Other pregnant women??

Hi ladies....and gentlemen, if you are reading this haha. I am looking for other pregnant women that I can communicate with on this site. I am due July 13th with my first, and unfortunately I have gained way too much weight already. I used to live on this site, and I lost over 70 pounds, but I feel like I have slipped back in to old habits. Tomorrow I am starting over, with a focus on logging my food and exercise again. I am hoping this will make me much more accountable, and help me get my weight under control again.


  • mell4now
    mell4now Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Summer,

    Im also expecting and looking for a pregnant pal. Im due 9/2 and am having the opposite problem. Im having a difficult time eating due to moderate nausea, but have a feeling that things are going to change very soon!! Oh and Congratulations!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi! I'm 34+2 now, so not long to go!

    I lost nearly 70lbs after my 2nd baby, so I know how you feel. I haven't actually weighed myself since 12.5 weeks as I didn't want to become too obsessed, but I've been exercising and logging throughout.

    I figure anything I've gained will come off quicker this time as I've been so active, and then with 3 children to run round after, the weight won't have a chance to stay on!
  • Hi ladies! I had gastric bypass 9years ago and almost got to goal weight when I found I was pregnant!! Then the big shocker was when I found out I was expecting twins!!! During my entire pregnancy I lost weight! I lost a total of 32 pounds!!! But I was soooooo sick! My dr.put me on a strict high protein diet!! I carried the boys to term!! They weighed 5lbs.6ozs. And 5lbs.8ozs. We all three were fine!!! After they were born I gained about 20 lbs. Now, in 2010 I was going through some marriage issues and I lost 40lbs.quick!!! I lived on mt.dew and chocolate chip cookies!! That's it!!! Nothing else!!! And sometimes didn't eat them!!! thankfully my husband and I worked things out and over the past 3 years I have gained 40 lbs.!!! I joined this site tonight in hopes of having some help and support so I can get back on track and loose those 40 lbs.!!!! I hope this helps!!!! Christy
  • Hi ladies, I've been monitoring my weight for only two weeks, I found out I was pregnant last week. I've been limiting myself to 1200 calories and aim to burn about 400cal a day, its been working nicely for me so far as I've lost 6-7 kg - I feel great and don't feel like I'm over doing it though so I think it can't be doing either of us any harm. I have about 30kg to lose all up but I'd just be happy to perhaps knock a bit more off in these early days then just maintain my weight. I was using another site but mentioned I was pregnant on their forum and they booted me out so I'm pleased to be able to connect with other women in the same situation here :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Welcome back! I am due June 15th.
    Try to eat healthy, keep active and take care of you. - And, try to not stress too much. Remember you are supposed to gain some weight.
  • dalekhunter
    dalekhunter Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 7 weeks pregnant right now. Due in October. I am feeling so terrible about myself at the moment. I've been working out nearly everyday for the last 7 months but we've been living in a hotel since Feb 27 because of my husband's PCS. Then we drove across country for 6 days and now have been living in a hotel again for a week, and one week to go. I am constantly dizzy but I have been able to workout twice. I know I should give myself a break because the first trimester is the worst for fatigue and nausea but I feel like I'm throwing away all my hard work. Also not being able to cook my own meals and having to eat at a restaurant is so terrible, I don't even want to know what kind of calories I'm eating.
  • Maija1985
    Maija1985 Posts: 11 Member
    Im 9 wks tomorrow and after a long while not logging anything here think its time to start again- as dont want to have a huge amount of weight to lose after the birth. Have put some weight on before getting pregnant while not logging, so need to get myself back on track.
    Have set it as no weight loss. been checking up on recommended calories and it says extra 100 kcal in first trimester and 200-300 extra in second and third. will try to stick to that. Dont want to lose any weight now, just not to gain more than necessary.
  • I'm due July 25th, so I"m 21 weeks. I started at 200, and I'm 11 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost almost 10 due to morning sickness. As soon as I got on some good pills to control that, I gained it back, and then some!

    With my first pregnancy, I started at 155, and gained almost 70 pounds, mostly during the 3rd trimester. I had morning sickness, then, too, as well as going to school on a campus built on a hill. I graduated at about 6 months, and then the weight started packing on. I never lost 45 of that weight.

    I have zero control and a carb addiction, especially when pregnant. I've set my goal to gain 0.5 per weeks, which, if I can stick to that, will put me as a net gain of about 20 lbs, which is a good amount.
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    I am 23 weeks pregnant today (due date is 14 July). I have gained 17.4 pounds so far. I put on most of the weight during the first trimester when I had ravenous carb cravings for some reason. One thing I found really helpful was printing out the recommended weight gain chart associated with my pre-pregnancy BMI (found at nal.usda.gov/wicworks/Sharing_Center/NY/prenatalwt_charts.pdf). I log my weight on the chart every couple of weeks to make sure I'm on glide path or adjusting to get to glide path for a 35 pound weight gain.

    Keep in mind the first 20 pounds will come off pretty much on their own the first month after delivery - everything above that will generally require a little work (which equals time away from baby to exercise - major con to excessive weight gain). The last thing you want as a new parent is the additional pressure of having to lose weight. (Un)fortunately, I am in the military and getting back to pre-pregnancy weight is a MUST to get back into uniforms. For me this has been an incentive to pay attention to what I eat and I only consume about an extra 3500 calories a week to stay on target.

    Find your incentive and it will keep you focused. Good luck!
  • kirssienbre
    kirssienbre Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm pregnant as well due Aug. 28th. I talked to my doctor about being concerned with gaining more weight with this pregnancy. I was 254 to start. She set me up with a nutritionist who said I would be safe at an 1800 calorie a day intake and light exercise. This is not my first rodeo for weight lose. Before I got pregnant I was doing medical weight lose clinic and I lost 20 lbs with them, however my husband said it was to expensive to continue so I stopped. That being said The 20 lbs I lost with them I put back on and then got pregnant. I am so not happy with my weight as I am 265 now. I found this website in Jan. but honestly have not been able to stick to a routine.
  • Hi,
    I am currently 31 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. I have been put on limited bedrest due to hypertension. In my 1st pregnancy I lost 35 lbs, then another 15 lbs after delivery. And no... it was NOT intentional. I had a very hard pregnancy and couldn't keep anything down. This time around I have lost about 10 lbs and not really sure why. My concern is I have not been exercising during this pregnancy and now I'm really worried about delivery. I would like to have a natural delivery but worried I am too out of shape. My dr says I can due light exercise but only about 20 minutes a day.

    Any advise?

    Thank you.
  • svanzile
    svanzile Posts: 34 Member
    Hi ladies! Congratulations on your pregnancies :) I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow (due June 1!) and started at 255 lbs.... not so proud of that! I was working hard and losing weight like crazy last summer and then bam- pregnant with terrible food aversions! I managed to not gain at all for the first 18-20 weeks and then around 20-21, the scale started bumping up 3-4 lbs every 2 weeks pushing me up to 270 pretty quickly. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes about a week and a half ago and have dropped to 266 just following that diet and logging everything. Anyone can feel free to add me, I'll take all of the support I can get both during and post-pregnancy :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy :flowerforyou:

    I'm 31 weeks 5 days (due May 20th) with my second child. After my son was born (Dec 23, 2011), I made getting healthy a main priority in my life (so did my husband). I started activitly using MFP on March 13, 2013.

    My first pregnancy was, well, horrible. I was sick, really sick. My pre-pregnancy weight was 200lbs. In the first trimester, I was put on thyroid medicine for an underactive thyroid. In the second trimester I was diagnosed as borderline GD. My blood pressure was higher than normal (not high enough for meds, but high enough for concern) up until 30wks. At 30wks my blood pressure started getting close to the point to need medication, so I was put on bed rest. At 32wks, my blood pressure was even higher and they put me on medication. At this point it was decided that I had to do a 24hr urnine catch and come in weekly for ultrasounds. At 33wks, it was determined that I had Preeclampsia and the Ob started talk about inducing at 36wks. I was sent home but told to come back if I had a headache or extreme swelling. At 34wks I had a headache that just wouldn't go away, so I went to the ER. I was admitted to L&D that night and was monitored for 2 days. After reviewing the information the monitors had collected, I was transfered to another hospital to be induced. At 34 wks 5 days, I was rushed for an emergency c-section. In those 34wks I had put on 60lbs. As soon as I was cleared for working out, I went straight to work on losing weight and getting healthy.

    Progress posts from last year:

    ***Typo on image in bottom right corner. Should say 30wks not 31wks.
    Now this pregnancy is completely different and in an amazing way. As you can see from the pictures, I started much lighter. This pregnancy was completely unplanned and in the Sept. picture, I wasn't aware that I was pregnant. I'm not on thyroid medication. My thyroid levels are completely normal. I don't have GD. I passed the 1hr test this time. So far my blood pressure is fine (120/76 at last appointment). My Ob (same one I saw with my first) doesn't think I'm going to develope Preeclampsia this time around. I lost weight during the first trimester and have since gained it back plus some. The weight gain doesn't bother me though. I figure worst case I'm going to end this pregnancy at 200lbs, which all things considering isn't that bad. I've been given the "OK" to try for a vbac which will hopefully mean less recovery time.

    As of right now, I'm tracking 50% of the time. I'm not to worried about tracking right now. Although I do occasionally to make sure I'm not overeating by tons. I was told by my Ob and a dietician during my first pregnancy that pregnant women only need an extra 200-500 calories a day during the second and thrid trimesters. Keeping that in mind, I occasionally log to make sure I'm not eating thousands over my maintence calories.
    I'm trying to stay active and now that it's getting warmer out, it is getting easier. I went on a 5 mile walk the other day with my son & husband. Although after the first mile and a half, I started needing to take breaks and sit down for a few seconds every half mile. I wasn't out of breath, but was getting some pain in my hip joints and slight pressure. Every so often I get out my Rockin' Body dvd and do one of the workouts on the disk (following the modified dancer). I honestly can't wait until I can hit everything full force again. I wasn't close to my goal when I got pregnant, but pregnancy isn't going to make me change my desire to get there.

    Goodluck in your pregnancy and with your post-pregnancy goals :flowerforyou:
  • nagazim
    nagazim Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant with #3. My first 2 pregnancies were nightmares and this time around it's being very boring and I'm totally ok with that. I haven't stuck to my healthy eating habits like I planned to, but I'm not gaining weight like I did with both of my others. I was actually on my way to losing all my baby weight and had just hit the 50 lbs lost mark when I found out I was pregnant with this one =] Hopefully I can get my head in the game and end this pregnancy not far from where I began. Good luck everyone!
  • I know that when nursing you can enter it into your food log, and it gives you extra calories to make up for the ones you burn. Is there something like that for when you're pregnant? I'm not sure exactly how many calories and what not I should be taking in right now or how to set my goals in the tracker. Do I set it to gain or maintain? Any help is appreciated!
  • svanzile
    svanzile Posts: 34 Member
    I had no idea it existed for nursing even, but if you search pregnancy under add food you can add a deficit by trimester! I have my goals set to maintain and I'm still losing but baby is doing fine and growing fast!
  • Nicole_M4
    Nicole_M4 Posts: 507 Member
    hey ladies. im 13 weeks pregnant and have 100+ pounds to lose,, would like to find some friends with the same weight lose goal that are in the "pregnant" situation as well lol... feel free to add me
    and congrats to all the mommies to be!!
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    I'm 16 weeks, trying not to gain too much of my loss back, and looking for friends too, please add me.