New! and need Help Fast!

I'm new here. I can't seem to get motivated enough to lose weight and exercise or stop eating that gross delicious junk.
My goal is to lose 60 lbs!
I just gave birth about 2 months ago and any advise is greatly appreciated.

Thanks :D

Please read my blog. :)


  • Christie_Roush
    You can do it! The MFP calorie tracker really helps me get through the days. What workout program do you intend to use? I'm currently doing P90X. This is my second attempt at it and I'm surprised how easy it was to start back up after 4 months off. There are some free, online workout programs you could try. They're short workouts that will help get you started. Some of the moves are a lot to handle for beginners, so take it easy and only do what you can do. It will eventually get easier. Body Rock TV & The Daily Hiit have free workouts online. this is the link for the boot camp that will be starting soon. Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • 197Kiki
    197Kiki Posts: 129
    I'm back for my 2nd try at this myself :) need to lose 68lbs and if you'd like to add me feel free! This site is really helps!! You can do it :)
  • Selee1987
    Selee1987 Posts: 32 Member
    I really want to do Insanity by Beach Body, this would be my third attempt at it. The first time i lost 25 lbs but hurt my ankle and gave up.
    But I'll definitely check that site, Thanks :happy:
  • irisheyes226
    irisheyes226 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there! I'm back after some time away too. I'm currently doing T25! Have you heard of it? It's by Shaun T who does Insanity. I really like it and find it easier than Insanity (I tried Insanity and couldn't do it...) Would love to be friends for support!
  • SeeMaryChange
    SeeMaryChange Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new and need motivation and people with the same goal.... "Getting Rid of This Fat" add me.
  • Selee1987
    Selee1987 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes i have T25 as well, It looks to me like a combination of Insanity and Hiphop abs all mashed into one 25 minute dvd. Looks good though. I was also looking into the Brazilian buttlift and taking shakeology does that work at all?
  • jazzygrl1983
    I'm new here. I can't seem to get motivated enough to lose weight and exercise or stop eating that gross delicious junk.
    My goal is to lose 60 lbs!
    I just gave birth about 2 months ago and any advise is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks :D

    Please read my blog. :)

    I'm new here as well and can relate. Ive lost 137 lbs about 8 years ago and recently put on 65 lbs. I'm hurt, disappointed and sick about it. I worked so hard to get that weight off. 5 days a week at the gym I ate like a rabbit and I had all the motivation in the world. I moved to a new home and the gym wasn't as close. I cook everyday for my husband who happens to have the best genes... He eats whatever he wants and gains nothing. He also runs about 26 miles a week(so that helps). I got sick of watching him eat all the good food so I joined him in type of food and portion. Bad idea. I also lost my job soon after we purchased our home that left me feeling depressed and in a slump. I went from 308 to 165 currently at 235. I hate the way I look. My size 8's laugh when I look at them. I'm just over it. I WANT IT OFF already! I went thru this already I don't want to go down this long road again. But I have no choice. So, here I'am. Never really spoke to ppl who are going thru the same thing as Iam before. So, maybe this will assist me. Thanks for reading. We can do this!!! Right?
  • mauricetaylor
    mauricetaylor Posts: 4 Member
    You can definitely do it! It takes patience, discipline and focus! Weight loss is about 75% nutrition and 25% exercise. Start with just being more active and making better eating habit.
  • Selee1987
    Selee1987 Posts: 32 Member
    I feel your pain! same here. and definitely bad idea to eat the same portions as they do! i did the same thing and i blew up like a balloon! lol
    We can do this!