Can't seem to eat anywhere near my goal! Help please!

Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago. I have seen pretty good results, 10 pounds already. My problem is I never seem to be able to eat all my calories. I read on the website less than 1200 is bad and today I ate about 1000, yet I feel full! If I am loosing weight is this still bad? And if so what should I do? You may look at my diary! Thanks.


  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    Id love to follow this post I have the same problem
    Ive lost 30lbs and constantly worry about this as well
    thanks for posting
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago. I have seen pretty good results, 10 pounds already. My problem is I never seem to be able to eat all my calories. I read on the website less than 1200 is bad and today I ate about 1000, yet I feel full! If I am loosing weight is this still bad? And if so what should I do? You may look at my diary! Thanks.

    For a man you should be eating more than 2000 calories. How did you put on weight, if can't seem to hit 1200 cals.? Eat more dense food, peanut butter, avocado, oil, ice cream, etc.

    ETA: Now I am hungry for ice cream. :laugh:
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago. I have seen pretty good results, 10 pounds already. My problem is I never seem to be able to eat all my calories. I read on the website less than 1200 is bad and today I ate about 1000, yet I feel full! If I am loosing weight is this still bad? And if so what should I do? You may look at my diary! Thanks.

    I call BS.

    You have over 100 lbs to lose but you can't manage to consume 1200 calories? (You should be at 1600 minimum as a male, likely more with as much as you have to lose)


    Stop cutting out everything that you enjoyed. Put the mayo on your sandwich, use real salad dressing, add some chips, have some peanut butter, drink some milk, have a candy bar.

    If you are in this for the long haul, and I hope you are because you will feel so much better and you ARE worth it.. then you're going to have to find a balance of "eating healthy" that includes foods you enjoy enough to meet your calorie goals. Don't demonize certain foods as "bad", they aren't, you just have to watch your portions.

    That said, I am not suggesting that you hit on any trigger foods that you know you can't control yourself with. If you can't order a pizza without eating the whole thing, by all means, avoid pizza until you have a handle on yourself but you can totally eat your calorie goal.

    To determine that calorie goal and for more info, see these helpful links:


    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:


  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Yes if you can't eat the volume eat higher calorie - full fat dairy, nuts, more meat (you are low on protein you need it). Your goal is higher some days so I am assuming you are adding in exercise which is good but you need to eat more when you exercise.

    Are you logging everything and are you being totally accurate - would recommend getting a scale if you don't have one. Just one example was 1.5 ounces of pot roast (that's a pretty small portion) however, you did have chicken also so not trying to be judgey.

    But seriously you are a young guy you need to eat more than what you are.
  • Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago. I have seen pretty good results, 10 pounds already. My problem is I never seem to be able to eat all my calories. I read on the website less than 1200 is bad and today I ate about 1000, yet I feel full! If I am loosing weight is this still bad? And if so what should I do? You may look at my diary! Thanks.

    I call BS.

    You have over 100 lbs to lose but you can't manage to consume 1200 calories? (You should be at 1600 minimum as a male, likely more with as much as you have to lose)


    Stop cutting out everything that you enjoyed. Put the mayo on your sandwich, use real salad dressing, add some chips, have some peanut butter, drink some milk, have a candy bar.

    If you are in this for the long haul, and I hope you are because you will feel so much better and you ARE worth it.. then you're going to have to find a balance of "eating healthy" that includes foods you enjoy enough to meet your calorie goals. Don't demonize certain foods as "bad", they aren't, you just have to watch your portions.

    That said, I am not suggesting that you hit on any trigger foods that you know you can't control yourself with. If you can't order a pizza without eating the whole thing, by all means, avoid pizza until you have a handle on yourself but you can totally eat your calorie goal.

    To determine that calorie goal and for more info, see these helpful links:


    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:



    Ok this helped. My problem is I figured I should cut out all unhealthy stuff because that was how I got to be unhealthy. That and I used to eat all day long instead of just eating my 3 meals a day. (Which I now do) but I will start putting small things into my diet that have more calories. For example if you see my diary today I have gone a little over but I have also loged all my meals I will have already and have not tracked my gym yet since I haven't gone yet.
  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago. I have seen pretty good results, 10 pounds already. My problem is I never seem to be able to eat all my calories. I read on the website less than 1200 is bad and today I ate about 1000, yet I feel full! If I am loosing weight is this still bad? And if so what should I do? You may look at my diary! Thanks.

    I call BS.

    You have over 100 lbs to lose but you can't manage to consume 1200 calories? (You should be at 1600 minimum as a male, likely more with as much as you have to lose)


    Stop cutting out everything that you enjoyed. Put the mayo on your sandwich, use real salad dressing, add some chips, have some peanut butter, drink some milk, have a candy bar.

    If you are in this for the long haul, and I hope you are because you will feel so much better and you ARE worth it.. then you're going to have to find a balance of "eating healthy" that includes foods you enjoy enough to meet your calorie goals. Don't demonize certain foods as "bad", they aren't, you just have to watch your portions.

    That said, I am not suggesting that you hit on any trigger foods that you know you can't control yourself with. If you can't order a pizza without eating the whole thing, by all means, avoid pizza until you have a handle on yourself but you can totally eat your calorie goal.

    To determine that calorie goal and for more info, see these helpful links:


    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:



    ^^ End of thread, pack it up..move on, go home folks.. nothing to see here.. . :)
  • Well I can tell you that I rarely have ever eaten my suggested caloric intake-because I just don't really eat high calorie foods..there are some days when i get to 1200-but rarely. I just do what I can, keep using my IT WORKS for my nutritional supplements and continue to eat and work out according to what feels right to me. Hope that helps.
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago. I have seen pretty good results, 10 pounds already. My problem is I never seem to be able to eat all my calories. I read on the website less than 1200 is bad and today I ate about 1000, yet I feel full! If I am loosing weight is this still bad? And if so what should I do? You may look at my diary! Thanks.

    I call BS.

    You have over 100 lbs to lose but you can't manage to consume 1200 calories? (You should be at 1600 minimum as a male, likely more with as much as you have to lose)


    Stop cutting out everything that you enjoyed. Put the mayo on your sandwich, use real salad dressing, add some chips, have some peanut butter, drink some milk, have a candy bar.

    If you are in this for the long haul, and I hope you are because you will feel so much better and you ARE worth it.. then you're going to have to find a balance of "eating healthy" that includes foods you enjoy enough to meet your calorie goals. Don't demonize certain foods as "bad", they aren't, you just have to watch your portions.

    That said, I am not suggesting that you hit on any trigger foods that you know you can't control yourself with. If you can't order a pizza without eating the whole thing, by all means, avoid pizza until you have a handle on yourself but you can totally eat your calorie goal.

    To determine that calorie goal and for more info, see these helpful links:


    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:



    ^^ End of thread, pack it up..move on, go home folks.. nothing to see here.. . :)

    ^^^ Haha! Should be at the head of the thread.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Well I can tell you that I rarely have ever eaten my suggested caloric intake-because I just don't really eat high calorie foods..there are some days when i get to 1200-but rarely. I just do what I can, keep using my IT WORKS for my nutritional supplements and continue to eat and work out according to what feels right to me. Hope that helps.

    IT WORKS... really? Whatever.

    OP: don't cut your diet down to something that will be entirely unsustainable in the long run. You have a lot of weigh to lose and follow the advice Serendipte posted. I'll repost:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago. I have seen pretty good results, 10 pounds already. My problem is I never seem to be able to eat all my calories. I read on the website less than 1200 is bad and today I ate about 1000, yet I feel full! If I am loosing weight is this still bad? And if so what should I do? You may look at my diary! Thanks.

    I call BS.

    You have over 100 lbs to lose but you can't manage to consume 1200 calories? (You should be at 1600 minimum as a male, likely more with as much as you have to lose)


    Stop cutting out everything that you enjoyed. Put the mayo on your sandwich, use real salad dressing, add some chips, have some peanut butter, drink some milk, have a candy bar.

    If you are in this for the long haul, and I hope you are because you will feel so much better and you ARE worth it.. then you're going to have to find a balance of "eating healthy" that includes foods you enjoy enough to meet your calorie goals. Don't demonize certain foods as "bad", they aren't, you just have to watch your portions.

    That said, I am not suggesting that you hit on any trigger foods that you know you can't control yourself with. If you can't order a pizza without eating the whole thing, by all means, avoid pizza until you have a handle on yourself but you can totally eat your calorie goal.

    To determine that calorie goal and for more info, see these helpful links:


    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:



    Ok this helped. My problem is I figured I should cut out all unhealthy stuff because that was how I got to be unhealthy. That and I used to eat all day long instead of just eating my 3 meals a day. (Which I now do) but I will start putting small things into my diet that have more calories. For example if you see my diary today I have gone a little over but I have also loged all my meals I will have already and have not tracked my gym yet since I haven't gone yet.

    Today looked pretty good. Yesterday was low, but the few days prior weren't too awful.

    Keep up with the fruits and veggies. Ditch the low fat or fat free dressing for the full stuff - it tastes better and when they remove fat they add sugar and other less good stuff. A bit of cheese with your crackers, a bit of butter here and there, milk can be 2% if you prefer it over skim. Still go for mostly healthy, nutritionally dense stuff, but it's okay to eat other stuff in moderation that you really enjoy.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It looks like you have a lot of weight to lose. If that's the case, I wouldn't stress too much about eating too little. Just make sure you get your nutrients.

    If you also make sure you add regular activity - even if it's just an hour of walking a day - your body will also become quite adept at telling you when you're under-fueling.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Didnt gain all your weight eating 1000 calories...
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    It is also possible you're underestimating your serving sizes for things you're currently eating, especially condiments, liquids, and things that don't come in pre-packaged sizes. You may already be closer to 2,000 calories than you realize.