Need your tips and tricks

Hello all, I'm fairly new to MFP and so far have managed to lose just a few pounds. So far I have been very good at logging my food and being honest with myself. I've also included exercising in my journey to lose some extra pounds gained throughout the years. However, I'm alittle discouraged because I thought I would have lost a little more than I have. I didn't take any pictures, but am starting to see a small change in my clothing. I'm 5'4 and weigh 180. My short term goals are to lost about 5 lbs a month but I feel that I should be losing more or seeing more of a difference in my appearance. I'm looking for any feedback to help me with my goals. BTW I started using MFP the last week in January. Unfortunately I accidently reset my days in the tool.


  • BeautyBeast2013
    BeautyBeast2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there, feel free to add me ,nice to meet you I am Amanda. I am here to help ,have any questions ,need help with anything pls let me know

  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    My weight loss fluctuates. I understand being discouraged as I have busted my behind all week - tracked as precisely as humanly possible and then only lose .4....

    I have now come to realization - a loss is a loss anyway you look at it! Some months I may hit 5 pounds loss - some months only 2. As long as the scale & OR the measurements go down..I am a happy girl.

    Take measurements - they help when the scale didn't move ;) Take pics - these helps months down the line!! (A LOT!)

    Keep working at it - you need patience. If you rush to get the weigh off - it will just get rushed back on. Learn healthy balanced eating on this will make maintenance all that much easier!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    How much is "a few pounds?" If you are 180 and seeing a difference - I'm thinking that's got to be around 10 - which is right around a pound a week. That's an awesome weight loss. Very steady and it's not going to kill your muscle mass.

    Ditch your scale. Take measurements. Work out to keep your muscle and you're golden. Being in shape doesn't come with an expiration date - it's something you are going to do for the rest of your life. A few more months at the beginning, as hard as they are to accept now, aren't going to make that much of a difference in the long run.

    Your body also doesn't wait until all the weight is gone to make you look good. You noticed that you are looking better now. That's going to be more and more true. While the weight loss is going to go slower than you want, the actual physical changes will happen more or less on track.

    Bottom line: you're doing great. Don't try to fix something that's not broken.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Above all.... establish healthy habits and stick with them. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT starve yourself in the attempt to speed up weight loss. I'm coming from the opposite stuggle from most people- struggling to eat enough. Not because I'm trying to starve myself, but between allergies and IBS, I don't really feel hungry or a lot of stuff that's readily available to me I can't eat. I'm now on this site logging food and exercise because I've gained weight from eating very little and therefore having a slow metabolism. You need to make sure you give your body fuel to burn fat.

    If you're fairly new, it takes time for your body to adjust, so hang in there. I'm about 7 weeks into my journey and I'm only just starting to see sustained, measurable progress. But- it's happening. As someone else said, a loss is a loss. Celebrate it. Most people don't gain their weight overnight- I sure didn't- so you can't expect to lose it overnight too. I gained my weight over about 2 years, so it may take that long to burn it off. Be ready for that.

    Also, your weight AND your weight loss will fluctuate for a number of reasons- recent activity, sodium intake, hormones, water retention, etc. Even though I have a GW of 120 by August 1 (when I need to start thinking about getting my wedding dress altered), this is ultimately about getting healthy and having a lifestyle change. If it happens, it happens... but holding firm to your expectation of 5 lbs/month may set yourself up for failure through disappointment. You may lose 10 one month and 2 the next. DON'T get discouraged about a "slowing down" period. You may be gaining muscle, which is more dense than fat.

    And seriously, take pictures. They really do keep yourself motivated. I have progress pics that were taken 23 days and <2lbs apart, and although the # on the scales didn't change much, there is a VERY noticeable change between those 2 pics which has kept me pushing my routine even more. Now I've had about 7 weeks at it, this is starting to become second nature to me. Establish good habits, eat right, and never, ever give up. Just remember to tell yourself that you're worth the effort :-)
  • smithem65
    Thank you. I really appreciate the comments. I will take pictures and hopefully that will push me along when it seems to be going slow. :)
  • lisyxlr8
    lisyxlr8 Posts: 3
    Hi Amanda,

    I hope you might be able to help. I started in Oct. 2013. I have a job that is alittle challenging I have 2 weeks sedentary and 2 weeks I work in a hotel (all that food). In the first month I lost 6lbs then went on one of my work trips for 4 weeks and gained it all back. The food, I am blaming it on the food. I am starting today again because I am back home to be healthy but hope do I lose weight/ maintain when I travel.


  • madmanandy27
    madmanandy27 Posts: 6 Member
    also take into account you may be gaining muscle mass and thats heavier than fat per volume for example 1 lb of fat takes up more space than 1lb of muscle so you may still be losing body fat but getting more toned :)