
Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. I joined Sunday night. I'm 26 and a single mother of a 2 year old. I'm ready to get healthy and lose some weight. I weigh about 205 now and I'm only 5'1. I did the HCG drop diet a few months ago and lost 20 lbs but already gained back 7 because I have horrible eating habits. I'm really trying to get off 25lbs before March because I am going to Ireland for my dream trip and I want to be thinner. I'm hoping to get down to 130 eventually. I'm doing dieting with the 30 day Shred, yoga, and some dance exercise videos. Just wanted to say hi :)


  • mariasheehan

    I'm from Ireland!!!!! I'm so glad it's going to be your dream trip, that makes me sooo happy!!!! my husband is from the U.S and we live in the States now, just moved a year ago. If you need any info please let me know I'd be delighted to help :-)

    Welcome to MFP, I'm a mom too and trying to shed the baby and the 'I can't control myself around food' weight !!

    This site is so cool, if you stick to the message boards you'll learn lots and lots and make lots of friends.

    Regards Maria
  • faithisfabulous

    I did the HCG diet too like two months ago and gained it ALL back, plus more. What I like about MFP is you dont have to starve yourself with 500 calories and you can still lose weight. It may be a slower pace but you gain healthier eating habits to last a lifetime......Im on here like 3 times a day so if you can add me as a friend if you like.
  • Gradeafancy
    Gradeafancy Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the replies!

    Yea, I'm liking the not starving myself and eating nothing but chicken and veggies part of this site :) I do feel like the HCG diet did make me more motivated to lose it the right way after seeing the scale move down. It's like I needed that for a kick in the rear!

    What part of Ireland are you from? I'm going to be travelling all over around St. Patty's day and I'm extremely excited.

    Oh and I'm not sure how to add friends, but give me some time to figure this site out and I would love to add you :)