Drastic Weight Flucuations normal?

I'm sorry if this topic has been beaten to death,but I'm really frustrated... When I first started on this lifestyle change, but before I started logging with MFP, I stepped on the scale and it was 198. A week later, it zoomed up to 215 and stayed there for two weeks to completely fall off overnight on the last day of my period (yesterday). So I was excited to see it was back down to 195 - this might be working!!

Only today, it's back to 210! I did have a high sodium dinner last night, but could 1 mcdonalds burger really cause 15 pounds of water retaining?

I'm just super discouraged...


  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    multiple things could be happening.

    1- your scale might be broken/need to change the batteries
    2- do you move your scale? if so then it would need to be recalibrated every time you move it
    3- make sure your scale is on solid floor (no carpet or slant)

    I weigh myself everyday as well, and my weight tends to fluctuate to a max of 5 lbs (up and down) depending how I eat the day before and or how active I was.

    don't be discouraged when the scale goes up, it just happens, look at the weekly average instead of each individual number (the trend) an app I recommend is called libra - weigh management. you input your weight everyday and it gives you a lovely red line indicating your trend so even if you gain weight one day your trend will still be pointing down =)
  • Boy, do I know about super discouraged. Talking is the best thing, and getting support is encouragement. I am so happy for this website. I too fluctuate... I read the earlier response from emmiebaby.. (I think). She made some really good points. You are really smart to look carefully at what you are eating. I got a message from MyFitnessPal that I may not be getting enough nutrition from what I am eating... so, maybe try low cal foods that you can get bigger servings. You may already know this, so I don't want to push in on your plan. Try another scale, and using the same one in a steady, firm location, not on carpet, not wobbling, or such... It is great that you are losing. what I do is use this site for ideas, suggestions, recipes, plans, and I just talk to myself, and remind myself to focus,,, and know it I stay with it, I WILL get to my goad.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Definitely. Especially women during different parts of the month, sodium, muscles retaining water. Don't weight daily or look for a general decrease in weight over time.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    multiple things could be happening.

    1- your scale might be broken/need to change the batteries
    2- do you move your scale? if so then it would need to be recalibrated every time you move it
    3- make sure your scale is on solid floor (no carpet or slant)

    I weigh myself everyday as well, and my weight tends to fluctuate to a max of 5 lbs (up and down) depending how I eat the day before and or how active I was.

    don't be discouraged when the scale goes up, it just happens, look at the weekly average instead of each individual number (the trend) an app I recommend is called libra - weigh management. you input your weight everyday and it gives you a lovely red line indicating your trend so even if you gain weight one day your trend will still be pointing down =)

    I agree with this. Those fluctuations sound a bit outside of normal. I fluctuate ~6 lbs depending on sodium levels, etc. But 20 pounds is a bit much. Is your scale digital or spring? If a spring scale, those are very easy to influence based upon how you're standing. If it's digital, try changing the batteries.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    I agree with the comments above - make sure your scale has fresh batteries, it's on a hard, flat surface, and that you calibrate it every time you move it. Seeing a change of 15 lbs in a day points to scale issues more than weight issues.

    That said, I also really recommend NOT weighing yourself every day! Or, if you really feel the need to, to accept that weight fluctuations are normal, up to 5 lbs or so.

    Weighing yourself once a week at the same time of day will probably give you a better indication of your overall trend in weight.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I agree with the comments above - make sure your scale has fresh batteries, it's on a hard, flat surface, and that you calibrate it every time you move it. Seeing a change of 15 lbs in a day points to scale issues more than weight issues.

    That said, I also really recommend NOT weighing yourself every day! Or, if you really feel the need to, to accept that weight fluctuations are normal, up to 5 lbs or so.

    Weighing yourself once a week at the same time of day will probably give you a better indication of your overall trend in weight.

    I am pretty sure my scale is fine ....

    But how exactly do you calibrate it?

    I have a digital.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I think something is wrong with your scale...the only other thing I can think of is that you're weighing in at random times and random conditions...afternoon vs morning...clothes on/off, etc. It's normal to have fluctuations around 3-5 Lbs...sometimes a bit more, but 15 Lbs is outside of what I would consider normal fluctuations.

    It's not fat to be sure because that's mathematically impossible...but something else is definitely going on beyond just natural fluctuations.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    This might be TMI big time... but I track my bowel movements because if I go for 3-4 days without one, it shows un realistic gains, and I have issues with regularity.

    Have you pooped lately?
  • I also agree with everyone that the scale could be broken. That being said the only time I have every had a jump and decrease like that is when I was at a really dark time in my life and I use to binge and purge (eating a crazy amount of food and then puking it out or at least attempting to get it all out).

    With that said weighing yourself is completely discouraging. I averagly change weight day to day between +/- 2-5lbs especailly if aunt flow is visiting. I struggle with weighing myself to often but I know when I due my weekly weigh in I'm must happier.
  • You're right it is TMI


    if I haven't poohed in the morning yet I wont weigh myself
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    I agree with the comments above - make sure your scale has fresh batteries, it's on a hard, flat surface, and that you calibrate it every time you move it. Seeing a change of 15 lbs in a day points to scale issues more than weight issues.

    That said, I also really recommend NOT weighing yourself every day! Or, if you really feel the need to, to accept that weight fluctuations are normal, up to 5 lbs or so.

    Weighing yourself once a week at the same time of day will probably give you a better indication of your overall trend in weight.

    I am pretty sure my scale is fine ....

    But how exactly do you calibrate it?

    I have a digital.

    For my digital scale, I put it on the floor, step on it for a second, then step off. It then shows a "C" in the display, meaning it's now calibrated. Then I step on to see my weight. You can probably Google your brand of scale to see how to calibrate it.
  • SluggishSwimmer
    SluggishSwimmer Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the info, guys. I feel a little bit better than I did earlier!

    I think I'm going to try replacing the scale first of all... It's a super cheap spring scale, and I do move it every time I use it, so maybe it's messed up? I've been fairly consistent with time of day, and my calorie intake is also fairly consistent (not binging and purging, or anything like that).

    I get that weight fluctuates anyway, but it's just such a drastic change from day to day that freaked me out...I kind of expect just a couple of pounds instead of 15!
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    If you buy yourself a new, digital scale be prepared for the very first weight to be off a bit. Step on it then step off, then step on for the true weight. My new scale showed me 5 pounds lighter the first time I climbed on. I was pretty stoked. Then I got back on and it weighed correctly. Bummer. I checked with my doctor's scale one day shortly after I bought the new scale and found that mine is less than 1/2 pound different than hers so I'm confident its correct. Like already said, be sure its on a solid floor, not carpet, and I suggest leaving it in one spot and weighing yourself in that same spot, for a bit more accuracy.