Is anyone maintaining without counting calories?



  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Bump. I tried not counting but over the holidays I ended up overeating, not working out much, and gaining. Right now I'm logging again and working out more regularly again but not weighing in. I just know my clothes are way too tight right now :(

    I was in the same boat. I finally got the holiday weight off (in March...) and it made me realize it's so important to be mindful, which for me means continuing to log.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Eh. I have two kids and ate Kraft mac and cheese regularly while maintaining my weight without logging. The key for me is having a good idea of portion sizes - and to double check yourself periodically.

    I do make sure to have at least one serving of: root vegetables (besides potatoes), leafy greens (besides lettuce), dried beans and squash a week + fruit at least every other day - otherwise my tendency is to confuse "liking," "purchasing" or "serving my kids" a balanced diet with "eating" one. But, other than that, I don't get too fussed about what else I eat. I'm an adult and don't make ridiculous choices like binging on M&Ms for dinner (too often). It all washes out over a week.

    I think most of us similar cues they need to pay attention to. If eating lots of veggies works for you, then it does and I'm not arguing about that. I'm just not sure whether it's "the key" for everybody.

    That's awesome for you. I don't think anybody is suggesting that this is impossible, but it is improbable for a lot of people that they can have diet of mac & cheese (and like high carb/fat foods) and very little plant based fare, and maintain their weight loss for the rest of their lives without any kind of calorie counting. Time and again we see, in study after study, and real life example after real life example, the overwhelming majority of people regain their weight, often more so, if they go back to a typical western diet without some serious perimeters.

    That kind of diet is largely what got lots of people in trouble in the first place. While there will be people like you who can pull it off long term, it's going to be a fruitless endeavour for so many people. Personally I recommend people take a far more nutritious route and up the plant based fare not only because it's much better for your overall health in the long run, but also because it's going to allow people to eat a ton more food, and still keep their calories well in check.
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    I count my calories now because I'm trying to stick religiously to one round of P90X, but previous to that I've been maintaining without counting.

    I haven't gained or lost more than 2-3 pounds for the last five years, while exercising 4-6 times a week and having regular meals, no snacks. For me it really works to have big meals and no snacks, no grazing. I also eat very clean (I cook almost everything myself, and from scratch).

    Right now I'm maintaining on 2200 calories a day (I'm 5"7 and weigh a pretty constant 130 lb) while doing P90X and I feel great. So it's possible - once you get into the habit.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    For me it really works to have big meals and no snacks, no grazing.

    Same here. Having a couple sizeable meals a day works wonders for me. Keeps me satisfied. I imagine heavy snackers and grazers have a much more difficult time eating intuitively and reaching, or maintaining, their goals without careful counting.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    I did, but my weight tend to fluctuate because I just love food too much. I think I already accepted the fact that I have to log my food for the rest of my life (well, mostly) if I want to maintain my current weight.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I maintain without counting. Sometimes I average them out in my head, but that's about it.
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    i tried to maintain without counting and within a week i ended up losing 2 pounds.. for some people that's probably good news but i'd rather not lose more weight, i'm already pretty low on the scale for my height. although i didn't count calories i tried to do some 'mental' calculations but i guess i always underestimate
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've found I'm usually about as bad at balancing calories as I am at balancing my checkbook in my head. I never was good at math, and I'm VERY good at wishful thinking. Count me in for a lifetime of counting, if not here, then somewhere.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Yep, I maintained my weightloss for 6 months without counting and no exercising. I just knew what I could eat and how much I could eat.

    I am now exercising and tracking to lose a little more and tone my body up.
  • eat_run_play
    eat_run_play Posts: 30 Member
    I have maintained for over a year within a 5 lb range (normal BMI) without counting calories . I do it by following a system during the week. I dont' eat sweets during the week. I don't get second helpings. i don't eat snacks. (No snacks, no sweets, no seconds on weekdays) i eat three meals a day. each meal fits on a small plate and is mostly healthy choices. it works really well because i love protein, not a huge fan of carbs but i will have some bread now and then on a sandwich or something. i exercise 5-6 days a week (mostly running but also weightlifting and yoga at times). on the weekend i let myself have a sweet, a snack or a second helping if i want to. i don't go crazy with my portions but i allow myself to enjoy something so that i don't feel deprived. i also dont' spend saturday and sunday as an eating free for all. i try to be reasonable and not overeat. i have plain tea without sweetener (i also have gotten off of the "diet" food kick. i don't drink diet anything... i don't drink any soda, actually. i wont' have anything with artificial sweeteners because i have a bad reaction to most of them) it has worked so well for me that i'd recommend it to anyone who is tired of calorie counting and feels they are getting obsessive about it. feel free to add me if you want some non calorie counting friends. i also wanted to add that i went on two vacations on the past year and with a plan of moderate eating, lost weight on one vacation and maintained on the second (which was a cruise). i am working on toning up and staying in my current size. Message me if you want more details about what I do. There actually is a webpage devoted to this method and it's worked for a lot of people. It's a free website and forum.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Yep. I've not counted a calorie since June last year, happily staying at my weight & eating what I like.
  • camisetgo
    camisetgo Posts: 27 Member
    I can't do that...I NEED to count. I like to eat and still under estimate the amount of calories even though I have been doing this for 3 years. I will need to count for the rest of my life.
  • eat_run_play
    eat_run_play Posts: 30 Member
    I used to think I needed to count as well but it turns out I don't. it was just an unrealistic fear I had that I would automatically gain all the weight back if i stopped counting. i cant' imagine a life where i have to worry about calories 24 hours a day. it would cause me too much stress. the method i have works really well for me and counting calories felt like a prison where i'd beat myself up if i went over which would lead to more overeating. it's just better for me not to! i totally respect if someone feels like they truly need to but once i felt the freedom of not counting and saw that i truly didnt' gain any weight back if i stuck to moderation, things have been great. the problem is moderation is very hard to do unless you are following some kind of system such as a certain size plate, certain amount is vegetables or a salad, etc. there can be a science to not counting and learning portion size too.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    In the past, I successfully maintained without logging; but then, I had lost without logging too. So this time (with additional loss), since I logged to lose, I plan to log for awhile--while I figure out what maintenance is for me calorie-wise, and then get used to what that feels like. I'm also working with a trainer on heavy lifting, and he has pretty specific recommendations for me. So I'm logging to help follow those as well as possible at least until I go in for another DEXA scan and physical.

    Not logging can totally work--I would just recommend regular weigh-ins. For me, that's every day. I find that it keeps me mindful.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I actually quite like the method of one (or possibly 2 depending on training volume) long fasts a week. 1 big meal for the day. Usually sees me around 1500-2000 cals for the day. That is normally enough of a deficit for me to then not have to track other days.
  • Brooke4206
    Brooke4206 Posts: 140 Member
    I had to quit counting due to me becoming too obsessive. I am at my goal weight and am just maintaing now. I typically just round in my head. I know i eat about a 500 calorie breakfast each day and go from there. I still weigh/measure things and put it in as quick calories in my diary for each meal.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I've been maintaining for 10 months with only doing the occasional log to spot check...and really, it's more to spot check my macros than calories.

    If you've taken the time to teach yourself how to eat again and have taught yourself portion control and moderation, it's pretty easy to maintain without logging's when you cease to be mindful of your intake and stop exercising that is an issue for most.

    Pro tips...

    - make nutrition an intrinsic part of your life. your maintenance diet should consist primarily of a lot of nutrient dense foods. also be mentally cognizant of your won't be bang on, but you should be able to guestimate a reasonably good tally of your daily intake in your head.

    - make fitness an intrinsic part of your life. many people fail to sustain a healthy fitness regimen because they so closely associate exercise with weight loss. it's actually much more important to your maintenance goals in my experience.

    - weigh in regularly and be mindful of how your clothes are fitting. if things start to tighten up on you and you are showing a general trend up on the scale, it is time to go back and analyze your diet. nipping it in the bud is a lot easier than having to go back on a full on diet/cut.

    - be mindful of your junk food and "empty" calories. you have more latitude in maintenance for these things which is great...but it's easy to start letting that stuff creep into your diet in larger and larger quantities over time.

    ^^ This

    I eat pretty plain at work during the week, and over the course of losing the weight I changed the way the rest of the family eats too - so it comes a little more naturally now.

    I keep an eye on the scale, but basically, if my clothes start to get a little tight, it's time to just step back and look at what/how much I'm eating.

    Exercise is non-negotiable. It gets done without fail unless its a scheduled rest day or week.

    I know roughly in my head what serving sizes are and how much protein is likely to be in something. That's all I really need to know. I don't have added sugar or too much dairy anyway (insulin issues & diabetic family history and lactose intolerant), so sometimes it really is all too simple to say 'No' to things that will literally make me sick if I eat them. Makes life a little simpler.
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    I've lost all my weight without counting calories and maintained eating very little but then I came across myfitnesspal and now I'm maintaining my weight and being able to eat more. I'm afraid that if I were to stop counting I may end up going back to eating very little... I have to learn to maintain my weight without counting calories soon! Because my family is REALLY judging me and unsupportive of me weighing my food and counting calories even though I'm eating more now then before counting calories. They think that it's unhealthy for me to count and weigh my food. I don't see why though since I am eating more than before... So I'm here to learn from the successful stories of you guys who are able to maintain without counting calories! Do you guys go back to eating very little after not counting? Before I started counting I restricted myself and deprive myself from lots of food...
  • eat_run_play
    eat_run_play Posts: 30 Member
    seems like there is a club of us who feel that it starts to become too much, too obsessive, whatever it is for us personally that it doesn't work. If someone wants to count i have no problem with it. i just dont' like the judgment that we can't use fitness pal in the way we want to get support without counting. different things work for different people. i know you can lose weight by counting calories. but for me i also lost enjoyment of eating. and that's not something i'm ok with.