Have more 100lbs - looking for friends to encourage me



  • Hello!
    I know how you feel. I also have over 100lbs I want to lose. Well, 170 is more like it. Yikes!
    Anyway, I'm just starting this weight loss journey so if you need any encouragement I'm here. Anyone feel free to add me, I promise I'll be a faithful logger ;) Good luck all!
  • o0vibeke0o
    o0vibeke0o Posts: 11 Member
    I just joined today too. Trying to lose 100 lb by May 2015... but I probably have another 50 to go after (ugh) but small goals first. Right now I am just trying to *average* 1.5 lb a week.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi Kelly! Please, feel free to friend me, or anyone else. I too have 100+ to shed. Hope to get down to 260 by time my wedding hits in June (forty pounds...).
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    I had a 110-127lbs to lose from the start, now I'm almost 50 down - would love to have more friends in my weight and goal range!

    And small goals at a time is exactly what I'm doing :D Already hit goal 1, 25lbs, and I have a bunch of small goals coming up: 50lbs downs, getting under 200lbs, 25kg down, exiting obesity BMI and so on. Several small successes keeps me motivated :)
  • hi kelly,im new to this ,dnt no exactly how much weight i need to loose but as like u i comfort eat but i also eat when im happy and sad.i just love food in general.i need a bucket load of willpower,hope u keep up the good work xx
  • LadyTottingham
    LadyTottingham Posts: 20 Member
    Hi,feel free to add me also,I haven't been on this site for about 3 yrs and was shocked to find I weigh 20lbs less than I was when last on.I have about about 170lbs to lose,so a far bit,hoping to find some friends in for the long haul x
  • I thought I was being aggressive!

    I pretty much have the same goal... (I may have a few extra pounds to loose) but I was giving my self 12-14 months. Just started a few weeks ago.

    The only advise I can give you is: work towards your goal of loosing 100 lbs in 5 months. But know in your heart right now; that five month from today. You tried and gave it all, and you will look and feel much better and eager to continue towards your goal (even is you only lost 20 lb).
  • MommyOfQueens
    MommyOfQueens Posts: 3 Member

    I'm Danielle , I just started today and would love for people to follow me.
    I want to see other people do it to so I can have encouragement I want to
    Loose 100lbs . Send me request and we can help each other . Thanks (: