opt for the healthier choices at fast food places. Instead of getting a fry i get a side salad at the same price. Counting calories is an everyday thing for me now but my waistline isn't complaining one bit :)
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Just moved my water to the basement fridge at work (as well as breaking out the reusable bottles I bought MONTHS ago). Now I have to go down the stairs to pick up my water (and the bottles are pretty which also motivates me - like a magpie).