What sacrifices are necessary to hit goal in 1 yr or less?

3mtntops Posts: 13 Member
I was in a group meeting last night and a interesting satemt was made.
I had discovered a green leaf salad was only 60 calories but 2 tablespoons of a
Well known Valley ranch dressing was 170 calories.
Someone in group had mentioned they had found a 0 sugar and 0 calorie salad dressing,
Walden Farms.
A large woman exclaimed ,"I won't eat anything runny or taste like diet.
By changing salad dressing someone could save anywhere from 2000-10,000 calories a month.
Depending on if you are a 1/4 cup dumper or 2 Tblsp dipper.
I decided 85 pounds ago to make switches and changes if it meant being fit and trim over carrying
excess weight around year after year.
Is it worth it to you to dump desserts and excess calories to reach your goal sooner?


  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    No I dont think so! You can not live that way forever! Eat everything in moderation! I have dessert every single night! Check out my food log. I do however cut things down so I can enjoy desserts etc.. Like I us fat free or low fat dressing, butter, milk, ,mayo etc..
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I sacrifice in as much that I eat less than before. I wouldnt be in a calorie deficit otherwise. I havent cut anything out of my diet completely though. I love food and have learned the hard way that banning foods just makes me crave them and end up binging and eventually quitting my diet.

    I do make substitutions like you pointed out in the salad dressing. I use light mayo now instead of full fat, the same with butter. I use frylight instead of cooking oil. Most other things I just eat a smaller portion.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    1) Don't put a deadline on your goal weight.
    2) Don't be in a hurry to lose weight.
    3) Don't stop eating things you love if you plan on eating them after you hit your goal weight.

    ETA with that said, there's nothing wrong with substituting regular dressing for low calorie dressing. Do it to stay under your calorie goal or to better meet your macros. Not to lose weight faster.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I sacrificed a few hundred calories per day to lose a little weight...and about 5-6 hours per week to exercise a bit. The biggest thing I took away from all of this was portion control and moderation as well as getting in some really good nutrition most of the time. Served me well for the 9 months or so I was losing as well as the last 9-10 months or so of maintenance.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I still eat anything - just less of it. I have my chocolate, I have my wine, I've even had - OMG a SODA! As long as it fits in my calories I have it. My sacrifice is having less of it. If I eat too much at lunch - I don't get ice cream. etc. I also have been sacrificing time - that's right -I actually try to take some time for myself each day and do something to get moving. Is it a full-blown workout - NO - but a 20 minute walk is better than sitting on the couch.

    Make one small change at a time so you can live with the change. If you go from a junk food aholic sitting on the couch, to a salad eating rabbit who works out 3 hours a day - and do it all at once - you won't maintain the lifestyle. I'm not saying that eating salads and working out is bad - trust me - it's doing it all in one fell swoop that makes it too hard for most people.

    Start with the little changes - like cutting out soda or switching salad dressing. Start paying attention to portion sizes. You really don't need a supersize fry when a small will do (now I just snitch a few from the kids and am happy). Add movement to your day - whether that is going for a walk, or just parking far away and taking the stairs. I've found that I am much more able to stick with it this time, because I didn't get all crazy at once, and am making changes that truly fit my life and my family!
  • 3mtntops
    3mtntops Posts: 13 Member
    Every body is different. I think some sacrifice is worthwhile. Cutting back works for some but temporary elimination works for most.
  • 3mtntops
    3mtntops Posts: 13 Member
    I like this. Switching does work.
  • Soapfan777
    The point about eliminating foods from your life is to keep it that way forever. Otherwise, substitution and moderation works best. Fortunately, there are much better substitution options available in the market today. Honestly, I can't stand non-milk based salad dressings. Therefore, I use the Kraft light ranch dressing. I cut my salad into very small pieces and drip a small amount all over the salad then stir it well. This works for me because I don't drown my salad in dressing. I just like a taste of it.