Hi! It's my 4th first day... hopefully the last!

I joined MFP in June and was doing really well for a month and a half. Then the in-laws visited and we ate out all weekend and 2 days of not logging turned into a week. Then it was time for vacation and it turned into a month or so..... I started again in August and again let myself fall off the bandwagon over my birthday weekend when my family was in town.

In September I did really well! I was working out several times a week. The weather was gorgeous so I rode about 8-10 miles every night on my bike. I was working 7-3:30 so I had plenty of energy and time once I got home to work out before dinner and whatnot.

Now, I'm back to working 9- 5:30 which means I have a few hours in the morning before I need to leave for work, but I'm NOT a morning person so getting back in the swing of working out (which now has to be indoors as it's 15 below zero right now) is difficult for me. At 6 am I just want to crawl back in bed.

I actually started yesterday again and was somewhat successful! Small victories I guess. I ate sensibly and only had 1 caffeine free coke. Today my goal is no soda! The headache yesterday was awful but I really need to drink water again.

This morning, I worked out and did the 30 day Shred at 6:45 am! And now I don't want to go back to sleep! Hooray. I'm also working on my 3rd glass of water for the day. All before 8 am.

Maybe I can do this!


  • WhiskeyBravo
    Welcome back Kotter!....it's all good, it's like my 10th first day too :)... I keep telling my co-workers that I don't have a problem starting a diet, just finishing one....

    Godd luck and stuff!
  • shorteekay80
    I just started back this week. I'm doing well with the diet but I have not exercise yet besides walking up and down the stairs for about 10 minutes. Keep up the good work and I know the lack of caffine is going to take its toll of your body but you can do it. I had a headache for 2 weeks when I gave up soda and coffee at the same time. I made it through it and so can you. You inspired me to wake up early and exercise! So, Thanks and good luck!