New to MyFitnessPal

Hi! I am 28 year old female and mom to two great kids. I have issues sticking to a diet, normally I stick to one for about a week maybe two tops. My latest new diet try is the Plexus Slim, I lost 10 lbs the first week but I barely ate anything, which worried my husband and I, because I was never hungry. Since then I gained some weight, as of Saturday, March 15th I lost 8 of those 10 lbs back. I am sticking with this diet but am trying to find a happy medium with eating with this diet so I can take my vitamin supplements and not skip quality time with my family at the dinner table. I am currently at 177 lbs and I would love to be down to around 130 lbs. I am a huge Nebraska Corn Husker fan.


  • Lizplus3
    Lizplus3 Posts: 53 Member
    Part of the issue might be the word "diet" because it has negative feelings. I personally don't call what I am doing a diet - it's a life style change. :) This helps me not feel like I am doing something that I will be judged by others for plus I don't feel like if I have a "bad" day I have failed. I don't like the diets that are out there because I cannot maintain them long term. I made little changes in what I was eatting and the activity level that I have had. I make better choices and eat what I want (for the most part) because I see it as a life change I don't feel stress with eatting what I want when I want. I also find it helps me because I track everything that I eat on MFP so there are no oops by the end of the day. My personal issue is that I can eat more than I should be if I let myself because I LOVE food! My suggestion is to eat and track what you are eatting - see how much over or under you are for a few days then you know what you need to adjust. I have to measure servings out so I know that I have not gone over or under on the serving that I am recording.

    You can do this! It has to be a life change not just a short term change! Feel free to friend me if you like!
  • kleighwest
    kleighwest Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I just joined MFP today, but I think I have browsed it before. I am 39 years old again this year (actually will be 45, but really feel 39!) I have three children, two almost adult and one 8 year old. Right now I weigh 174 pounds and would like to be 150-160. I have been eating "clean" for the past 30 days and two weeks ago started back to walk/run 2 miles in the mornings to try and get this darn metabolism going. I agree with Lizplus3. I do not call this a diet. This is a new way of eating...a long-term, lifestyle changing, healthy, feel-good way of eating. I have been trying so hard to lose weight MOST of my life and really never had the right information. I have tried everything. But, recently, I have not really focused so much on the numbers on the scale, but how I FEEL. I really have enjoyed the clean eating and my whole family is doing this as well. I am looking forward to seeing how MFP can help me by keeping the nutrition and activity tracked and having the additional support from the others here. so very excited to be here!!