Signed up for Orange Theory and getting nervous

So I had a little period, maybe a year, where I re-gained weight I have lost, about 30lbs. I really fell off the exercising bandwagon as well. I have tried to get back in the swing of it but I am not self-discplined. So when a new Orange Theory opened for pre-sale, I went to check it out. It seems like something I can be discplined to and can stick with becasue of the convenient times offered. I am really nervous about jumping right into an hour long class. How intense is it and can I really go at my own pace? Please help with some advice and or motivation.


  • cooi
    cooi Posts: 9 Member
    Think of it this way, you give 1 hour of your time, and you get 23 back. :)
  • tluglem
    tluglem Posts: 2
    This is my 4th week at Orange Theory, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I have about 60-65 pounds to lose, and have been relatively lazy about exercise.

    I, too, was very nervous about the workout and was scared I wouldn't be able to keep up. I was scared that I would embarass myself. I was WRONG. You can go at your own pace. There are people in the classes who are total athletes all the way to some just getting started. The personal trainers are fantastic. The highest number of people in a class is 24, and most of the time it's a lot lower than that. The trainers keep an eye on you and will help with form, exercise modifications for beginners or injuries, and goals.

    Since I started, I have increased my cardio ability and my strength. I am already doing things I couldn't do 4 weeks ago.

    I can't recommend it enough. I started out with 2 classes per week, and built from there. This week...5 classes.
  • Thanks for the motivation!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I LOVE OTF. The only thing I don't like is the price. Don't be nervous. I was intimidated at first but you really can go at your own pace.
  • WorkinItOff27
    WorkinItOff27 Posts: 1 Member
    Ditto - I started about 6 weeks ago and am totally loving it. Still can't believe I can wake up for. 5:30 am class 5 days a week but I feel great afterwards!

    Seems to be a lot of different fitness levels - I was intimidated at first but now I just try to reach the highest calories for the class :)

    Enjoy it!
  • krisw22
    krisw22 Posts: 2 Member
    I start this week! I can't wait. Those of you that are already do Orange Theory, have you noticed a difference in how things are fitting? Weight loss success?
  • toastedink
    toastedink Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I just joined Orange Theory as well! I love it!! Its a hard workout but I can actually function the next day.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I've been a member since November. I LOVE it and highly recommend it. I had the unlimited for a few months but had to bump my sessions down to 8 a month due to my husband isn't working anymore and my 12hr work days don't allow me to attend enough to validate an unlimited membership. BUT I can still make 8 a month and I don't see myself dropping out entirely any time soon.

    Yes you can go at your own levels. Many times the coaches call out an exercise and I may have to modify (grab a lower weight, do regular lunges instead of jump lunges, etc.). Listen to your body, but still push yourself. There have been times I grabbed a lower weight because I NEEDED to, and there were other times I found myself realizing I was cheating myself. Push yourself on those treadmills, all out means all out! I've never ran so fast in my life and thankfully those coaches push me through.

    I've found myself being able to do stuff I couldn't do before-box jumps, lunges with weights, squats with weights, BURPEES! Could you do the same workout with joining O.Theory? Possibly, but I'd definitely not work as hard or push myself. Plus the coaches make it so fun and help me with my form.

    Have I lost But to be honest my diet has not been on point and I know I've gained some muscle under those layers. I don't have a huge amount to lose and I feel better anyways. I notice I am more toned in several areas. If I just ate a little better ;)

    PS....did you take a free trial class first? There's no joining fee and you can cancel anytime with 30 days notice which worked for me. I move a lot with my job so didn't want to be locked down