I need some friends to keep me accountable please!

HI! I am 36 years old and a single mom of 5. I currently weigh 141 and I am 5 '4 I am getting married in June and I have to drop at least 10 lbs by then for my dress to fit... not kidding. Dress already bought and I bought it a little too small... oh crud. So for some reason that alone isn't keeping me from eating that chocolate or grabbing a bag of licorice and eating the whole thing! UGH. So if someone wants to nicely.. keep me on track and I will help them too I figure it's a double bonus! Also I need to know that you are looking at my log of food and see if I need to make some changes or something? So far I have been doing really good for about 3 days(I think it's good, maybe not? Suggestions) but I hear that vending machine calling my name at work! So add me as a friend!


  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    Hey there!
    I took a quick look at your diary and it seems to me you're doing fine.
    I would maybe change your macros a bit to have a higher goal for proteins and a lower one for carbs - I know it helps me feeling fuller for longer and it avoids having crazy carbs/junk food cravings.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like and I'll keep an eye on your diary ;)
  • Cooper_8
    Cooper_8 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there :) I, too, am looking for accountability! I'm trying to stay on a low-glycemic plan as much as possible, which is really hard when you're making dinner for 2 and the other half of the meal isn't on your diet plan haha.

    Based on your diary, I'd follow gloriaeffe's suggestion and raise your protein and lower your carb goals. Also, try not to bring any spare change or loose dollars to work, or maybe leave your wallet locked in the car, to avoid vending machine temptation. :)

    I friend requested you :)