Can't keep pork down?

I've mentioned to a doctor about this issue, it isn't anything serious. Pretty much an easy fix for me = don't eat pork.

Does anybody else have problems with eating pork? Every time I eat it, I will throw it up later. Any other food is perfectly fine for me, never had a problem. It's really weird, but I don't really "test" myself anymore and see if I can keep it down. I just avoid it.

Just curious. It really sucks, because I LOVE the smell of pork. I just can't eat it. Last time I ate any was over a year and a half ago. Thanks a lot, you malfunctioning digestive system.


  • BigBadVanna
    BigBadVanna Posts: 65 Member
    About five years ago I started to have an overwhelming urge to spit it out. I like the taste of pork, so not sure what the problem was. It wouldn't matter if it was a pork chop or bacon or ham, if I tried to eat it, I'd spit it out. I refuse to waste food, so now I avoid it altogether. I'd never had such a strong and sudden aversion before, haven't since.