1600 meter times?

Hello fellow runners! I am hoping to get into the Junior Varsity track team for my school next year. My fastest 1600 is a 4:45, and I was wondering if anybody knew some average times for JV. I know that times vary between each person, but I want to know what I might be going up against next school year, before I start training.


  • Quanoe
    Quanoe Posts: 5
    Anyone out there with someone information?
  • gandssmith
    gandssmith Posts: 67 Member
    4:45 is an awesome time. especially if you are starting out! my son ran track and cross country in high school. his fastest time in high school for the 1600 was 4:21 and he set all kinds of school records and was undefeated all four years. his high school was a division 3a. he went to states 3 times and his highest finish in was third in the 1600 so there are faster guys out there. he went on to college and ran cross country under a scholarship but his passion was always track. good luck. i think you've got a great start.
  • Quanoe
    Quanoe Posts: 5
    Thank you! This makes me feel really confident!
    I didnt just start running, but I have never regularly trained- just to clear up an confusion.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Just google the results for your state, as it will vary highly between regions and divisions. What will win a state title in Ohio in Division III won't get near the podium in California Division I.
  • gandssmith
    gandssmith Posts: 67 Member
    you're so welcome! even if you're not just starting out, 4:45 is a good time! my son has a natural talent for running (he didn't get it from me lol) but he didn't like to practice or train. he showed up for practice, ran a little and that was it. i never pushed him either which way. on the days he felt like he wanted to quit, i told he was free to at the end of the season. on the days he was frustrated bc he felt like he could've ran faster, i told he him to practice more. i think he looks back on it now and wishes he put more effort into it. so if you're already at 4:45 and you're willing to put the effort and training into it there is no telling how fast you can get by the end of your senior year. i'll tell you like i told my son, it's all in what you want. best of luck.:smile: