Opinions on ready rice

OG43 Posts: 22 Member
I know rice is not super bad for you but I just looked at the sodium levels in a pack of Uncle Ben's Ready rice and if you happened to eat the whole bag, it was 1,400 mg of sodium. Just wondering what your opinions are on this food? It's kind of reminding me of canned soup with the nutritional values


  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    Like everything...in moderation. Make your own.

    The bags I believe have 2 servings in them? I decimate my sodium limits daily, luckily my blood pressure is still good. I do though try to watch packaged rices, soups, etc because of the sodium. Besides I can usually make it myself much yummier.
  • TonyPillz
    TonyPillz Posts: 248 Member
    I eat rice 3 times a week , the best rice ever is veetee dine in rice , its takes literally 60 seconds to cook no hidden crap and it comes in like 15 types. Look out for it in your supermarket its cheap to.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Love it. Can't eat it anymore due to HBP.
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    If you have a Trader Joe's near you - they have two brown rices in a pouch in their frozen section that are excellent!
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    Trader joes has frozen rice that is awesome.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I have a pouch or two in the cupboard as a back-up, but cooking from scratch - even brown rice - is so easy, that I rarely ever reach for the pouch. It's only there if I'm really pressed for time.
  • andreyadonna
    The boil in bag ones have always tasted like plastic to me. I generally feel like I'd rather put in the time to cook it myself and know exactly what I'm eating.