At home exercise ideas?...

Hi... I am three weeks into my weight loss journey, and I am pretty proud of myself for sticking with it and actually losing some weight... But I feel my momentum slipping because I think I decided yesterday that my treadmill hates me... I have been gradually building up from 2.0 for 30 min to 2.6 for 40 min with a 5.0 inclince... Yesterday I had to PUSH myself to get in 30 min at 2.4... So I think my body is telling me to try something else for a bit... I can't leave the house because I am a single, stay at home mom... I do have 5 lb weights but not exactly sure what I should do with them, other than the standard "curl"... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!


  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    i have just started using jillian michaels 30 day takes 20 minutes....u can use those weights...and ur gonna feel it after ur done the far i love it
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    I know its expensive if you don't have one, but I highly recommend my Wii for working out at home. I have used WiiFit and EA Active, now I'm doing Zumba. I love that it keeps track and motivates you because sometimes with videos I take too many breaks because no one is watching...especially if my motivation is low for that day. LOL I also use P90X (although I'm not following the full plan for various reasons) and I have done Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred which I got for less than $10.00.
  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120
    I love turbo jam, leslie sansone's walk away the pound series, taebo, jillian michaels 30 day shred & bob's wieght loss yoga. Variety will really help you stay on track. I have a "dreadmill" too & can only stand it 3 times a week, it's a necessary evil!! Hop on ebay or even craigs list to see what you can find I got most of mine off ebay, a couple at target & craigs list. All were way cheaper than a gym membership & like you I have little kids so getting out of the house isn't always an option! Best of luck you'll get there :)
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    I know its expensive if you don't have one, but I highly recommend my Wii for working out at home. I have used WiiFit and EA Active, now I'm doing Zumba. I love that it keeps track and motivates you because sometimes with videos I take too many breaks because no one is watching...especially if my motivation is low for that day. LOL I also use P90X (although I'm not following the full plan for various reasons) and I have done Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred which I got for less than $10.00.

    u make me feel lazy for just doing the 30 day shred and going o the gym,lol
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I'm not a videos kinda girl, but many people are and there are GREAT ones that my friends just rave about! For example, Zumba, Turbo Jam, Jillian's 30 day shred. Do you have a wii? I have an Xbox Kinect, and with either of those you can get interactive exercise games. I'm hoping to get some for Christmas! Sometimes some good old fashion down in the dirt cleaning can burn some major calories. Every hour, climb up and down the stairs for 5 minutes, do 25 sit ups an hour, do lunges around the house. If you're intentional about it (which is hardest for me) then those things could make a big difference. You can still do the treadmill, but at least you have other options! Good luck to you!
  • becomingsara
    STREAMING netflix (also the dvd out netflix).

    Happy sweating!
    ~ Sara
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    i have just started using jillian michaels 30 day takes 20 minutes....u can use those weights...and ur gonna feel it after ur done the far i love it

    The 30 day shred is a fantastic work out! I'm on day 21 and I LOVE it! I do it either while my little one is napping in the afternoon or in the evening when she is in bed.
  • kariW6678
    I have a road bike that is attached to a trainer to make it stationary, it works for me and the major downfall is the room it takes up. I have the 30 day shred along with other various work out videos and I really need to start using them on my off days from the bike.

    If you need to switch things up while on the treadmill try walking at different paces and inclines along with changing what music or tv show you watch, I hope this helps.
  • ladybuggirls07
    ladybuggirls07 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all soooo much for your sugestions!... I do have a Wii and am hoping "Santa" brings me a game for it... I will look into the dvd's suggested... I'm sure my daughter will get a kick out of watching momma "being silly" while I work out to them! Thanks agian!! By the way, feel free to add me as a friend... I can use all the encouragment I can get!!
  • BoresEasily
    The best thing I could suggest is to just experiment and find what you enjoy doing, whether it be dancing around your house, playing games with your little girl or going for walks in the park. Any activity is better than no activity and if you dread what you're doing then you'll never continue with it. As for the treadmill what you could do to make it more exciting is add little bursts of higher intensity/higher speed, add jogging or running. It doesn't need to be a chore, you don't have to walk on it for 30-60 minutes straight. Mix it up, make it interesting. Hope you find something you enjoy.
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    If you are a tread mill user, then I suggest Treadmoves. It is a circuit style workout, using weights and even skipping on the tread mill. I love this workout for a change up and for getting an hour really good sweat dripping workout on the tread.

    Also, if you are looking into home dvd's, I'd recommend I am a very happy customer and forum chatter there. You learn a lot about the workouts from people who do 'em and you can view each one they sell!

    Have fun! :smile:
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    I know its expensive if you don't have one, but I highly recommend my Wii for working out at home. I have used WiiFit and EA Active, now I'm doing Zumba. I love that it keeps track and motivates you because sometimes with videos I take too many breaks because no one is watching...especially if my motivation is low for that day. LOL I also use P90X (although I'm not following the full plan for various reasons) and I have done Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred which I got for less than $10.00.

    u make me feel lazy for just doing the 30 day shred and going o the gym,lol

    LOL...I'm not super active or anything, I just have a short attention span and get bored very easily :blushing: